Chapter 63: What a Day

Name:Apocalypse Redux Author:
Chapter 63: What a Day

“What the fuck!”

Cursing and yelling was rare in the research group, but it wasn’t unheard of. It usually only happened when something went very wrong though.

Alarmed, Isaac used a phased [Phantom Step] to jump straight into the summoning room, but the situation was nowhere near as bad as it could have been.

Patrick was in the center of the room, hair standing on end, breathing rapidly but not quite hyperventilating, an Ulfhednar cloak lying on the ground in front of him.

“What’s wrong?” Isaac called out, his voice intermingling with everyone else there as they all shouted in alarm.

“I’m not exactly sure what happened, but that felt awful.” Patrick said grimly, glaring at the innocent looking piece of clothing “The instant I began to draw on it to get the stat boost, it felt like ... I know it sounds stupid, but it felt like a volcano of rage was bubbling up inside of me and if I kept going, I was going to go insane.”

“That’s ... bad. Very bad.” Bailey observed “Victor, you’ve used it several times, did you notice anything like that?”

“No, I just got stronger, with no emotions or anything attached to it.” Bishop said, sounding extremely puzzled “Isaac, did you use yours yet?”

“No, I haven’t. Should I try?”

“Only if you’re willing.” Bailey cautioned “We don’t know what negative side effects these things could have.”

“Alright.” Isaac nodded “But I think it’s worth the risk.”

And then, he drew on the cloak, feeling his body morph slightly, growing taller and hairier, while he could see his newly glowing yellow eyes reflected in Bailey’s pupils. It had to look scary as hell from the outside, but all he felt was the increase in power. Better vision, faster and stronger movement. It went over just like all the other pieces of stat-boosting equipment he’d ever used. The transformation was a little more extensive than normal, but still well within the limits of what he could have expected.

Really, everything felt, well, perfectly normal.

“Nah, I’m good.” Isaac said.

“Seems like only certain people are affected.” Patrick observed.

“The question is if there is some kind of identifiable factor that determines who can use these cloaks safely. Who else has used one of these?” Isaac asked.

“You, me and Patrick.” Bishop answered “We were working on getting one for everyone and wanted to wait until then to try them out, seeing as fighting with an ability you can’t control yet is a bad idea. Patrick was just going to tap into it for a few seconds to see what it felt like while we reset the circle and, well, you know the rest.”

“So then everyone who is willing to try one on should do so, and then we see where the results lead us?” Chandler suggested.

That was what they ended up doing, stopping each activation the moment things went any way other than perfect.

It went fine for Raul and Bailey, but Amy and Chandler had the same reaction as Patrick had had.

“So, what the hell is going on?” Patrick asked, language uncharacteristically interlaced with swearwords.

The answer was obvious, to Isaac at least, but everyone else also had all the information necessary to come to the same conclusion. Therefore, he felt safe in immediately presenting it.

“According to the item’s description, it ‘empowers the wearer with the fury of a wolf’. What if that was literal, giving them the fury of a wild animal? The people who can use it safely have a direct connection to nature. Raul might be a [System Researcher] now, but he started out as a [Ranger] and has a wild animal as a pet, with another on the way. Professor Bishop was a [Hunter] and has evolved into a stronger version of that. And Professor Bailey’s [Class] is all about borrowing the power of other creatures.” he explained.

“And what about you?” Chandler asked. It made sense for him to ask, given that Isaac’s public persona was very much still that of a [Rogue] and he hadn’t seen [Form of Horror] yet.

“He’s always been a bit feral, ain’t he?” Amy commented, having walked up next to Isaac during the testing and she was now reaching up and scratching the top of his head as one might do with a dog.

Isaac chuckled, rolled his eyes and teleported a couple of meters to the right. Raul and Karl chuckled, Patrick glared, and the professors just calmly waited for the juvenile behavior to be over.

“While that was put a little weirdly, Amy’s right. I’ve used several Aspects and was then given a [Class] that makes use of them to give me new physical abilities in addition to the actual Aspect [Skills]. In some way, it’s a significantly limited version of what Professor Bailey has, which should let me safely use the cloak.” Isaac replied.

“Well, that is a very good hypothesis that fits all the information we currently have, we still need actual proof. We’re dealing with a nasty mental effect here and we don’t want to take any chances.” Bailey cautioned them “I’ll check to see if any [Psychologists] or other mental health professionals have [Skills] that can check for mental alterations.”

The same thing had occurred in several other places, over and over again, as well as a few barely scientific guesses about third world countries, all cumulating in a number that might be far too high ... or far too low. They just didn’t know, not yet.

Some of the dead had summoners had been greedy bastards, willing to endanger others just for the chance at getting rare loot. Others were idiots. Certifiable idiots, as proven by cell phone videos retrieved from the shattered remains of said electronics found near the scene, of jeering numbskulls eager to see the first dragon they were actually able to summon with their meager mana pools.

