Chapter 1319: This kid really has endless potential!

Chapter 1319: This guy really has endless potential!

  108400 temple points!

Wang Ye was in the Recycling Hall and received the first initial capital.

 Sell some of the less useful treasures obtained on the Infinite God Mountain during the selection of the Hall of Gods, including an elementary Hongmeng source treasure.

 Temple points are the common currency.

 In addition to being usable in various halls, they can also be exchanged for Hongmeng units after leaving the Hall of Gods.


  But I don’t think it will be used.

 Because these temple points are far from enough for the treasures of the Temple of Gods and Man alone.

In addition to the three ultimate cores, Wang Ye also has many things he wants to redeem, such as Hongmeng fruits, sixth-level divine objects, elementary Hongmeng source treasures, etc., which can directly increase combat power.

There are also cultivation and auxiliary temples that require temple points to enter.

 Including some of the parks open to the 36th Hall of the Upper Realm, they are also needed.

 The temple point is very important.


Wang Ye redeemed three times in a row and quickly obtained three ultimate cores.

  30500 temple points consumed.

 A small test of the skill.

 There are enough temple points, and the main heaven-level components are also taken.

Although the success rate of the combination is a bit low, and he doesn't have many Hongmeng points to improve the Chaos Tianji Dao, it is always right to win it first.

  After all, it is a unique existence. If you miss it, it will be gone.

 The most important thing is that it is cheap!

There are 17 heaven-level main components, and the total cost is only 15,700 Hongmeng points.

  Only half of the research core.

"There are still 62,200 temple points." Wang Ye looked at the display of the badge of the Temple of Gods.

 Don’t be in a hurry to exchange for something else.

 It’s still early for the God-man’s first mission ten thousand years later.

"Strange, why hasn't Brother Yu come back for so long?" Wang Ye sent a message to Feiyu Shen, who replied and said he would be there soon.

The treasure house of the rare Temple has already seen a lot.

 The biggest feeling is—

 Can’t afford it.

 There are hundreds of thousands or millions of rare treasures, and most of them only exist.

From the secret realms of the Hongmeng Universe Sea, the place of origin, and the initial chaos.

Some are extremely valuable, some have great commemorative significance, and some even don’t know how to use them.

Only the Temple of Gods, the top treasure house of the human alliance, can possess it.

To exchange treasures in the Rare Treasure Hall, you must first have money, secondly, have vision, and thirdly, have luck.

 Suitable for Taobao, use small to make big.

 Wang Ye has none of the three.

 So very honest.

Feiyu God arrived late.

There was a slight unnaturalness on the cold face, but it was a bit more uninhibited and free and easy than when he just left: "What do you want to buy? It's mine, I'll give it to you as a meeting gift."

“No need, senior brother, I’ll just take a look.” Wang Ye said with a smile.

  A little embarrassed to let Brother Yu spend money.

 After all, it has been a round of repairing the jade of life.

Feiyu Shen said: "Don't worry too much, senior brother, I have been in the Temple of Gods for so long, and I still have some savings."

Wang Ye said: "Did you accumulate it while performing the mission?"

 Feiyu Shen: "...a little bit."

Wang Ye said: "With my senior brother's ability, he will definitely perform very well in the first mission of the God Man and get a lot of double merit."

Fei Yu Shen’s mouth twitched slightly.

 That’s a disaster!

His instructor is a task-blind person who only cares about cultivation!

I took him around here and there, but I didn’t catch anything!

 What you get with double merit is only 10% or 20% less than what other people get normally!

 Looking at the beautiful harvest of the Flower Goddess, he is so greedy...

 Then we fall into a vicious cycle.

 The initial achievements were not enough, the promotion was not enough, the experience was not enough, and the team formation was not smooth. As a result...

 Follow-up mission: Kneel down three times in a row.

 It directly made him lose confidence, so he simply went into seclusion.

 It’s a misfortune, but the blessing he relies on has actually led to many breakthroughs in his strength.

 This is fate.

"I will do my best to help you get double the merit in the first mission of the god." Feiyu Shen himself had been caught in the rain, so he wanted to hold an umbrella for Wang Ye.

Although his mission experience was a mess, he was at least much more experienced than Wang Ye, a **** who had never carried out a mission.

"Okay, senior brother." Wang Ye could feel Fei Yushen's sincerity: "It won't delay your ranking, right?"

 When the first mission of the God Man is over, Brother Yu will almost be eliminated from the bottom position.

 He is now the second to last and has to face a duel with the last to last, and the loser will be eliminated.

“Don’t worry, he can’t beat me.” Feiyu Shen had absolute confidence.

 Wang Yeqing um.

 He had seen the information when he was selecting a tutor.

 The God Mia, ranked last in the lower realm, has unlimited combat power at the beginning of the fifth level.

 Compared to Brother Yu, he is one level weaker.

 “Where are we going now, senior brother?” Wang Ye asked.

 “Test the combat power.” Feiyu Shen’s words were concise and concise.

“What’s the use of testing now?” Wang Ye said.

“You can have a clearer understanding of your ranking in the lower realm, especially each subtle category, so you can make targeted improvements.” Feiyu Shen said: “The combat power value has a great influence on the ranking in the lower realm, and it must be focused on improving it.”

