Chapter 204 - Chapter 204: Chapter 120 Shao Yong l

Chapter 204: Chapter 120 Shao Yong l

Translator: 549690339 I


Han Rui gasped for breath, using Rush while carrying someone was a completely different concept from using it alone.

Especially since Wang Tao was bulky and had a lot of equipment on him. This was a significant energy drain for Han Rui. The energy she consumed was much more than usual.

Thankfully, the effect of Rush was almost fully realized, and the two of them successfully broke out of the zombie encirclement.

But their current position was not good, as it was the opposite direction from where their car was parked.

The car was definitely something they couldn’t afford to lose. After all, the cars outside had been corroded by the corrosive acid rain and rusted, rendering them unusable. Cars were now of great value, especially since theirs was an electric car.

After scanning the surrounding buildings, Wang Tao immediately pointed to the tallest six-story building and said,

“Let’s go up there and lay low for a while!”


The first and second floors of the building housed a large restaurant, while the third floor and above were apartment homes.

There were no Elite Zombies in the restaurant, only Ordinary Zombies which Wang Tao and Han Rui quickly dealt with.

The two of them ran up to the sixth floor and arbitrarily chose an apartment room with no zombies to enter.


After closing the door, Han Rui finally relaxed.

“That was terrifying! The hospital is too dangerous!”

Recalling what she had just seen, Han Rui still felt her heart pound with residual fear.

She had not expected so many zombies to be inside the hospital. What she had even less anticipated was that the outpatient building upstairs would be hiding countless Mad Demon Zombies!

Fortunately, Wang Tao hadn’t gone up, or otherwise, he might have been doomed…

Wang Tao felt somewhat helpless.

He had hoped there would be zombies in the hospital, but not so many. And to top it off, so damn many Mad Demon Zombies… Killing Mad Demon Zombies only resulted in some Ordinary materials dropping and had no other benefits. So whether he could defeat the Mad Demon Zombies or not, Wang Tao didn’t want to provoke them.

Since the hospital was temporarily out of the question, Wang Tao didn’t want to just leave either, especially since his car was still outside. He decided to wait a bit longer.

Gunshots occasionally rang out from the hospital, continuously attracting the Mad Demon Zombies outside.

The number of Mad Demon Zombies outside was not that large, at least within what Wang Tao could handle, but he still waited patiently.

Finally, the gunshots from the hospital ceased.

Without this significant noise, the Mad Demon Zombies gradually left.

But from his position, Wang Tao couldn’t see the situation inside the hospital and wasn’t sure if Shao Yong was dead or alive.

However, he could see the car Shao Yong had parked outside before. If Shao Yong were still alive, he would probably come over…

About an hour later, just when Wang Tao thought Shao Yong might be dead, he saw a tall figure covered in blood, sneaking near Shao Yong’s pickup truck.

Wang Tao quickly elbowed Han Rui, and under their watchful eyes, the bulky man swiftly got into the pickup truck, then came out cursing and swearing. He checked several other cars, but none of them started…

“That’s definitely Shao Yong!”

Even though the man was covered in blood, Wang Tao recognized him by other physical features, as Wei Zhenguo and Gao Hua had described Shao Yong’s appearance to Wang Tao before.

But when Wang Tao saw Shao Yong’s Attributes, he was shocked.

Shao Yong had no Hidden Attributes, but his HP was [754/4.030]!

Over four thousand HP, even more than Wang Tao!

This was the first time Wang Tao had ever seen a survivor with more HP than himself.

Just this HP alone naturally wouldn’t shock Wang Tao. If someone was lucky, diligent, and strong, it was normal for them to have more HP than he did.

What shocked Wang Tao were two other Attributes.

One was Mana, with Shao Yong having [120/4000]!

A full 4000 Mana! Wang Tao only had 1400!

Going by the calculation that merging A Crystal Core could yield 100 Mana, Shao Yong had merged 40 Crystal Cores!

While Wang Tao had only merged 14 cores… Although the Crystal Cores Wang Tao had merged were all Synthetic, if he didn’t synthesize them, that would have been 28 cores. But if he used those 28 cores for merging, the result wouldn’t be 2800 HP, since not all merges could succeed, given that every Crystal Core had a different success rate.

This meant that the number of Crystal Cores Shao Yong had merged was far more than 40! It’s just that 40 of them were successfully merged, and the rest failed.

Unless Shao Yong had merged exclusively Orange Crystal Cores, which obviously was impossible…

The other Attribute that shocked Wang Tao was Shao Yong’s Internal Impurity.

[Internal Impurity: 70%]

This was definitely the person with the highest Internal Impurity Wang Tao had ever seen!

The previous maximum Wang Tao had come across was with Blondy Wu Fei, who had been infected with the zombie virus but couldn’t find an Inhibitor, with an Internal Impurity of 28%.

Shao Yong’s was more than double that!

Wang Tao wondered if Shao Yong was also infected with the zombie virus.

But with his abilities, he should definitely be able to get Inhibitors… That left one other possibility—he had merged too many Crystal Cores!

Merging Crystal Cores, whether successful or not, always increased Internal Impurity. However, Wang Tao wasn’t clear on exactly how much Impurity each Crystal Core would add. But judging from Shao Yong’s 4000 Mana, he had merged at least dozens, possibly even more, Zombie Cores.

Of course, both possibilities might be true—he could be both infected with the zombie virus and have merged too many Crystal Cores!

Wang Tao had initially envied Shao Yong for his abundant HP and Mana, but now he only felt sadness for him. Based on the rate his Impurity was accumulating, it probably wouldn’t be long before he turned into a zombie….