Chapter 1281 This subclass is mine

 Infinite Genius Garden, entrance.


The excitement at the beginning of the Hall of Gods selection is gone. Most of the 17,000 contestants have been eliminated.

Looking around, there were only 1,000 people left.

No more, no less, exactly 200 teams were promoted.

The appearance of Wang Ye and the five others did not cause any disturbance.

Because most of the powerful people were teleported here at the same time.

The first round of the big test is over.


A layer of faint light and shadow appeared in the mid-air ahead, and countless light points gathered together to reveal the complete ranking.

[1]: Luan Renjiao team, thorny, ebony, colorful, green horse.

【2】: Yujunxiang team, Yuyunuo, Yuqin, Yujiuding, Yuhuaiyu.

[3]: Xuxu team, false victory, empty Kong, Shen Gong Youting, He Hetuo.

[4]: Yu Hongni Team, Yu Buxiu, Yu Lie, Tuoba Talented Man, Xiaolang Me.

[5]: Starry Morning Team, Quiet Night Thoughts, Great Joy, Prison King, Don’t draw your sword.

【6】: Wang Ye team, Gun Chi, Nan Zhinu, Yu Hang, Zuo Qinqin.

There was an uproar.

The most eye-catching thing is definitely not the two uncrowned kings in the top two.

Nor are they ranked third and fourth, the two little kings of Xu Xu and Yu Hauni.

But the fifth and sixth place that suddenly emerged and emerged out of nowhere!

Star Morning, unranked, wild card entry!

Wang Ye, ranked 361, the supreme deity!

Among them, Wang Ye is the most eye-catching!

Because everyone in Xingchen knew what was going on.

She is the most outstanding genius of this generation of the Star Human Race, and was invited by the Human Race Alliance to participate in the competition.

Moreover, every member of her team is a highly renowned genius among the chaotic human race.

Jing Yesi ranked 55, Da Jiale ranked 96, Prisoner King ranked 143, and Mo Ba Dao ranked 201, all are quite powerful!

Despite this, it is quite remarkable to be ranked among the top five with such a configuration.

But the most powerful one is Team Wang Ye!

Ranked 361, the Supreme Emperor leads the team!

In the team, only Gunman is ranked 99th, the highest!

There are three left and it’s hard to describe.

Nan Zhinu is a little better, ranked 1825, and can be considered a strong one.

Yu Hang, ranked 9867, barely got a place in the competition!

Zuo Qinqin, 19545, wild card entry!

Many people ranked higher than her are not even qualified to enter the main competition for the selection of the Hall of Gods!

Such a team actually entered the top six?

He even beat out the other two little kings, Taiqing Ninth World and Hongyan Meng'an! ?

Simply incredible!

"How did Team Wang Ye do this?"

"It's amazing. This ranking cannot be achieved by luck alone, but the question is, is their team that strong?"

"I don't know. Logically speaking, although the individual rankings are biased, they are very valuable and cannot be so valuable. Could it be that their team's coordination ability has reached an incredible level?"

"The rankings of the five people are so different. No matter how well they work together, they can't perform beyond their standards. It should be tactics, strength, and a little chance and luck that lead to such results."

"I agree, but even if they have the right time, place and people, it is unimaginable that Wang Ye's team can finish sixth. It is very worthy of admiration, especially as the captain, Wang Ye must have excellent leadership skills."


Team Wang Ye became famous in one battle!

In particular, the captain Wang Ye came out of the blue and became known to all the human geniuses present!

No longer a nobody!

Among them, the Hongyan Meng'an team felt the deepest.

"Damn it, these bad guys!" Ni Changjing was so angry that her ponytails stood up in anger.

Luo Bai Cuican beside him was also very angry. Thinking of being killed by Wang Ye just now, he became very angry.

I thought it was reinforcements, but I didn't expect it was a dirty trick!

"There are no friendly troops on the battlefield. They did nothing wrong." Hongyan Meng'an said: "Taking advantage of the situation is the best option at this time. They dared to risk the threat of being attacked by the ancient origin beasts to kill us. They deserve two pieces of ultimate divine jade. ”

Her beautiful eyes looked towards where Wang Ye was, but the beauty Meng'an showed no change in her expression.

Although a level 6 life-saving artifact was wasted in the end, fortunately, I had a near miss and passed the exam.

Ranking is not important, just promotion.

Of course, she has a piece of ultimate divine jade on her body, and she still ranked ninth in the final ranking, which is not bad.

Just slightly inferior to the other five kings.

The only thing that made her curious was that Wang Ye and the ancient origin beast seemed to know each other, they were friends rather than enemies.

Otherwise, she would not have miscalculated and be forced to use the life-saving treasure.

"Does he have the blood or talent to get close to mythical beasts?" Hongyan Meng'an thought to herself.

In fact, this kind of talent is not uncommon, but it is not of high grade and is not a combat type.

Basically, it rarely appears in the pride of mankind with superior combat power.

If that's the case, you won't lose unfairly.

To be precise, it was a minor setback.

Having fought against Wang Ye, including eliminating Ni Changjing's Gunman, the beauty Meng'an knew the strength of the two.

Even if the two of them join forces, they are no match for her.

So, she didn't pay too much attention.

Just win it back next time.

"Wang Ye." Hongyan Meng'an remembered this name.

She wanted to eliminate him with her own hands.

Because she holds a grudge.

