Chapter 460: Soothbill

West of Yucheng -

The screams of screaming, shouting and killing, and the sound of insects shook the earth.

The tall wall that was originally built has already been smashed under the joint charge of a group of second-grade rhinoceros beetles. It is like a tofu, and the huge sounds accompany the long section of the wall to collapse. Among them, the huge cracks were cracked, and these cracks became the best entrance for the army of insects to break into the human city!

"Stuck! Hold on!"

"Don't go back! No one is allowed to back off! The retreat is treated as a deserter!"

"The Berserker! Shield Warrior, all the warrior inheritors have given me the top! In any case, you can't let the worms rush in from those cracks!"

On the battlefield, there are the roaring voices of the officers and the heads of the flustered people. Even the aura of the auxiliary profession is full of dazzling light everywhere. However, the number of insects on the opposite side is too much, and the landslides are overwhelming. Killing and killing, unstoppable, the human war has entered a fever!

It is hard to imagine that the battle was less than ten minutes, and the intensity of the battle has risen steadily, almost reaching the level of the total decisive battle. In the stormy tide, even if the people in the defending city cooperated properly, they feel heavy. Unbeatable pressure, it seems that even the breathing is in a chaotic rhythm!

Time, slowly passing, but like a sharp ice cone, piercing people's hearts little by little.


The red clouds thundering in the sky suddenly burst into a lightning bolt that broke through the sky. Illuminating the entire battlefield, the deafening noise spread to every corner of the city.

The rain is getting heavier. Washing the blood on the ground!


The worms screamed one after another, and the muddy waters that were provoked by countless insect legs entangled with each other, struck by the momentum of the mountains!

"Mom! I am not a coward, come, you are a group of dog hybrids, Lao Tzu lets you see what it is called Huaxia Qigong!"

Some qigong master took the lead. The momentum slammed into a blue-eyed giant ant, and the qigong burst, the palms covered with a layer of visible gas energy, and there was a stun of the wind, but he had two tricks with the blue-eyed giant ants. There was a swampy dragon in the ground that appeared in his feet!

The qigong master who can't wait to prevent it can't be evaded, and is directly bitten by the swamp of the swamp dragon in the lower half!

"Ah! Let's die together!"

The qigong master made a roar of screaming, even though the lower body was bitten with flesh and blood and the bones were broken, but he still bite his teeth and shoot the dead swamp dragon!

And the next moment. The huge pliers of the blue-eyed giant ant greeted the qigong master. Instantly clipped him into two pieces, and the colorful internal organs were scattered!

The tense atmosphere, a wave of overshadowed. It is difficult to stop the pace of insects, even in the case of human beings, and especially the flying insects and the worms in the earth. Every head is not elusive, and it has caused great trouble to human beings!

The inheritor's defense line shrank step by step, but still resisted the fierce and abnormal insects. In a short period of time, there were a large number of casualties, and the corpse was everywhere, and once the inheritor died on the battlefield. The body of the corpse is nothing more than two kinds of end, one is being flattened into a sloppy. The other is to become a snack of worms!

Soon, a ** support force finally rushed over, Chen Shaozhi, Zhao Shaojun as if the tiger went down the mountain, and joined the party, respectively blocking the third-level intermediate rhinoceros beetle king, apocalypse tank insects, but also let the defending army eased Great pressure.

However, the supporters of the two majors are only a few thousand people, facing tens of thousands of worms... These thousands of reinforcements are still not enough to watch, the battle is still not optimistic, as time goes by, the dead The inheritors have reached nearly a thousand people, and there are a large number of flying dragons, blasts, tumor worms, and self-destructive worms crossing the protective net, and the gathering place of the residents of the pilgrimage city rushed over!

In addition, there are traces of layers in the soil. It is obvious that many worms such as swamp dragons, red spotted spiders, steel nematodes, and plague sand crabs have invaded the city and spread in all directions. Let these insects lie in the city on a large scale, the consequences will be unimaginable.

In particular, the second-grade plague sand crab contains a large number of pathogens and infectious diseases. If it is mixed into a residential area, it will inevitably cause hundreds of people to suffer terrible plague, bad blood, High fever, stroke, and myocardial infarction are extremely troublesome!

"Not good! Don't let those bugs harm our compatriots! You guys have to take the team to intercept the bugs! Fast!"

Several officers smashed their scalp and saw that their scalp was numb, but the frontal battlefields had already resisted the powerlessness. How could they withdraw their troops to intercept the worms that slipped through the net?

What if you can draw troops?

