Chapter 321: Premature Yet Deserved Party

Name:Apocalypse Redux Author:
Chapter 321: Premature Yet Deserved Party

There were a lot of people who could not be here today.

Thankfully, Isaacs most immediate circle had largely escaped damage, though it had been a close thing in Karls case. He, along with the teams spellcasters, had done one hell of a number on the Leviathan, and it hadnt taken that well. But unlike the others, Karl, however, lacked the teleportation capability of his colleagues and barely managed to escape retaliation.

But there were others who hadnt gotten away with injuring the Leviathan.

Lukas Mller of GSG-13 had inflicted horrific damage to the monster, his [Right Hand of the Reaper] [Class] granting him insane offensive capabilities but short-changing him in the mobility department. It worked well against enemies he could actually take down, but against a monster of titanic vitality that retaliated against anyone who demonstrated the power to hurt it.

And the Round Table had lost a member. Steff Cooke had been one of the first people to join, Camelots third S-Ranker, though in hindsight, he likely would have been better as an associate without a seat at the table. He was helpful when it came to action, but contributed very little to the planning and strategizing.

Once again, his ability to carve a path through everything as long as he had mana had wreaked havoc upon their foe, opening several of the gaps that the others had fired through until eventually, hed been a little too slow.

That was the story of most losses. Some unfortunate combination of drawing attention and being unable to dodge or block, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time while lacking the durability to survive the attack. Practically random, at times.

It didnt feel right to be going to a party now, yet somehow, it felt like not going would have been a betrayal of himself.

The entire campus had gotten a makeover for this party. Bailey had talked to the dean and Isaac had written a massive check to prematurely cover all potential damages, and then, theyd run all over the world for good booze.

The campus wasnt entirely unfamiliar with massive parties, they did have an entire brewing faculty and an annual party with free beer donated by local breweries, but this was going to get truly insane. Mostly because far more than just students had been invited.

Mostly, this was a party for their allies, from Camelot to the Hunters Guild, Fenrirs organization, and every other person where they could explain why they wanted them there. Jason was also there, but in disguise.

And since this was happening on campus, well, they werent exactly in the position to keep the students out even if theyd been inclined to do so.

But before everything else, Bailey had gathered every member of his faculty, and some vital affiliates like Stagmer, in the largest summoning room available and was currently standing on a desk hed dragged in here while trying to somehow stand up straight while also petting Artemis, who was currently rubbing against his legs until Isaac distracted her with some snacks.

I wanted to thank everyone for their work on understanding the thing that turned the world upside down. Youve put in a lot of work here, dare I say, more than most of the people who work on this campus. Youve spent a large chunk of your youth on this, and I want to say: Thank you.

I know we still have some ways to go, being able to beat a single [World Boss] does not mean weve conquered the [System], but as Winston Churchill said, the future is unknowable but the past should give us hope. We know weve not only got the capacity to beat a monster of apocalyptical power, but that we as humans can come together if a threat of sufficient power appears.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

So I think that thats worth celebrating, you are worth celebrating. Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow, Im giving you the day off.

He waited for the laughter to die down before warning everyone that, since there were bartenders around with [Skills] to enable drunkenness, they did need to watch their drinking and balance the alcohol with regeneration.

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So they streamed out onto the plaza outside, where the finest stalls were. Some people had decided to start demonstrating how their [Skills] could be used to do other stuff, like Amy, who immediately jumped to mixing drinks with telekinesis and object teleportation, or Stagmer, who was cooking some burger patties by levitating a spatula above a cauldron of molten metal.

Oh, that was something he certainly couldnt pass up, now could he?

Hand in hand, they walked off.

You know, I just realized that the cocktails shes been giving Arthur are called Flirtinis, Isaac said.

Do you think shes actually flirting? Elena asked.

I think its probably the setup to a prank, its too subtle to be actual flirting. You know, go full Yandere on him at the end of the night? Ive been flirting with you all night, how could you ignore me, you monster?, that sort of thing, Isaac suggested.

Oh my God, hes going to have a heart attack, Elena chuckled.

Pretty sure thats the idea, Isaac told her, which prompted her to step in front of him, place both arms on his shoulders and grasp her hands behind his head.

Isaac, dear?


Were not leaving until weve seen that happen, she stated before giving him a brief kiss on the lips.

Good point, Isaac said and returned the kiss, which led to a far longer make-out session, after which they headed downstairs because someone needed to stop one of the local fraternities from trying to get Artemis drunk.

The party kept going, and things got more and more ridiculous.

Someone exclaimed Stop frenching the toucan, which Isaac eventually figured out referred to a toucan-shaped watering can filled with a strong beer called Vitus, obtained from the worlds oldest brewery, that people were sharing with each other.

University parties. University freakin parties.

Isaac laughed a lot harder than the joke really warranted.


The party kept going for far longer than anyone had expected, though they really should have expected it. After all, theyd procured enough booze to drown the entire town, and people were literally sleeping it off in a matter of minutes on one of the many mattresses placed in an unused space.

Isaac and Elena ended up spending some more time at the party, before retreating back to the roof with food, drinks, and a picnic blanket, watching the night sky.

But eventually, things died down, crowds dispersed, and Isaac and Elena got to watch Arthur run from Amy as though all the hounds of hell were chasing him. In fact, Isaac laughed so hard he fell off the side of the roof.

So, just two more hours to wake the drunks sleeping in the bushes and to do some general cleanup, and then, holiday time. Explore the planet, explore the solar system, and finally spend some proper time together.