Chapter 165: Campanulaceae guilty...

The one hundred and sixty-five chapters of the platycodon

"Let's eat something... I haven't eaten all day, and I have experienced such a fierce battle. You must be hungry."

Dyeing Hongxia handed a piece of chocolate bread to the platycodon, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Oh, thank you..."

The bellflowers took the bread politely, and unknowingly opened the mouth and bit it. I only felt that the rich and aromatic bread was delicious, and she evoked her food, and screamed in her stomach.

Two hours have passed since the end of the war.

During these times, the combat members of major organizations have also recovered a little physical strength, at least they are free to move around, or go to the civic team to ask if their loved ones are safe, or go to the battlefield to clean up the companion’s body, or run Handle the corpse of the worm, cut a pile of useful cherished materials, use it to refine yào water, make armor, cast weapons, and even some powerful orc warriors who are not afraid of insects, can directly swallow and strip, and nourish the body.

Above the battlefield, there are nine thousand worm bodies, which are extremely rich in loot

Of course, the most important thing is insect crystal

In the body of nine thousand insects, there are at least 3,000 insects that can produce insect crystals. This means that Xijiang City will harvest a large number of insect crystals to strengthen itself, and the strength will rise again.

At this moment, the white mist that has been fluttering has been scattered a lot, although some still can't see the distant vision, but at least you can see some outlines vaguely.

The entire battlefield, within a hundred meters of the square is filled with the unique stench of insects, and the smell of insect blood, hún mixed together, people smell a little uncomfortable, but most of the combatants are used to it, and even some people smell The smell of insect blood will have a distorted pleasure.

Not far away, burning a group of flames, rising a black smoke.

That is the body of some of the fire mages who burned the death of the Nanhai military school and the factory.

There are many close comrades around the deceased, one by one, silent and sobbing. They originally wanted to bury the dead, but some proposed cremation. Only the cremation can make the hero's soul rest in peace. They will live forever in heaven.

At this time, there is not much difference between burial and cremation. The cremation is cremation, but the atmosphere is quite dignified. No one speaks quietly. Even the wind seems to have stopped. There are only a few war songs, orcs. Full of whispering sings of vicissitudes, it is said that these sung songs can make the deceased happy in heaven. TXT eBook Download**

The flaming flames swallowed the body of the deceased and turned into a cluster of white powder...

Maybe, like these dead comrades, I will be killed by the worm one day in the future, but I don’t know if anyone will cry and cry for their death...

Road, still have to go, but this road, it is really too difficult to go, perhaps worn out the soles, scratched the soles of the feet and did not have the opportunity to reach the place of hope - Yucheng.

"Hong Xia, is your injury still ok..."

After eating the bread in three or two, the bellflowers licked the watery eyes and asked the friend.

"It's a lot better. Xiao Yu's treatment is more than a hundred times better than good yù. Most of my wounds have healed. It's just that the internal injuries of the lungs and the broken ribs still have some problems. You need to rest for a day or two to heal completely... Huh, this I accompanied Li Jia y to go crazy, I almost lost my life, but now I can’t believe it, but I played really refreshingly, very stabbing, the feeling of hanging on the line at any time. I haven't calmed down yet..."

Li Hongxia looked at Li Jia y, who was still meditating not far away, and said with a smile, he also patted his own xiōng mouth, posing a happy appearance after the robbery.

"You, it is too desperate... Next time Li Jia yù will find you to perform the decapitation action, then you should not go again. After all, it is too dangerous. What should I do if something goes wrong, after all, you are I am the only friend I can talk about in this world... If you have to insist on it, then bring me, I will soon be able to follow the steps of the second-level high-level, and if I am, at least not Let you have any accidents."

"You are so concerned about me, I am so moved, hug me."

When I dyed Hongxia, I will hold the platycodon in my arms, and I will be very intimate. I am embarrassed to make the platycodon, but I think that my friend’s death will be overwhelmed, so the nv witch sister will not It’s just a shame to push the red glow away.

"Don't be like this, they look at it."

Dyeing red Xia to open the bellflower, his eyes suddenly looked at her in a complicated way, his eyes bluish, and he looked at it for ten seconds, and the y rumor stopped, the platycodon was flustered and asked with concern.

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face? I have been watching me like this..."

"Citrus, I am asking you something, don't you be angry? If you don't say it, it will lead me to be uncomfortable, and my heart is hard to accept." Dye Hongxia said something seriously.

"Ask, I am so good friends with you, what can't you ask?" The platycodon's heart faintly raised a bad feeling, but still calmly face the inquiry of dyed Hongxia.

"You first make sure you are not angry."

