Chapter 733: Stupid IQ

Thousands of monsters began to sway, like boiling hot lava!

Roaring, molars, claws, footsteps, and mourning sounds are mixed, like a sea of ​​oceans filled with a whole battlefield!

If they launch a storm at this time, then not only Li Jiayu will be torn into pieces, but even the survivors of the entire city of seven million will be able to live to tomorrow!

after all……

Everyone has been scarred and hard to fight. It can be said that today’s Yucheng combat power has fallen into an unprecedented trough, not just the major officers, the major hunters, but also many researchers in the research institutes. Sudden death, magic heavy artillery, high-altitude artillery, and so on, all the equipment was scrapped due to overuse, and the pets of the animal trainers also died, even if it was the Battle of the Dragons, it was not so embarrassing...

Everything, it’s time to end the face...

No matter how hard you try to resist, it is impossible to escape the disaster of this annihilation...

"I really can’t be reconciled. I can’t tell my brother before I die...” Li Banyue, who was injured, gasped, her sweet fruit was able to petrify the enemy, and her superior challenge with her amazing ability, petrochemical seal A dozen or so high-level monsters, but also because of the magic turtle's ice arrow hole through the lower abdomen, almost no life.

"Oh... damn, I can't fall... stand up, I have to stand up, I still have the strength... I can't beat these monsters, but at the very least I have to take Li Jiayu away and fly high..." His eyes were firm, his face was decisive and generous, and he used his sturdy long sword to support his body. In the battle of the three-pole peak of the tortoise, he and the other three major generals fought back, and the last three major generals died. Injury, even the forest chaos was beaten by the magic tortoise, and half of the body did not feel, but in the end, the forest was still fighting to kill the tortoise.

"Hey, black man. What should we do!" The jelly is crying, and her dragon pet and worm king are all sacrificed on the battlefield. Now the remaining bugs are only a few three-level low-order Pluto ladybugs. Turbo, the unicorn, the king of the blade, and her mental power is running out.

"What to do? Cold salad! This situation can only give up the base of Yucheng... You go with me, I will take you to the wild forest..." The black man sighed with a blank expression.

"Whoever wants to go with you, go away, and stop with you. I might as well die here early and live super early!" Jelly roared, I don't know if it was venting my inner grievances, or mad before death. ......


At this time, the monsters who were caught in the riots finally launched a storm. They were divided into several roads and rushed to the wall of the city, rushed to Li Jiayu, and rushed to every inheritor who could stand up on the battlefield!

The smoky smoke once again swelled and the ground rang like an eight-level earthquake. The monster’s momentum is like a horse, so it’s breathless...

In the face of the rioting monster, Li Jiayu did not resist again...

She just hugged the body of the red-colored Xia. Tears brushed and flowed, as if the whole person was stupid, and felt no change in the outside world...

Queen Fiona has just used the madness skills to succumb to the two queens. The terrible sequelae caused her strength to fall to the third-level low-level. In such a state, it is impossible to resist the pressure of the monster army!


In the bleak roar of anger, the rushing monster is getting closer and closer to Li Jiayu Fiona...

Seeing that Li Jiayu and Fiona are about to be drowned by monsters...


The sky flashed a silver-white lightning, illuminating the dark earth and cutting through the dense clouds. The sound is like a tidal wave, which shocks the whole world!

Lightning, unbiased, fell on the corpse of the tentacle king with incompleteness and split brains...

The next moment...

The dying tentacle king trembled and then climbed up with only seven tentacles left, and it screamed in the sky. The mournful and lonely mourning sounds through the nine clouds!

The tentacle king is not dead!

It clearly shows that the broken dream knife that was dyed with Hongxia pierced the head and should be cut off from life.

But it is now resurrected, and this horrible vitality is extremely impressive!

The inheritors on the battlefield are all stupid. Some people have tried to escape, but now they are already cold. There is no courage to escape...

People all fell into the boundless disappointment, but Queen Fiona was so beautiful and surprised, she thought that the tentacle king died, and never thought that it could still survive. This is simply the patronage of God, to know the tentacle king. Burning the magic crystal, even if it is not pierced through the head, it is sure to die...

Too good, as long as the tentacle king is still alive, then there must be a way to control Li Jiayu, when the time... Li Jiayu will be arrested back to the abyss, and then slowly find a way to lift the "sin slave contract"!

"Ha ha ha ha ha, queen, you see, I have not lost! I have not been defeated by your intrigues, the goddess of victory is really on my side, the queen you confess, your life will always be my slave Hahahaha..."

