Chapter 555: Qing zombies

Seeing a time of breathing, Li Jiayu put down two bodyguards again. The group of political **** were dumbfounded, but they thought of something and quickly shouted:

"Fairy, don't be impulsive, stop first..."

But they shouted a step later, because Li Jiayu was fighting with four or five bodyguards, and the wind was raging in the blink of an eye. The whole room was full of dull sounds of fists and fists. Li Jiayu was like a colorful flower in the flowers. Butterfly, every lap, every foot, every flash, imaginary and real, no trace can be found, despite being in the disadvantage, it can still be difficult to solve with four or five bodyguards!

"Don't's just like this..."

The thin old man patted the clothes and stood up from the ground, looking at Li Jiayu with a gaze, facing his companion:

"If she can subdue her... we can take her to the capital, not only can cure the illness of the veterans, but also get more benefits from her..."

"Pharaoh! Don't be confused! She is another person in the world. We must not use it strong for her. Otherwise, it will be counterproductive and she will be disgusted!"

Several old people all squatted, and they just couldn't understand. How could the thin old man have this idea? Li Jiayu is such a perfect fairy, the mysterious secret, and the power of the mysterious, must not be enemies with her, just like the black dragon!

The United States has provoked the black dragon and lost a military port and a large number of fighters. If China provokes a fairy... What is the result of Tian Xiao, don’t look at Li Jiayu’s lack of most of the power now, but once she recovers, she will definitely Like the black dragon, it hurts the world!

"Master, I am here to help..."

The golden dragon baby **** its wings and wants to help out. It can be greeted by a bodyguard's flying scorpion. When it is on the way, it will be smashed with eyes and stars. No way, the dark octopus is too weak. !


A bodyguard is like a tiger going down the mountain. The momentum is awkward and he has a fight with Li Jiayu!

Li Jiayu's strength was too weak, and he was suddenly slammed back a few steps. There was a clear red mark on his right fist, and he almost bleed.

"I am afraid of many people. If it was a few days ago, I would converge, but now..."

Li Jiayu's scorpion burst into a cold, and in a twinkling of an eye, it condensed the mental power and rushed to the right hand.


Li Jiayu’s right hand suddenly glazed bright blue!

The hand of the devil!

Despite only a little bit of mental strength, the devil's hand still exudes a violent wind. I saw the blue light shining, Li Jiayu's white and delicate right hand slowly emerged the scales and lines of the devil, and the domineering, even the nails turned red. Five long nails shine with the radiance of blood!

Seeing the drastic changes of Li Jiayu's right hand, the five bodyguards all jumped in their eyes and felt a chill in their hearts. After all, Li Jiayu's right hand was too scary, just like a ghost hand, even accompanied by a kind of grievance.

"carry on!"

Li Jiayu, who provoked the devil's hand, sighed softly and rushed toward the bodyguards in a lightning-fast manner. The speed increased sharply, and the strength of his right hand was three or four times that of the original!


It is also a bodyguard's sweeping leg. However, Li Jiayu did not need to dodge, but extended the hand of the demon, and caught the ankle of the bodyguard, and suddenly forced him to squat two laps, then regarded him as a humanoid weapon, swearing in another A bodyguard!

Strong impact. The two bodyguards are all broken, and the internal organs are like the rivers!


The bodyguard who just retired Li Jiayu was a boxing man. He tried to repel Li Jiayu again, but Li Jiayu just raised the hand of the devil, and the landslide tsunami collided with the bodyguard's fist!


In a piercing fracture, the bodyguard flew out at a faster rate, and when it hit the wall, it softened and his fists softened. Obviously it is not a bad injury, and within a year and a half, I am afraid that I can’t use it.

Seeing that Li Jiayu was so fierce, the three bodyguards were solved in an instant. The thin old man was anxious, and immediately coughed and gave the remaining bodyguards a wink!

The remaining ten bodyguards were oppressed by Li Jiayu. In the attempt to subdue Li Jiayu, Li Jiayu still smiles lightly:

"I said... the sea tactics are useless. You should not push me too fast, otherwise I would rather burn the jade and not let it go!"

After finishing the conversation, Li Jiayu squatted and pressed on the ground!


A soft bang, Li Jiayu's feet suspended a blue magical magic array, followed by three stone coffins drilled out from the floor, with a cold and terrible breath!

Seeing the stone coffin, everyone in the room took a breath!


How is this going?

Good end, the house will actually drill three coffins?

What is in the coffin?

Is this really something that high-tech can do after ten thousand years?

Is she telling the truth or a false statement? Is she really the person who passed back after ten thousand years?

