Chapter 216 - Chapter 216: Chapter 124 Internal Impurity Algorithm^

Chapter 216: Chapter 124 Internal Impurity Algorithm^

Translator: 549690339

Wang Tao discovered that if he calculated the impurity accumulation at 0.5% per Fusion Crystal Core, and if he kept only whole numbers, then these data probably added up.

Wang Tao had seen them fuse a Crystal Core before, at which time the display showed 0% internal Impurity… In reality, it might have been 0.5%, but the figure was rounded down, and without rounding up, it displayed 0%.

So it made sense that after Xiang Hongbin had fused 12 Crystal Cores, his Internal Impurity was 6%.

Wei Zhenguo had fused seven, and his Internal Impurity was 3%, actually 3.5%! Maybe if he fused another, it would turn into 4%.

Other people followed suit, and it all matched up. Therefore, Wang Tao came to a conclusion-in theory, the upper limit of Crystal Cores a person could fuse was no more than 200.

Because if a Crystal Core produced 0.5% impurity in the body, then 200 would amount to 100% impurity, which would definitely lead to zombie


199 was 99% impurity, and, though the odds of turning into a zombie were infinitesimally close, theoretically there was still a chance of not turning.

Based on 200 Crystal Cores, this number seemed both big and small.

It was said to be large because by Wang Tao’s current ability to fuse four different types of Crystal Cores, he could at most fuse 40, which was far from


It was considered small because, aside from the Orange Crystal Cores Wang Tao fused with a 100% success rate, the Crystal Cores other people fused had a failure rate. And failure also led to impurity accumulation!

If someone was to fuse with White Crystal Cores that had only a 20% success rate it would take on average five attempts to succeed just once, meaning t ey wouldneed to use 200 Crystal Cores to successfully fuse 40! If luckwas worse,

200 might not even suffice…

So, the viable number of Crystal Cores for fusion wasn’t that high. However, Wang Tao suddenly thought of a problem-since there were Level 1 Crystal Cores, there should also be Level Two, Level 3, and so on. If even Level Crystal Cores accumulated so much Internal Impurity, how would one fuse with higher-level ones?

Could it be necessary to fuse fewer Level 1 Cores and more from Level Two? But obviously, that wouldn’t work-if you didn’t increase your strength at Leve 1, you wouldn’t survive to reach Level Two…

Wang Tao was puzzled.

But his strength wasn’t sufficient yet, so thinking too much was of no use. He decided to focus on the present.

“I suspect that fusing a Crystal Core probably accumulates about 0.5% Internal Impurity… so we can’t fuse with more than 200 Crystal Cores…”

Wang Tao shared his speculation with them.

“0.5%… 200 Cores…”

Their expressions didn’t look too good.

Although they felt they probably wouldn’t be able to fuse with that many Crystal Cores, having such a limit made them uncomfortable.

“I personally think that we need to set a caution limit. For example, how many Crystal Cores we fuse, or when our Internal Impurity reaches a certain leve … Otherwise, if we keep fusing without limit, we may truly end up in trouble.

Ren Jie spoke out with some concern.

Fusing Crystal Cores did increase strength, but the cost was significant, and it seemed irreversible…

They discussed it for a while with furrowed brows, and consensus was reached that 50% internal Impurity, which equaled fusing 100 Crystal Cores, was a cautionary point. They agreed to try to keep the Internal Impurity under 50 /».- However, easier said than done. In an apocalyptic world, without strength, survival was impossible, and increasing strength required fusing more Crystal Cores… This was an unavoidable reality.

Watching the others’ worried expressions, Wang Tao clapped his hands, drawing their attention.

“Everyone, don’t be disheartened. I have another piece of news to tell you all!”

“Hmm? Is it good news?”

Xiang Hongbin’s eyes brightened.

“No, perhaps it’s even worse news.”


Could there be news worse than Internal Impurity?

“Yesterday, I found a Gorilla Zombie in the hospital-the same one we saw at the old mall. It’s become stronger! But that’s not the main point, the mam thing is, it has actually gone to the hospital!”

“What? It went to the hospital?”

Wei Zhenguo’s complexion changed.

He immediately grasped the implication in Wang Tao’s words-the distance between the old mall and the hospital was much farther than from the base. In other words, if the Gorilla Zombie could make it to the hospital, it could possibly reach the base!

After pondering for a moment, everyone quickly grasped the crux of the situation.

Feng Ming’an looked confused.

“Wasn’t this Gorilla-like zombie a Zombie Lord? It should only be active within its own territory, so how could it go to the hospital?

-is it possible that it expanded its territory and now considers the hospital part of it…”

Lu Gang spoke up quietly.

The group was momentarily stunned, then Xiang Hongbin exploded with a curse.

“Damn! If it’s included the hospital in its territory, could it be thinking of including our base too?”

Liu He then said:

-If it considers our base part of its territory, would we be able to stop it?” He wasn’t a combatant and didn’t have a direct sense of the base members’ Combat Power.

“It’s hard to say…”

They all shook their heads.

To be fair, Shuize Base’s strength was substantial, mainly because they had quite a few guns.

If they were to rely on firepower, it was really hard to predict who would win or lose.

But the problem was, if so many guns were used, it would attract an unimaginable number of zombies’.