Chapter 578: Going alone in Hong Kong

After practicing for a whole day, Li Jiayu really came to a bottleneck. It would be no good to practice it. It is better to go out and meet everyone and enjoy the dinner today.

Surrounded by a large group of people, Li Jiayu took the bus to the hotel. This hotel is also close to the sea of ​​Hong Kong. The environment is very beautiful. It is said to be opened by the British. The foreign dishes are quite rich. It happened that Li Jiayu also tasted these days. A lot of Chinese food, it is time to try European and American dishes.

The dozens of Japanese and Koreans present here are somewhat resentful. They secretly plan to take Li Jiayu to try Japanese and Korean dishes when they are...

Those in India and Arabia are more resentful... It seems unlikely that I would like to invite Li Jiayu to try the dishes of their country, because Hong Kong’s Indian restaurants and Arab restaurants are pitiful, and they can get far on the table. Inferior to Chinese food and Western food..." "Hey..." This fish egg sauce is not bad, the entrance is instant, the taste is very good, the steak is also very tenacious..."

Li Jiayu ate the lips with sparkling oil stains, and did not know what was going on. It may have been spoiled by this world without pressure and no war. Li Jiayu is now more and more fond of eating, and always wants Taste the food of this world..." "Master, drink some red bars! ”

The dark octopus in the form of Persian cat strolled on the dining table, and the person stood up and poured a bright red wine on Li Jiayu. The candlelight on the table was illuminated in the red wine, which was very beautiful.

"No, I said..." You can't drink alcohol, you **** less come to pit me! Li Jiayu glanced at the dark octopus, and she knew that the anti-drinking power of the goddess of light was so horrible that a glass of white wine was drunk. Even if the degree of red wine was not high, Li Jiayu would never dare to drink it. Half drunk, how much more uncomfortable?

The dark octopus was disappointed to drink the red wine in the glass. To be honest, it really liked Li Jiayu's half-drinking blush, but Li Jiayu would never be fooled.

After drinking red wine, the dark octopus picks up a piece of foie gras with cat claws. Its favorite snack is this top foie gras, which is quite delicious and impossible to eat in the doomsday world.

The **** chewed the foie gras while flashing the jewel-like cat's eyes. He screamed: "Master, look at the crowd now, it's better to try the voice first..." Let the octopus listen to your singing. . ”

"Yeah, 嫦娥 fairy, you said that you want to open a large concert, it is better to let us have a good time before this..."

"The legend is that the fairy is the master of the Guanghan Palace. It can sing and dance. The sound of the sound of the fairy who wants to come to the fairy will surely make people feel good."

A lot of people helped the dark octopus, and Li Jiayu asked for a song first, but Li Jiayu did not cooperate, but shook his head indifferently: "Sing you sing well."

Full of expectations, it was Li Jiayu’s refusal. Everyone felt quite disappointed. Even the netizens who watched through live broadcasts were a big pity. If you can hear the songs of the fairy in advance, how wonderful it is. Things.

However, disappointment was disappointing. Li Jiayu’s fanatics were more and more looking forward to the concert two days later...” The heavenly gods are performing concerts on the earth. What a grand event?

If you can have a good time watching it... you can definitely remember it for a lifetime!

"Fairy, after our unanimous consultation, your concert will be held in the Red Pavilion. You see... is it okay?" asked the third man in Hong Kong cautiously.

"Well, you have arranged it..."

Li Jiayu doesn't care much about this. Anyway, this is just an experiment to test the power of faith. Isn't it the same where the concert is held?

However, she feels a little weird.

She is a murderer, Li Jiayu!

In her world, her name of Hehewei can scare people out of breath, but in this world she has to open a concert...

Hey, why is there a faint sense of collapse?

After dinner, Li Jiayu and the dark octopus down the stairs, if it is usual, she should take a wind-drawn car, return to the villa to rest, or go to experience the night view of Hong Kong.

But this time, Li Jiayu was really tired. She didn't want to follow a large group of heavyweights. She wanted to go out and play in Hong Kong alone.

"嫦娥仙子..." Don't you want to go back to rest? A lady who was responsible for driving Li Jiayu asked curiously.

"Of course I don't want to, don't follow me tonight, probably in the middle of the night, I will naturally go back.


"Octopus, let's go."

"Oh, Master, I have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time!"

When Li Jiayu and the dark octopus went to the parking lot, they suddenly turned into a lightning bolt. The speed was incredibly fast. In a couple of seconds, they opened a large distance to the crowd, waiting for them to catch up with Li Jiayu. At the time, Li Jiayu had already ran away along the corner. Several ups and downs, Li Jiayu disappeared without a trace.

