Chapter 842: Refining the Chaos Realm!

Being crushed again!

Jiutian Zhigao's mood is extremely complicated.

Yuan Guxing, has 30 votes!

In other words, in addition to all the seven supreme forces returning the vote, two of the 18 top forces he had worked so hard to win over also ran out of votes!

Normally he should have 26 votes, but now he has only half!

In addition to running votes, there are also a large number of abstentions!

It’s too much!

So, why is he working so **** this play?

Are you bringing shame on yourself?

The worst thing is that he doesn’t even know how he lost.

"Yuangu Star..." Jiutian Zhigao looked at the people of Yuangu Star in the distance with mixed feelings.

Happiness belongs to others, sadness belongs to him.

"I will not give up."

Jiutian Zhigao has a stubborn energy in him.

Being able to become the supreme is also because of this energy.

In his lifetime, he must bring the Jiutian Group back to the top of the list of forces!

Recast the glory of the past!

Wang Ye stood aside.

Looking at the smiling faces of the Yuan Gu Star people, they felt happy.

As a result, he had expected it early on.

I just didn’t expect Jiutian Supreme to lose so miserably.

“In the final analysis, there is no way to escape the word profit.” Wang Ye thought to himself.

The supreme forces unite for profit.

The top forces follow the trend, which is also for their own benefit.

Of course, so is he.

If everything goes well, he who has promoted this alliance of supreme powers will gain a lot.

This does not conflict with the gang Yuan Gu Star and the human race.

Earn small profits on the premise of fulfilling great righteousness.

The best of both worlds!

“Wang Ye!” A familiar charming voice came from the distance.

Wang Ye looked around, smiled and waved to Nine-Tailed Beilei, who was walking towards him.

The two of them have been chatting about everything online.

“Are you going back?” Wang Ye held her hand naturally.

"That's right." Jiuwei Beilei didn't break free, but showed a sweet smile: "When are you coming to me?"


So proactive?

Wang Ye looked at Jiuwei Beilei, who also looked at her with a smile, but like a little fox wagging its tail.

“Okay, let me tell you the truth, the teacher asked me to invite you.” Nine-tailed Beilei said with a smile.

“Is it an invitation or a temptation?” Wang Ye is also an understanding person.

Jiuwei Beilei blinked: "Do you still need temptation?"

"Of course, I am a gentleman." Wang Ye said seriously: "I am a real man who can withstand temptation! If you don't believe me, you can try it!"

Jiuwei Beilei pretended to be pitiful: "But I'm really afraid that you are really pretending."

“No!” Wang Ye said righteously.

I do everything for real!

"Believe me... Then you have to pity me." Jiuwei Beilei snuggled into Wang Ye's arms weakly, then jumped out with a smile: "I made an appointment! Complete the task, I'm leaving. !”

As he said that, he ran away in a flash.

The warm fragrance of warm jade remains in his arms, and the fragrant wind blows his nose, and Wang Ye sighs softly.

This seductive little fox.

“The Heaven-Slaying Emperor is really powerful, and he’s starting to attack me now.” Wang Ye looked towards the side of the infinite killing world.

Aware of his own gaze, the cold eyes of the Heaven-Slaying Emperor looked at him.

Unexpectedly, he nodded to himself.

Wang Ye also smiled.

Invite yourself?


But one nine-tailed bud alone is not enough.

After all, she was originally her own person.

“At least, you have to show some sincerity.” Wang Ye was already planning how to rip off the infinite killing world.

But first, gather up the wool that you can see in front of you!

I’m talking about you, Emperor Xian!

Still want to run!

Wang Ye followed the Emperor Xian, not leaving even an inch.

No matter who he was talking to, he stood aside and waited.

There's no way he can just walk away again, right?

The Emperor said goodbye to Dean Tong.

Sighed helplessly.

Those who are supposed to come can’t escape.

It’s okay now, I’m completely targeted.

I think of him as a human leader with high moral character and high respect, but he was signed to a supreme contract by a junior...

It’s really a bit shameful.

However, Wang Ye did make a great contribution to mankind.


“Let’s go to a quiet place.” said the wise emperor.

“Okay.” Wang Ye smiled.

Come out of Burning Sky Flame Palace.

Wang Ye is in high spirits!

There’s another amulet!

The Emperor’s supreme contract is actually stronger than the teacher’s.

Very comprehensive. Although he has no particular strengths and does not match his best melee strength, for now...

I have no other choice.

“It would be great if we could get the Supreme Contract of the Heaven-Slaying Emperor.” Wang Ye thought to himself.

I guess he could have beaten the blood sacrifice king who was seriously injured at that time.

However, the Heaven-Slaying Emperor is not so easy to get along with...

“Little friend, we’ll see you in the temple.” The wise emperor stroked his beard and left with a gentle smile.

Although there is a slight price drop when signing the Supreme Contract, fortunately no one else knows about it.

“Okay, senior.” Wang Ye said goodbye.

Watching the wise emperor leave, the powerful people from all sides also left.

There are many people who travel to the Tibetan Holy Realm to admire this huge world of chaos, the thirteenth of mankind. Led by Xuan Tianzun and Fen Tianzun, Bailuo Tianzun, Rongxue Tianzun, Wei Tianzun, Phoenix Lord and Wang Ye gathered.

The opening ceremony is over.

But they still have one last step to take!

Refining their respective ordinary chaotic domains!

"Except for the Phoenix Lord and Wang Ye, everyone has refined it once before." Xuan Tianzun said: "Basically there is not much difference. The only thing to note is that the refining time will take longer than the Yuangu Star Time. "

The three Heavenly Lords nodded.