“And the test of combat strength is itself a tempering process.”

“Excellent performance in the six war halls can earn corresponding temple points.”

“Although the chance is very small, there are some genius gods who have been recruited into the upper world to guide their cultivation due to their outstanding performance in the Six Great Power Halls, and even—”

 “Accept him as a disciple.”

 “Sounds pretty good.” Wang Ye had a rough idea.

 The six war power halls are the Divine Skills Hall, the Magic Hall, the Ji Dao Hall, the Will Hall, the Survival Hall and the Duel Hall.

 The first four items are single tests.

 The last two items are comprehensive and comprehensive evaluations.

“The ratio of combat power values ​​is 4:3:2:1.” Feiyu Shen said: “The duel hall has the highest proportion, reaching 40%, followed by the survival hall.”

“Among the four individual palaces, the Divine Skills Palace, the Magic Palace, the Ultimate Path Palace, and the Will Palace, the one with the highest score accounts for 20%, and the one with the second highest score accounts for 10%.”

“Together everything is the combat power value.”

 Wang Ye nodded.

 He also wants to see what level his current combat strength is.

 This is very transparent in the Nether ranking.

Like Luan Renjiao, Yu Junxiang and Xu Xu, they have all completed the combat power test.

Luan Renjiao is infinitely high in the fourth level.

Yu Junxiang, in the fourth realm of infinity.

 Xu Ruins, the pinnacle of the infinite third level.

 The gap between the big and small kings is still not small.

 Even if they are at the same level as the strongest person in the universe.

“Luan Renjiao is really strong.” Wang Ye sighed.

Compared to Jin Flower God, the God who has broken through Chaos has only reached the fourth level of Infinite Realm.

As soon as Luan Renjiao breaks through, she will be able to surpass her immediately. It will not be a problem to reach the infinite fifth level, and may even surpass Brother Yu.

Yu Junxiang is no less generous, only slightly inferior to Luan Renjiao.

Xuxu is the strength standard for normal selection in the Hall of Gods.

Luan Renjiao and Yu Junxiang, a pair of peerless prides, are a bit too strong.

Yu Hongni has not been tested.

I don’t know whether it was the Goddess of Flowers who didn’t let her take the test, or whether she didn’t want to take the test for the time being.

 I guess it’s both.

  After all, it is better to retain a sense of mystery than to be at the bottom.

Yu Hongni cannot surpass Xu Xu.

 Me too.

 Among the four little kings, Xu Xu is relatively stronger.

But Brother Yu is a straight man, and I don’t want to offend his good intentions when we first get along, so there’s no harm in giving him a test.

Wang Ye was the first to enter the Hall of Will.

 From simple to difficult.

 It’s not about how strong one’s will is, but the test of the Hall of Will is relatively simple and straightforward.

There are 12 pillars of will. If you get close to them, you will be under strong will pressure from the pillars. Touch your hand to the sacred pillar and light it up, it is considered a success.

“The first Pillar of Will is the ordinary Chaos God level.” Wang Ye felt a little stressed.

 Even the strongest person in the universe will find it difficult to succeed.

 Different pillars of will have different will effects.

 Either will suppression, or a dream state, or the most direct impact of will.

 He has no weaknesses in this regard.

After reaching the ultimate level, you can reach the peak of the Chaos God's will, and it will be a matter of course, lighting up the four divine pillars of will.

Until the fifth divine pillar, layers upon layers of illusions accumulated, and countless women seduced him dreamily, making his will finally weaken and he failed to successfully light it.

“It is still far from the will of the True God of the Universe Sea.” Wang Ye knew it well.

Even if she is not a womanizer, she would not be able to survive if she were anything else.

His own will has reached the peak of Chaos God for a long time, but it is not easy to break through to this level.

 Unless there is a big improvement in strength level.

 Otherwise, it would be difficult to break the barrier.

 After all, the True God’s Will of the Cosmic Sea is already considered the ceiling of the Hongmeng Cosmic Sea.

 The performance of Hall of Will is okay.

 But the next part of the Divine Skills Hall is hard to describe.

 The performance of the Magic Palace has recovered and is quite good.

 When in the Jidao Palace, there are as many as five kinds of ultimate chaos, with an average level of proficiency.

 Additional two Infinite Chaos Paths, especially the Dragon Soaring Source Thunder of Xiaocheng Realm, the score will be raised immediately!

 Beyond the Magic Palace, it has become the most beautiful palace among the four individual combat powers!

"Very good." Fei Yushen was very satisfied with Wang Ye's performance.

As a temple instructor, he naturally did not want Wang Ye to be compared with the other four gods.

 At present, Wang Ye's conditions are still very good.

“The understanding of the Chaos Ultimate Way is quite outstanding. It’s hard to imagine that you are just the Supreme Heavenly Lord.” Feather God was full of praise: “Your understanding is terrifyingly outstanding.”

 “They all said that.” Wang Ye said modestly.

"But you seem to be better at chaos spells, and your magical skills are not as good as expected." Feiyu Shen said.