"I won't be angry... except for Li Jiay, who can make me angry, no one can disturb my emotions."

Dyeing red Xia face sè complex nodded, Zhang Zhang Zhangúu flap, want to brave the courage to speak, but still hesitant, she is afraid that after asking for the exit will make each other very embarrassed, and waited for more than ten seconds, dyed Hongxia I closed my eyes and asked a whisper that made the bellflowers stunned.

"What do you do with Li Jia y 每天 every night... It should not be a simple exercise, honestly, how much have you developed with him, have you kissed it, have you hugged it, have you got a deeper touch... you My friend, who is such a good friend, actually hides the true relationship between you and Li Jiay, isn’t it enough?"

The tone of dyed Hongxia is strange, not sour, but after all, there is an unspeakable bitterness, and even I don’t even notice it.


The bellflowers licked, the ears were hot, and they whispered chún whispered.

"No, really, no, you, don't open this kind of nutritious joke. It's kind of person, it's obviously an emotional idiot... You don't know how much he hates us, he only has You are interested in Xiao Yu, even if I take the initiative, he will not be able to look at me."

Perhaps because of the guilty conscience, the platycodon is a bit stuttering, and when she thinks about what Li Jia yù did to her last night, her face is red like a ripe apple.

I dyed Hongxia and heard a sigh of relief. I didn’t know whether it was happy or curious. I whispered, "That’s right...but how is your face so red?"

"Your imagination is too rich, and your imagination is too rich. I even pulled me and Li Jia y. I will not talk to you next time."

"Just kidding... Who told you that you are hún together every night, can you not let me think about it, that, you don't misunderstand, the reason why you ask him about him does not mean that I have something to him. The idea, don't tell him..." It is said that the platycodon has nothing to do with Li Jiay, and the big stone hanging in the heart of Hongxia has finally been put down.

"Well, I won't say it."

The platycodon nodded in a guilty conscience and shifted the topic

"Good y ù meditation, supplementing the jīng power and physical strength that is consumed empty, I am afraid I can't wake up for a while, I don't know where the dark octopus is going... Xiao Yu doesn't see anyone..."

"Xiao Xiao took a rest for twenty minutes and was invited by the people on the other side of the army. I heard that it was to help the Vajra orangutan to continue life. Hey, I didn’t expect the three-polar low-ranking Vajra orangutan to be seriously injured and dying. I hope he does not want it. Something is good..."

Outside the tent of the military department, it was full of wounded people. These wounded people were all ruined. Even though they were treated, they were still covered in blood. Some even tied wooden boards on their arms, apparently to correct the broken arm. bone.

The tent was suddenly opened, and several water masters came out. The last one came out. It was a bright sacrifice, Xiao Qingqing, and another three-pole low-level ability of Xijiang City.

The breeze blew and twitched her hair. Although she had some sorrows on her face, she still exuded a kind and kind temperament, which made people dare not care, and could not give birth to the slightest heart.

"How is it? Boss, is he okay?" Tyrannosaurus, with a cane, asked in a hurry.

"It's already out of danger.... Within a week, it's best not to let the Vajra orangs do strenuous exercise. Otherwise, it will cause internal injuries and internal tissue bleeding. It will be difficult to do it at the time. You know, he burned too. More blood, already in an anemia state, give him some blood food in the past few days, if your alchemist can formulate blood yào agent, then it is best."

Xiao Qingqing holds a bright smile, like a snow and ice, chūn warm huā open.

"That's good, then it's good... The boss's life is finally guaranteed."

The people in the army burst into tears and burst into cheers and applause, but they immediately stopped because they did not bother to disturb the retreat of the Vajrapani.

Soon, they have a hairpin, and in the following days, the Vajra orangutan is difficult to participate in the war, and in case of encountering a powerful bug... What can the Xijiang City escape team do?

Can't always pin my hopes on the fallen angels every time?

at the same time--

The dark octopus was drunk and fell from the head of the blue-eyed giant ant, and it was full of sorrow.

"It's so unpalatable... it's stupid and stinky. This hanging wire hates the brains of blue-eyed giant ants. It takes two hours to swallow it..."

The dark octopus at this time has already been promoted to the second-order mid-level. Its appearance has not changed much, but the two bulges on the head have turned into two tentacles, just like the electrodes that condense lightning, showing silver. The luster, and its eyelids have become pure gold.

A tyrannical temperament broke out from the dark octopus, and it directly extended the tentacles and climbed the body of the blue-eyed giant ant.

"This sling octopus... and learned new skills, master, you will be very surprised..."

Suddenly, the dark octopus is very shouting.

"Life jīng Hua came out"

As soon as the voice fell, the body of the blue-eyed giant ant exploded.