Everyone was stunned, and they were flustered for a while, and they didn’t know what to do. Especially the bodyguards of the National Security Department and the American variant agents were all dumbfounded, and they all reported their mobile phones to their superiors.

"What? She slipped from under your eyes? Are you a pig? Can't catch up? How can you not catch up!"

"Are you not a racing athlete? Can you catch up with her? If she never returns, you are seriously derelict!"

"This matter must be handled in contact with the official of Hong Kong! Add people, be sure to bring her back in a short time!"

Li Jiayu’s departure made many people sweat like an ant on a hot pot. After all, her every move has been monitored by the powers of various countries in the past few days. However, Li Jiayu’s most hateful feeling is that she does not like it. I am bound by myself.

After six days of recovery, she already has the spirit of being close to the first-level high-level. It is similar to the one before the confrontation of the female Luoteng at Xijiang University. It can summon a few mummies and ghouls a little, and can do it with spiritual power. Some assistants are considered to be a bit of self-protection. As long as you don't touch a lot of enemies with guns, no one can get her.

In Hongda, Hongda, Li Jiayu is a superman!

"Octopus, where are we going?"

Li Jiayu's figure emerged from the darkness. She just used her mental power to vaguely integrate herself into the darkness. It was like a ghost of illusion, and there weren't a few cameras that could photograph her, so she could easily do it. Get rid of everyone.

"Of course, go play! Just come with me!"

The dark octopus did not know where to take a piece of black silk and let Li Jiayu cover his face.

"Take this on your face? Do you see more martial arts films? Also masked blacks? Masked heroes?" Li Jiayu twitched.

"Master, don't wear this, you can easily be found..." Anyway, there are so many hip-hop people in Hong Kong, and occasionally some people like masked or covered with stockings..."

"It’s a bank thief who is covered in stockings!"

"Oh..." Master, don't mind, just put on it, take off your short leather jacket and put on this equipment..."

I don't know where the dark octopus took out a bunch of clothes. It turned out to be a red office girl shirt and a black little vest, which seemed quite casual.

"It seems to be a women's dress..."

"Master, boys and girls are the same! Don't care about this, you will leave after two days..."


The dark octopus talked about this, Li Jiayu was not good to tweak, had to put on the clothes, but also really fit, the red shirt gave her a bit of chic, the black vest brought her a bit cold, This sale is also worthwhile.

"The owner is really nice to wear this dress..."

"Less nonsense! Go quickly!"

Li Jiayu put black silk on his face, wearing a hat and a magic mirror, urging the dark octopus to leave, but then, after Li Jiayu became the goddess of light, the height was really reduced, from the original one meter seventy-eight. It was quite uncomfortable for her to be as short as one meter and seven.

Hong Kong really is an open world. Even if someone sees Li Jiayu blindly, he will not be too surprised. He just regards her as a little girl.

A few days ago, I have already visited the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of Hong Kong. So Li Jiayu is going to visit the less prosperous places under the leadership of the dark octopus tonight, such as the snack food street, Causeway Bay, and the night park. Li Jiayu is very low-key. She always looks at the pedestrians silently, watching the emotions of the pedestrians.

Some hawkers in the stalls will secretly sneak out because they bought two more barbecues. Some poor people are bitter because their sons cry and cry to buy toys. Some small couples are red-faced because they hold hands, some old people are smashed by halfway. The old friends of the year ago burst into tears. Some of the men were kicking and kicking their wives because of their wives’ derailment...” Some of the wage earners who were deceived and confessed to the streets were hungry and hungry and stole a few apples. Just run.

Some women who have gone to Hong Kong to do the flesh-and-blood business from the poor places in West China, even though they are already numb, have a charming smile on their faces, and seduce men at a low price on the street..." There are still some savvy and confusing The street is full of protection fees, and the small vendors show their jealous color to them, and they dare to speak out...

Is this the world?

In a peaceful world, although there are many endless troubles, they can all have a peaceful land, can mix and drink, and be much more happy than the survivors of the doomsday world...

"Ah! Robbery! Help me stop that person! He grabbed my bag!"

Suddenly, there was a hoarse voice of a woman in the distance, but two men driving a motorcycle, taking advantage of high-speed driving, stole a woman's bag in an instant.

There is no doubt that this is Hong Kong's famous speeding party, and it is also a speeding party that specializes in robbery with motorcycles! (To be continued!~!

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