"I'm not good at creation." Wang Ye said: "Magical skills require self-creation to achieve maximum integration. It is very difficult. Unlike chaos spells, you just need to learn them."

Feiyu Shen nodded: "With your understanding, you can learn higher-level magical skills to make up for your lack of creativity."

 “No one teaches me.” Wang Ye said.

Feiyu Shen thought for a moment: "I will teach you when I have time."

"Will it delay you, senior brother?" Wang Ye said.

Feiyu Shen said: "Probably not. With your understanding, you should learn it very quickly. It won't take much time."

“That’s right.” Wang Ye smiled and said, “Then I’ll trouble you, senior brother.”


 Go to Wanyangren Hall to recharge your batteries.

Wang Ye entered the duel hall first.

 The temple with the highest proportion of gods and men.

 One-on-one duel.

 It is a bit similar to the final round of selection for the Hall of Gods.

 The difference is that this is a real life and death fight.

 There is no luck, only a battle of strength.

 How much strength you have, how many levels you can overcome!

 Wang Ye stopped at the fifth palace boundary.

 In the Duel Hall, the progress is the same as that of Xu Ruins.

“Luan Renjiao and Yu Junxiang are indeed powerful.” Wang Ye looked at the two of them.

 One seventh and one sixth.

 Hard power, quite strong.

 Higher than myself and Xu Xu, two levels!

“Sooner or later I will surpass you.”

 Wang Ye was resting for a while and regained his peak fighting strength.

 Enter the Hall of Survival.

 The battle strength hall accounts for 30%.

 Different from the four individual halls, the Survival Hall and the Duel Hall are divided into independent halls.

 Each palace realm has different requirements.

 The difference is that you need to come out of the Temple of Survival alive.

The duel hall is to defeat the guarding hall master.

 Entering the world of Independence Hall, I quickly felt a strong sense of oppression.

 In a crisis-ridden area, there is a feeling of returning to the realm of God of Creation, where various crises will arise.

 Here you not only need strong strength to fight, but also a smart mind to react, judge the situation, and make effective responses.

 One-to-many is the basic operation.

 It does not require killing, survival and staying alive are the key.

 Comprehensive capabilities are more important.

“It’s not an accident to be able to perform outstandingly in the first and second rounds.” Fei Yushen has been paying attention outside the palace.

 The 18 difficulties in the Hall of Survival are like 18 levels of hell, with each level harder and harder.

 But now, Wang Ye has passed the boundaries of the two palaces.

 Soon passed the third hall boundary.

 “It’s almost done.” Fei Yushen knew clearly.

 The three gods who had just finished the test, Yu Junxiang, fell in the fourth palace realm.

The living palace of Jinhua God is also in the fifth palace realm.

“Luan Renjiao is indeed amazing.” Fei Yushen saw the ranking.

Luan Renjiao passed the fourth palace boundary and was in the same palace boundary as the Flower Goddess.

Wang Ye's overall ability is indeed good, but his performance in the Duel Hall plus the four individual tests make his combat power basically clear.

 You have to cross the boundary of the fourth palace unless...

 “Passed?” Feiyu Shen was stunned.

 And it goes by a bit fast!

Before he could react, Wang Ye passed the test.

Now he, like the Flower Goddess Jin and Luan Renjiao, are both in the fifth palace realm!

The True God of the Universe Sea is a survival level that even the God of the Universe may not be able to pass!

Even Luan Renjiao, the number one **** and man, hangs here.

 Feiyu Shen has passed through, so it is very clear.

He himself went through a lot of effort and tried more than a dozen times before he managed to pass.

 Increase the combat power value to the infinite fifth level.

Wang Ye is now...

 “The top of the infinite third level.” Feather God’s eyes flashed.

 Very good, just like Xu Xu.

 tied for third place.

But with Wang Ye’s talent and understanding, it is only a matter of time before his future combat power exceeds that of Xu Xu——

   ! !


 Wang Ye’s combat strength changes!

 The beginning of the infinite fourth level!

 This change made Feiyu Shen unable to react for a while.

 I didn’t wake up until I saw the prompt.

“This kid has passed the fifth realm of the Hall of Survival!?” Feiyu Shen suddenly felt his mouth go dry.


Moreover, you just entered the Temple of God and Man?

Watching Wang Ye enter the Sixth Palace Realm, Fei Yu Shen was simply unbelievable!

 At the same level as him!

 Is Wang Ye’s survivability so strong?

Compared to Wang Ye, he has been hanging in the Sixth Hall for more than ten times in a row, which has become a joke.


Wang Ye shouldn’t be able to do it, not even the Sixth Palace…

Feiyu Shen was stunned.

 Because he discovered that Wang Ye had disappeared.

He suddenly disappeared from the palace of existence inexplicably, just like evaporating from the world.

Of course, this is not Wang Ye teleporting away.

Nor did he die suddenly.

 There is only one possibility!

Wang Ye was recruited into the upper realm to guide cultivation!

“This little guy has been spotted by a big boss in the upper world?” Feiyu Shen’s confused face revealed a look of surprise.

Wang Ye did what not even Luan Renjiao and Yu Junxiang could do?

 This guy really has endless potential!