Chapter 18: Aftermath

Name:Apocalypse Redux Author:
Chapter 18: Aftermath

It screamed, waving its hands in panic as it ran in circles, the high proof alcohol that Isaac had dosed it in for entirely different reasons having lit on fire.

Even as the Swamp Knight spun in place, burning and screaming, the guy responsible for its state was roaring with glee.

Can of hairspray raised to the sky, he sent a burst of flammable liquid through the flame of a lighter, roaring in glee.

“Take that!”

Yet another plume of fire shot off into the sky, unleashed by a clearly very intoxicated man. Isaac just hurried over, clutching his injured left arm in his right.

“Give me that!” he snapped, injured arm screaming at him to stop as he released it to snatch the lighter out of the drunk idiot’s hand.

“Doy ou want me yo gireball yoy?” came the slurred shout of indignation , followed by the man holding the can of hairspray in Isaac’s face as if he still had the lighter, seemingly not having realized that it was now in Isaac’s pocket.

“Can you?” Isaac snarked, ignoring the pain from his arm and ribs, channeling every drop of his slowly recovering mana into [Hydra’s Regeneration]. It wasn’t much, but he was focusing on his ribs to the exclusion of everything else, the entirety of the [Skill’s] healing power flowing into the broken bones in his chest.

For a brief second, the liquid began to spray towards his eyes, but he shut them, gently lowered his broken arm to his side and grabbed the offending object with his intact one, then stepped backwards.

Meanwhile, the Swamp Knight had collapsed to the ground, dead. Had it been the breath stolen from its lungs, the shock of its entire nervous system exploding with pain, or maybe the damage its internal organs had accumulated had been too much?

Isaac didn’t know, or care. It was dead, he could infer that much from the [System] window hanging in front of him.

Swamp Knight (Lv. 10) has been slain. 70 XP gained (100 XP base distributed across three people as per their contributions)

And just like that, that fucking thing was down, never to hurt anyone ever again.

Name: Isaac Thoma

Class: Rogue

Species: Human

Level: 2

XP: 87/300

Health Status: Broken Arm, Cracked Ribs, Internal Bleeding (see list)

Mana: 0 /120










Magic Power


Magic Regeneration


Free Points: 0 Stat, 3 Skill


Hundred Faces III

Stealth III

Power Strike IX

Piercing Strike IX

Sundering Strike VI

Knives X

Sneak VIII

“Didn’t manage to dodge everything. It’ll be fine, though.” Isaac said.

“And how do you know that monsters always look at their summoners?” the cop asked, clearly deciding to ignore Isaac’s nonchalance about his injuries, at least for now.

“There was a study published this morning, I work with the team that wrote it.” Isaac told him, nodding “Is that all, and can I leave?”

“Uh-hu. I’ll get back to you on that. But how about we get you to the ambulance now?” the policeman asked.

“No, I’m fine. Regeneration [Skill], all this will be gone in an hour or two.” Isaac waved him off.

“Look, Sir, there is blood on your chin, blood that clearly came from your mouth. Maybe you have internal bleeding, or maybe you just bit your tongue. But you need to get checked out by one of the paramedics.” the officer told him sternly and Isaac had to fight to not visibly roll his eyes.

“I’m fine. Perfectly fine. I don’t want to talk to a paramedic.” Isaac waved him off, causing the officer to grimace, then visibly steel himself.

“I’ve seen this before, way too often. People under the influence, they think they’re fine because they’re overconfident, or because they just can’t feel anything. And then they end up in the hospital too late, with injuries far worse than they’d have otherwise been. Or we find them in the morgue. You’re getting that checkup, buddy.” the man just ignored him, looking Isaac up and down in a way that made him think the cop was trying to decide on the safest spot to grab him.

“I’m not drunk, I’m perfectly sober, and I have a Regeneration [Skill].” Isaac insisted.

“Sure you are.” the cop nodded “But first, you’re going to come with me to one of the paramedics, ok?”

It was a testament to Isaac’s mental and physical exhaustion that when the thought of simply punching the man with his intact hand crossed his mind, he didn’t instantly dismiss it.

“Is there nothing I can do to convince you otherwise?” Isaac glared at the man. Normally, he’d have probably been able to talk his way out this, but he wasn’t in his normal state of mind. He was tired, he was hurting, he was cranky. He was in the worst possible state for this short of actually being drunk.