At the speed of the inheritor, if you want to catch up with the flying insects and the worms in the ground, it is simply a dream!

Looking at the worms that are gradually going away, the officers are uncomfortable in their hearts, just as there is a scale that is very uncomfortable in the eyes of the blind...

What to do, do you want to watch the worms run to kill the refugees in the city?

We wear military uniforms, isn’t it just to protect the millions of people in the city?

The number and strength of bugs is too terrible...

Whether we can survive life under this erosion is already unknown, and how can we care for the safety of ordinary people...

Just why, in the bottom of my heart, there will be a sense of powerlessness...

This kind of bad feeling of being precarious and hanging on the line is how long it will last. Do you want to continue until the end of life... Could it be that human beings really can’t wait until the day of restoring peace and rebuilding civilization?

Deep sense of powerlessness, almost to clean up the power of the inheritors. But no matter how morale, the war will continue, because not fighting, it means 100% death!

In the face of the Zerg, there is absolutely no option to surrender, because once surrendered, human beings will only have a miserable end!

"Damn! There are no more reinforcements! The bugs in the west of the city are overwhelming. At a glance, you can't afford the number of people. Even if you can stop it, you have to pay unbearable casualties... Chu Sling, Roussin, Dyeing Why did the Major General not support it, is it that the battlefield in the north of the city will be more difficult than our battlefield!"

A fire-fighting arrogant in the **** body, after a little bit of flaming flames and a colorful scorpion, turned around and resentfully asked the companions around him.

But the companion did not speak, and there was a tank beetle rushing over, like a high-speed train of 100 tons, carrying a terrible momentum. Unstoppable hitting the fire tyrant!


For a moment. The body of the fire department was hit by two waists, and the upper body was thrown into the sky in a sinister manner. Finally, a second-order high-ranking Jurassic caught his exposed spine. One swallowed into the stomach, still squirming the tentacles next to the mouth, relishing the taste of delicious flesh and blood...

"Ah! Friends!"

The companions of the fire department's arrogant watched the scalp numb. However, it is only possible to vent the grief and indignation of the heart, and it is impossible for him to rush to kill the tank beetle to avenge the tyrant.

The tank beetle, which is a second-class high-order land-based worm, evolved from the green beetle. It must be counted as a close relative of the purple beetle, but it abandoned the flying advantage of the purple beetle. Turning to maximize ground combat capabilities, with a harder outer shell and a stronger body. Eight legs are full of explosive energy, once running, even the city wall will be hit by it!


After hitting the fire system, the small, narrow and long eyes of this tank insect flashed the vicious glory of the monks, and the cold sight was locked on the next prey.

Its hind legs, slowly swiping, bring a large piece of dust, like a bullfight that is about to launch a red eye!

It likes to use its long trapezoidal horn to smash the human body, and it likes the thrill of destruction.

Facing the fierce light of the tank beetle, the man couldn't help but be scared and pale, and his body was a little soft. He turned his head and tried to escape!

Just kidding, playing alone with the tank beetle on a flat ground, this is simply looking for death, even if the third-level powerhouse has to pay for it in person, let alone he is second-level.

However, the man ran a few steps, and there was a vibrating sound in the sky. Then, the person felt a sharp pain in the cone, and since then there has been no consciousness!

The corpse of the man was planted softly on the ground.

The next moment, his head quickly dried up and shrunk, and finally became a skinny scorpion, and even the eyelids were deeply sunken!

A burst of light and awkwardness, a ugly jellyfish-like bug emerged from his head, violent blue veins, greasy skin, disgusting joint-like tentacles, fierce triangle eyes, puffy faces, and three sharp edges. The long mouth of the pinhole, like the mouthpart of a mosquito, is only magnified hundreds of times!

Soul Eater!

That is to kill the soul worm of the previous Sun Weiwei!

This kind of bug is only a second-order mid-level. The attack, defense, and speed are extremely moderate, and it is inferior to the floating jellyfish.

But its terrible thing is that it can achieve perfect invisibility, not only invisible body and energy, but even life fluctuations can be perfectly hidden!

Some of the second-order high-order, and even the inheritors of the peak, are also slammed into the head by the soul-hitting worms when they are caught off guard, and they die silently!

This terrible bug, like the death of the soul, instantly set off a frenzy of death in the crowd. Many of the inheritors were screaming, and suddenly the brain blossomed, and fell straight on the ground, and the dead could not die!

The emergence of the Soul Eater once again magnified the fear of the defenders, and the pessimistic negative emotions spread like the tides, making morale even lower! (To be continued)