Or... The big guys are all smart and confused. What is the real identity of Li Jiayu is not important. What is important is that she has the power of strength, just like the black dragon!


In the smog of death, the cover of the stone coffin swayed down, and the three black shadows slowly emerged from the coffin, with ominousness, death, with doom, with the breath of hell!

This is a zombie!

It is a first-class mid-level zombie, and it is a Chinese zombie. It is dressed in the black official gown of the Qing Dynasty. The skin is pale, the lips are black, and the body is stiff!


"how is this possible!"

"She actually let the zombies come to this world..."

"Isn't it that only the corpse of Xiangxi can control the body..."

"Protect the head!"

As soon as I saw three zombies wrap around Li Jiayu, more than a dozen bodyguards were all sweating, and they couldn’t care about the consequences. They took the pistol directly from the waist and all aimed at Li Jiayu and the three heads of the Qing Dynasty. Zombies!

Once Li Jiayu dared to seduce, they must shoot, because the domestic political circles gathered in this small room, there must be no three long and two short, otherwise the domestic political situation will have a magnitude 12 earthquake!

"Dare to point a gun at me?"

Li Jiayu stared at the bodyguard in front of her eyes. The corner of her lips evoked a cruel and bright smile. It was beautiful. Just like alcohol, it was enough to make people feel good, but like the flower of death, it can seduce people's souls. Drop it.

She is not a person who is afraid of things. If she really wants to provoke her, she will definitely give a painful lesson to the people in front of her, not to mention that she has been in this world for four or five days, even though the sequelae left by the goddess fragments have not completely dispersed. But she also recovered a little spiritual power, summoning some low-level summoned beasts or getting it.

"Put the gun down! Put the gun down! Don't sway the scorpion fairy! Listen to me, all put the gun down for me!"

Seeing the situation intensified, even the incredible zombies appeared. The old man in Tang suit quickly ran to the front of the bodyguard, ordered them not to confront Li Jiayu, and also looked at Li Jiayu with a slight apology. Wen Sheng said:

"嫦娥仙子... Everything is misunderstood... Please calm down, don't let the scene continue to get out of control, which is good for you!"

"Oh... I just want to tell you that rice can be eaten in a mess, but you can't talk about it, but your bodyguard is the first to do it to me..."

Li Jiayu snorted quite dissatisfiedly, but she didn't want to think about it. She first caught the collar of the thin old man and threatened the old man's face badly. But then again, the old man who was thin was not in a good position, and dared to let her go with the world. The person who gave birth to a good offspring completely violated Li Jiayu's bottom line. If she could not get angry, then it would be really sneaky.

"That is a misunderstanding... a misunderstanding, the fairy does not have to be angry."

The old man in Tangzhuang still manages Li Jiayu as “嫦娥仙子”. He does not believe that Li Jiayu will be the person who passed back after ten thousand years, because he firmly believes that Li Jiayu’s use of nothing is super high technology, but a real spell, only real magic. Summon zombies!

The breath of death, the pressure of suffocation... Yes, it is absolutely zombie!

This kind of pistol is absolutely impossible to work with zombies!

If the conflict just continues to escalate... the consequences will be unimaginable!

"Well, this is the end of the night..."

Li Jiayu shook her head. She knew that she had successfully deterred this group of people. I believe that they will not have any rash actions against Li Jiayu in a short time. This has already achieved her purpose. As for whether they will retaliate in the future, it is no longer Important, anyway, she returned to her world three days later.

"But there is a sentence I still have to finish!" Li Jiayu took the three zombies filled with death and slowly walked to the front of the thin old man. All the people in the room mentioned the heart to the eyes of the blind man. Breathing and looking at Li Jiayu, I was afraid that Li Jiayu would continue to work, and those bodyguards were stiff and muscled, waiting to shoot Li Jiayu with a gun and save the old man!

"You..." The thin old man involuntarily stepped back and pretended to look at Li Jiayu calmly.

"I just wanted to say a word to you... I am a man, not a woman! If you later tell me about giving birth to good offspring... Be careful with your tongue!"

After Li Jiayu left this sentence, he made a snap and ordered the three zombies to return to the coffin, and then the coffin was turned into a white smoke and disappeared.

In the eyes of the audience, Li Jiayu looked at the white long ponytail behind him and glanced at them with a scorn, and left with the dark octopus.

"This... this woman... is unfathomable, Pharaoh, I have already told you, don't provoke her, you will not listen!"

The old man in the Tang suit stayed for a long while, only to get rid of the crutches, and some resentful shouted to the thin old man.

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