The cop just tiredly shook his head.

“Fine.” Isaac said. This time, he really did roll his eyes.

When the paramedic saw the state Isaac was in, she immediately motioned him to hurriedly lie down on the stretcher and loaded him into the ambulance.

“One last question, what you said about how summoned monsters always looking at their summoners, are you sure about that?” the cop asked.

“Yes, study by Professor Adam Bailey, conducted right here at the local university, published this morning.” Isaac told him “Catch this asshole, would you?”

The cop just nodded grimly, then the door to the ambulance was shut by one of the paramedics.

The vehicle began to move, clearly, someone other than the paramedic next to him was in the driver’s seat. Isaac supposed he shouldn’t have been surprised, having a patient who could easily panic or simply outright die when left alone stay in the back on their own was a bad idea. Of course there were two people in the ambulance, he should have expected that, it was just that Isaac had very little experience with ambulance rides.

Before the [System] he hadn’t needed one or ridden along with a loved one and while he’d gotten injured plenty of times after, at that point, healing magic had made them quite redundant.

“What’s your name?” the paramedic asked and Isaac introduced himself, then handed over his ID and insurance card, just to get that out of the way.

“So, do you hurt anywhere?” she asked, looking Isaac up and down with a watchful eye, zeroing in on both his arm and the streaks of blood coming from his mouth.

A brief glance at his mana pool showed that a few more points had regenerated, enough to activate [Hydra’s Regeneration] and keep it active for a couple of seconds.

His broken ribs jolted him as they shot back into position, painfully scraping across his passage in their movement and slid together with a faintly audible crunch. His Status now showed them as merely being ‘bruised’.

“What was that?” the paramedic practically jumped, sounding alarmed.

“That would be my ribs knitting themselves back together. Like I told the policeman, I have a Regeneration [Skill]. As far as to what hurts, my arm is ever so slightly broken, so I’d appreciate a splint to keep it still until it heals.” Isaac said, giving her a winning smile. Not appropriate, he knew that, but he was hardly in the best of mental states.

“Alright ...” she trailed of, slowly reaching into one of the many cabinets that lined the wall for some kind of plastic and Velcro contraption which she promptly strapped his arm into.

“So, how are things in the hospital? Have they started magically curing everyone and now the only reason to have multiple doctors there is the limitation posed by their mana pool?” Isaac asked her, trying to start up a conversation.

“No, they’re still trying to determine if that stuff is safe.” she told him.

Isaac shifted a little to try and get a little more comfortable, only for her to sternly tell him off.

“I know you think your ribs are fine, but you at least had internal injuries. Stay still!”

“My Status Screen says they’re fine, so I know they’re fine. It hasn’t lied to me yet.” Isaac told her, but given her expression, she clearly didn’t believe him.

He just slumped onto the gurney, resigning himself to not getting believed. It would take quite some time for the magical healing granted by the [System] to actually enter mainstream medicine.

Just like with Bailey’s research group, authorization to start experiments with the [System] as it related to healing had been granted with lightning speed, but they’d also been conducted with the usual thoroughness of any kind of medical research. Of course, thoroughness led to slowness, dragging the work out for a while. Plenty of people would proceed to use their Healing [Skills] without proper authorization, not content to see people die when they held the power to save them in moments, but widespread use would take a while.

A minute later, the ambulance came to a stop and the door was thrown open, two people in scrubs standing outside.

“Twenty year old male, left arm fractured in multiple places, possible internal injuries, no loss of consciousness, alert and responsive the entire time, no medication was administered.” the paramedic reported.

“Also, I have a Regeneration [Skill] that’s been healing me this entire time and the only reason I even got on the ambulance is because a police officer who thought he knew better than me. I’m fine, can I go now?” Isaac asked hopefully and sat up, only getting stony looks back. He slumped back onto the gurney.

“If you do all your tests, do you think I can be out of here by tomorrow?”

“No promises. Just try to lie back, relax, we have the very best of professionals on staff to make sure you recover well.”

Isaac supposed that had been a very reassuring answer ... if reassurance at a good recovery had been what he’d wanted.

Clearly, there was very little chance of him making it out of here anytime soon that didn’t involve physical violence or walking out through the walls. The former was out for obvious reasons and he still needed the mana the latter would have required to heal the rest of his injuries.

“Scheiß Party.”