The news shut off, transitioning to the intro for some kind of nunnery based soap opera, at least going by the first few seconds. They didn’t see more because Patrick snatched up the remote and slammed his finger down on the ‘off’ button.

“Greedy people are a problem, but they have their reasons for doing what they do, and by figuring out what that is, you can predict and deal with them. Stupid people are the most dangerous people in the world because you can’t predict them. They’re going to do something just because it pops into their idiotic little minds, be it putting ice cream on pizza or mixing bleach and ammonia, and them we all have to live with the consequences.” Chandler ranted, breaking the silence “All of those assholes can drop dead as far as I’m concerned, as long as they stop fucking things up for the rest of us.”

“Amen to that.” Isaac muttered.

“So, what now? Do we keep going on the material gathering front? Our storage areas are getting full, even with the extradimensional storage spaces Isaac provided.” Patrick asked.

“I think now might be a good chance to reassess our needs, and then proceed accordingly.” Bailey suggested.

And that was what they did, though as it turned out, those ‘needs’ turned out to be a fuckton of coffee and energy drinks, followed by even more monster parts. The FOMO was real, given that this might be the only chance at getting some of this stuff, ever.

But the end came eventually, the Event tab on the summoning section winking out with little fanfare. Isaac slumped in relief, jumped through the ceiling and then onto the nearest roof with another giant leap.

And then, he laid down to look up at the stars. Finally, a moment of peace. With a light thud, Amy landed next to him, likewise staring up into the skies.

“It’s pretty, isn’t it?” she asked.

“Even prettier without the light pollution.” Isaac shrugged “Have you ever seen the sky out in the desert? It’s filled with millions upon millions of stars, more than you could ever count, beautiful beyond compare.”

As people started dying in the future, the lights of cities winking out one by one, more and more stars once again becoming visible. In many ways, seeing a sky so devoid of stars was a relief as it showed that they werestill here, that they were still ...

“No, but I’d like to see it sometime.” she replied, interrupting his train of thought.

“Believe me, it’s worth it.” Patrick commented, having also appeared on the roof next to them.

... and there went any chance for him to have a little peace. Isaac sighed, wiggled around a little to get more comfortable on the roof.

“You know, maybe we should go travelling, sometime after you lot figure out how to create portals.” Isaac suggested “Chances are, you’ll need to have been somewhere to teleport there, so once you can teleport, a little world trip might be in order.”

They had been trying to get their hands on a power like that, but the only one monster had shown any inclinations in that direction. The Rifthunter was a humanoid being with dark blue, practically black skin and a spindly body, incredibly long arms ending in claw-tipped fingers that could shred flesh with ease. They could exist into a dark-blue-and-purple pocket dimension, creating portals and reaching into the real world to murder people, or open portals at a decent range.

They’d also been definitively proven to be quite limited in where they could open their portals unless they’d been there, but if locked in place too long, they’d just start opening portals randomly until they could leave the room they’d been locked in.

This made them incredibly hard to contain, meaning they had to be killed quickly, which in turn slowed down the research progress.

But once someone learned that [Skill], they’d get both an Aspect of the Lesser Space Elemental and an Aspect of the Rifthunter which had been gathered by now to enhance its range ... or at least that was the plan. Isaac knew it would work, but there were enough indications to support it that everyone else had gone along with it.

... now someone actually needed to learn the damn thing.

“So, what are you going to do tomorrow?” Amy asked, then glanced at her watch “Er, today? Free day and all that.”

“Sleep right here on this roof because I have not slept in thirty-six hours, then eat something, go home, and then have some mindless fun. Video games, Anime, Manhwa, anything that doesn’t require me to focus.” Isaac sighed and closed his eyes.

“You aren’t seriously going to sleep here on this rooftop, are you?” Patrick asked.

“Not with you two jabbering right next to me, I’m not.” Isaac mumbled and ignored them. Sleeping under the open sky on the hard roof like this was less fun than, say, actually camping, but he was willing to do anything once just to have experienced it. There were worse things to do. For example, he knew a couple of fellas whose claim to fame was having urinated off the roof of every dormitory in the university town. What was sleeping in strange places just for the hell of it compared to that?

The others, at least the ones able to jump up to the roof, stayed around a little bit, chatting, and by the time they left, Isaac was feeling refreshed again. Everyone went home soon after that, having agreed not to come in tomorrow. They needed to rest.

Even Isaac would calm down a little. Sure, he’d be summoning a few monsters here and there, but no way in hell would he go at anywhere to close to his top possible speed. As he kept getting beat into his head with a brick, over and over again, he needed his rest and relaxation. Still, a little wouldn’t hurt. He did have a few Aspects to grab, after all.