Wang Ye couldn't feel the hostility of the beauty Meng'an. It's not that he's slow, or that he doesn't perceive enough, but...

He is now surrounded by such hostility!

All eyes are focused!

The treatment you get for ranking sixth is to be focused on!

Especially in the eyes of other human geniuses, his own strength does not match his ranking.

"I don't want to either." Wang Ye was helpless.

Who let Thunder Horn Golden Dragon give him an infinite jade in the end?

Otherwise, my ranking would not be so high.

Probably around 15 people.

Not too low either.

After all, I had obtained two ultimate-level divine jades from the Hongyan Meng'an team, and I already had four ultimate-level divine jades on my side.

Well, it will still attract attention, just not as dazzling as it is now.

Just be dazzling.

The big exam is over and he doesn't care.

Bite me!

These divine jade harvests are enough to help him improve his strength to another level in the next period of time!

As for Yu Hang and Zuo Qinqin, they don't care about the candidate selection for the Hall of Gods. They are very self-aware of their own strength.

Being able to pass the big exam and stay in the Infinite Genius Garden to practice for a period of time is already an unexpected blessing, and I don't expect anything else.

The same goes for Nan Zhinu, who is very happy to achieve the set goal.

She is warlike by nature and doesn't care about attention.

Not to mention gun geeks.

She doesn't care at all about outside opinions, and all she wants is guns.

The newly created Night Water Magic Gun has many areas that need improvement, and is still far from perfect.


The figure of True God Yu Qing suddenly appeared in front of the light curtain.

Beside him and to his left and right are the God of Flying Feathers and the God of Flowers.

The appearance of the three immediately silenced the noisy scene.

"Congratulations, you have successfully stayed in the Infinite Genius Garden." The voice of True God Yu Qing was clear and fell into the ears of every human genius: "In the following days, you can stay in the Infinite Genius Garden according to the grade of divine jade you have. Practice.”

"According to the division agreed upon before the exam, each divine jade will be allocated to each other. If there are any disagreements among the teams, the allocation will be handed over to Fei Yu Shen and Jin Hua Shen for arbitration."

"During the next thousand years of recuperation, I hope everyone will take a good rest, improve their strength, and look forward to more severe tests."

"Let's meet the candidates for the Hall of Gods."

True God Yu Qing showed a confident smile.

The figure disappeared immediately.

Two passages leading to the Infinite Genius Garden are opened.

The Feather God and the Flower God stand on one side each, like door gods.

200 teams entered one after another.

"The distribution we agreed on before is 3:3:2:2:0." Wang Ye looked at the four people and took out all their belongings.

1 Infinite Divine Jade, 4 Ultimate Divine Jade, 16 Heavenly Divine Jade, and 25 Earthly Divine Jade.

The fruitful results made all the human geniuses passing by look envious.

"Girl, it's yours." Wang Ye gave out 1 Heavenly God Jade and 5 Earth God Jade: "Although you don't want to share it, you have contributed a lot. These are not much, but the Heavenly God Jade is enough for you to stay in the Infinite Genius Garden. Thousand years ago, Earth God Jade purchased some treasures to prepare for war."

"Thank you!" Nan Zhinv looked at Wang Ye with a look of gratitude.

She was very satisfied with successfully passing the exam. Many talented people ranked above her were eliminated.

Unexpectedly, there are additional gifts!

She was not with the wrong person!

"Gun Crazy, you have a 30% ratio." Wang Ye looked at Gun Crazy: "Based on the exchange ratio of 1:10, we currently have about 1585 Earth God Jade, you can get 475.5, rounded up to half an Infinite God Jade, or They are five ultimate divine jade.”

"Do you have any idea?"

"I want to go to Gun God Valley." Gun Chi said softly.

The Gun God Valley is a training place in the Infinite Genius Garden.

You need to spend Tianshen Jade to enter.

"Okay." Wang Ye said: "Then let's enter the Infinite Genius Garden together, and then we will distribute the divine jade. Can you trust me?"

"Yeah." Gunman glanced at Wang Ye secretly and nodded gently.

"Let's go!" Wang Ye smiled and stretched out his hand to pull the gun.

Suddenly, I felt as if something sharp was being pressed against my palm.

Good guy!

Gun crazy, you put a gun on my head!

If you have a chance, see if I come back!




True God Yu Qing and Xiang Chenxi watched as a group of human geniuses entered the Infinite Genius Garden one after another.

Their eyes were filled with relief.

These are the future of the human alliance!


Luan Renjiao!

"I didn't expect that not only could she remain undefeated by you, teacher, but... she would even hurt you, teacher." Xiang Chenxi sighed with emotion.

"Excellent." True God Yu Qing narrowed his eyes: "The Human Genius Garden ranks first and is well-deserved. Jun Xiang is indeed a little behind compared to her."

"The Xingchen sent by the Star Human Race this time is not bad." Xiang Chenxi said: "At a young age, compared to Yu Hongni in terms of combat power, Xu Xu and the others are not inferior at all, but the team lacks a little tacit understanding."

"After all, it's a temporary team." True God Yu Qing nodded: "This kid is indeed outstanding, but I am more optimistic about the two of them."

"Wang Ye and Hongyan Meng'an?" Xiang Chenxi followed the gaze of True God Yu Qing.

"Yes." True God Yu Zhan nodded slightly: "They are wise and courageous, have excellent overall abilities, and have unlimited potential."

"Especially Wang Ye, I am most optimistic about him."

"This subcategories me."