In the smug laughter of Queen Fiona, the large group of magic tortoises and tentacles that had been shocked not only stopped, but also turned and went to worship the tentacle king...

The magic turtles are not part of the tentacle family, but the two ethnic groups have a deep friendship, and the magic turtle king has also died, so the remaining magic turtles will also regard the tentacle king as a temporary leader...

They are looking forward to the tentacle king to lead them to level the city, to kill every human being, to be the tragic death turtle king, to avenge the dead compatriots!


The tentacle king, with the only two scarlet eyes left, snarled weakly:

"Go back, give me back..."


The victory is in front of you, the tentacle king actually wants to win the gold? Is this still a brave and good-natured, unyielding tentacle king?

Thousands of magic tortoises and tentacles have issued dissatisfied protests, constantly paying homage to the tentacle king, asking for reasons, and advising the tentacle king to change his mind...

"Queen Fiona is not a rebellion... She was cursed by the white-haired woman... I already know that the woman represents the cursed goddess of ominous and catastrophic, whoever moves her is unlucky... If the tribes are forced to persecute her, I am afraid that the devil turtles and the tentacles will be cut off from the blood, and no one can live tomorrow..."

The low and hoarse snoring spread throughout the battlefield, which is the language of the abyss. Humans can't understand, but the wisdom creatures in the abyss can understand that the magic objects in the field are all face to face. It is hard to believe that the weak white-haired woman turned out to be the legendary cursed goddess. In the rumor, the cursed goddess was killed by the goddess of light. It fell into the long river of time, but now how can she be resurrected with humanity?

Some of the tentacles that were stunned by anger and stunned their heads were even more sorrowful. The continuous protest means that... the tentacle family is not afraid of death, no matter how much sacrifice, but also to avenge their companions, hand-to-face enemies!

"Give me calm down! The epic goddess, let alone destroy our whole family... even if it is to incite the abyss, it will not be a waste of effort! My family can't afford her... you haven't found it yet, She is more and more frustrated, and her back ace is endless. Even... she still has epic shards hidden in her body..."

The tentacle king desperately persuaded the rioting monster, while saying, coughing blood...

Out of awe and worship of the old tentacle king. The demons gradually calmed down. Although they still sorrow and anger, they couldn’t wait to kill people, but they still obeyed the disapproval of the tentacle king and temporarily suppressed the killing in their hearts...

"Go back, give me back to the abyss... This matter will be solved by me... My life will not last long, I will naturally kill my own enemies, and go to Huangquan with the devil turtle Kalu... I ordered that you all return to the abyss and thrive. You must not step into the human world again!"

The roar of the tentacle king stirred up a layer of ripples visible to the naked eye, spreading away in all directions, as if the clouds in the sky were shaken to melt away!


Thousands of magic tortoises and tentacles blame all sent out weird sorrows, like madness, dying to the body of the demon turtle king. And the tentacles of the tentacle king bowed to the hoe, a drop of tears in the eyes, some crying blood...

The devils in the abyss also have true feelings, and they are mourning. Regret, in grief...

"Let's go back!"

As the tortoise king screamed, it even squirted the sticky dark green blood again, and the group of neutral scorpions obediently posted the magical things also resolutely turned their direction, step by step, reluctantly looked at the companions The body of the corpse, and looked at the broken turtle, which was broken into two pieces, and the broken and broken body of the tentacle king...


The monsters sighed with sorrow, and finally finally accelerated the speed, leaving the battlefield like a tire, and soon disappeared from the eyes of everyone...

They must go back to the abyss... Go back to the cold world without light!

Although the heart is unwilling, but the king's command can not be disobeyed, and they do not provoke an epic cursed goddess, to blame them can only blame them for bad luck, change the blame of Queen Fiona, the stinky scorpion to provoke an epic The enemy, the Tortoise family of the Tortoises almost disappeared, and even the king had to fight the battlefield...

"Take a group of monsters... but still resurrected a lord-level tentacle king, and the rotten ship has three nails. Even if it is weak, we may not be able to beat it..."

On the head of the city, many of the inheritors who are still alive are smiling and can't afford the courage to resist. It is not that they are not willing to resist. It is no longer a force to fight again...

"Lesta! What are you doing crazy! She is clearly the queen of my family, when is the relationship with the cursed goddess, you are clearly lying, you deceive your people, what is the plot, you are worthy of me I, but you have a crush on a hundred years of dream lovers!"

Fiona is like a shrew like a street...

However, the tentacle king climbed up to her, and looked like a sling, and licked his nostrils with his tentacles.

"Oh... sorry, I am not a tentacle, Wang Lista... I am the **** of silk, the dark octopus..."

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