After all, it is directly under the ordinary chaos domain, so the refining difficulty will be higher.

"Junior brother, Phoenix, you don't have to worry." Xuan Tianzun said: "With me and Fentian here, the refining will not fail. If the pressure is too high in the first attempt, you can give up temporarily, don't be in a hurry."

"Understood." The Phoenix Lord's eyes sparkled.

“Okay.” Wang Ye nodded.

Failure is impossible to fail.

Because Fen Tianzun can directly control it to avoid the backlash of failure.

But if the refining fails...

It's still a little embarrassing.

Five people, go to the five ordinary chaotic realms separately.

Wang Ye was followed by the Fourth Senior Sister and the Junior Sister.

Especially Qi Qiqi, her eyes were filled with envy.

She is practicing in Zhenbao Temple!

But it’s not wrong for the second senior sister to make such a distinction.

After all, her junior brother far surpasses her in terms of strength, ability and contribution to Yuan Gu Star.

Anyway, what belongs to junior brother, isn’t it hers?

After her junior brother refines it, she can continue to practice in Zhenbao Temple in a dignified manner.

It’s no different.

Thinking of this, Qi Qiqi smiled happily again.

Then, she saw many young guys among the Jedi at Zhenbao Temple.

? ? ?

Where did this come from?

Junior brother, this is quite efficient!

So many disciples with such mediocre qualifications were recruited so quickly?

Sure enough, no one is perfect.

Qi Qiqi sighed.

Junior brother is great at everything, but his vision for recruiting disciples is not good enough.

“Senior sister, please help me point these little guys out when you have time.” Wang Ye said with a smile.

“Huh?” Qi Qiqi was stunned.

"I'll do it, I'll do it!" Ning Moli said excitedly.

She’d better be a teacher!

But he has just broken through eternity, and he is far from having the power to recruit disciples.

“Okay.” Wang Ye didn’t get what he asked for.

In terms of strength, the Fourth Senior Sister is definitely stronger.

But in terms of guidance and patience, a junior sister may be more suitable.

Anyway, for these little guys who are not even at the black hole level, it doesn't make much difference whether they are taught by the Lord of High Dimensions or the Eternal Powerful One.

Start refining!

Among the five ordinary chaotic realms of the Hidden Saint Realm, the Zhenbao Temple Jedi has the best location and is the closest to the core!

The energy of chaos lingers.

Wang Ye was immersed in consciousness.

This is his first time refining the ordinary chaotic realm.

The difficulty is naturally not small.

However, compared to the ordinary chaotic realm independent of the high-dimensional universe, refining is much easier and there is no danger.

After all, there is Burning Heaven Lord who controls the Tibetan Holy Realm and suppresses it with the highest will.

As long as your will is stronger than the high-dimensional will of the Chaos Realm, you can refine it!

The energy consumed is nothing more than star core energy.

But he has the perfect star yunda!

“Boom!” Wang Ye and the Jedi of Zhenbao Temple faced off head-on.

Ordinary Chaos Realm is an eternal treasure.

corresponds to the Tianzun level.

Compared with ordinary eternal treasures, ordinary chaos domain energy is greater, and the power of the same level is stronger!

Zhenbao Temple is a medium-sized eternal treasure.

It is at the same level as the Hidden Sword Tomb refined by Bai Luo Tianzun.

The other three ordinary chaotic realms are just elementary eternal treasures.

The difference is that the Hidden Sword Tomb is a sword-type treasure.

Zhenbao Temple Jedi is a palace-like treasure.

So, the energy stored will be more and the refining consumption will be more.

It’s not a big problem.

“Fortunately, it’s just a medium-sized eternal treasure.” Wang Ye’s will just surpassed the will of the Chaos Realm.

If it is a high-level eternal treasure, he may fail to refine it.

But this kind of thing is generally found in larger and huge chaotic realms.

Such as New Territory, Yuan Lai City, Heart Demon Realm, etc.

The steady stream of star core energy blasts towards the will of the Chaos Realm through the Perfect Realm Star Yun.

For other Heavenly Lords, refining a territory may cause serious damage to their vitality, but for him it is just a routine matter.

It’s just…

“There is not much energy left in the star.” Wang Ye lamented.

This stuff is easy to consume but difficult to replenish.

The reason why I killed so many supreme deities in the Tibetan Holy Realm was because of the perfect Xingyun of the Zhenlong Clan.

If this is exhausted, you will be out of food.

“After refining, there should be one third left, which is enough for the time being.”

“But I have to find a way to supplement it.”

Wang Ye already has a rough idea.

However, I am not sure whether it can be implemented smoothly.

But you have to give it a try.

Otherwise, he will lose one of his trump cards.

“It’s done.” Wang Ye’s heart pounded.

The energy of the star has completely suppressed the will of the Chaos Realm!

It’s like taming a wild horse, feeling its strong body and savage energy!

I can faintly feel Xiaotian’s breath!

At one go!


Zhenbao Temple was shaken violently.

Under the aura of the original hidden holy world, there is a new energy control, containing different wills.

Wang Ye’s consciousness encompassed the entire Zhenbao Temple, and he felt everything clearly.

This medium-sized eternal treasure has super powerful combat power!

Have three abilities of palace treasures!

Defense, suppression, domain!


Energy range.

Wang Ye controls the Chaos Realm like the master of the earth!

Will, covering everything!

Zhenbao Temple Jedi, refining!