Chapter 973: End of revenge

When Master Liu shot, the red storm like a torrent of torrents swept the arrogance. In a moment, the fish white sakura, which lacked the combat experience, was seriously injured. The thin body slammed into the wall and hit the wall. Pulling the ground to crack open countless spider webs, if the quality of the house is not enough, I am afraid that the wall will be hit.

It is true that the whitening of the fish white cherry is quite subtle...

However, she is facing the peak of the three poles. Liu Shaobo, the third person of the Hainan surviving base, can naturally capture the teleportation of the fish white cherry under the powerful strength and induction, and then attack the attack!

More importantly……

Wind smoke, even if the fish white cherry is turned into white smoke, it will be easily broken by the storm master, and it is completely suppressed!

Therefore, others have been squandered by the fish white cherry, but the powerful storm master of Liu, but can turn the second fish white cherry.

"I can't think of that scorpion can become so horrible, Liu brother... thank you."

Wei Lianzhuang wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and his heart slammed against Liu Shaobo. The situation was really dangerous. If Liu Shaobo shot, he must drink the knife under the fish white cherry.

"Why Wei's younger brother is polite, private and private, I can't sit and watch it... The woman is coming to Wei Laodi, then she will be handed over to you to come and go... But you better hurry back to your headquarters to check Exploring this, this demon girl is sexually savage, and her body is very different. I am worried that your headquarters has been poisoned..."

Liu Shaobo said with a loud voice, the big hand was a trick, and the chapter was the fastest in the military uniform hunting. Even the air around the city screamed, and then a tornado storm hit the severely hurt fish white cherry. Pull her over!

But at this time


Awkward. An icy streamer rushes in ruthlessly, as if it is penetrating the void, so fast that it is too fast!

Like a comet hitting the earth, it slammed into a circle of enthusiasm, bursting open countless stone powder, and screaming in the air.


Then there was a soothing heavy muffled sound!

However, Liu Shaobo, who was still alive, was shocked by a huge force. The bottom of the foot was rubbed on the ground with a trace of five meters long and one inch deep, just like the collision of a siege car. Liu Shaobo squirted a black blood. The face was pale, and the bones at the chest were all bursting with a "clam"!

And just hit him...

It’s just a piece of ordinary copper that is the size of a copper urn!

"Liu brother, you..."

A strange mutation, Wei Lianzhuang was also scared to chill, and quickly went to Liu Shaobo who wanted to put the pain to the ground.

"Hey. Keke... It doesn't get in the way, it doesn't get in the way... There are masters outside. No. It's not a master. It's clearly a peerless comet that is stronger than Commander Zhang..."

Can easily use a piece of ordinary stone to hit him to break the sternum, this horrible "" strength, even if Hainan's first master Zhang Weiguo can not do it!


What happened tonight, why the strange masters are constantly looking for Wei Lianzhuang troubles, just the fish white cherry is enough headache. Now there is another inheritor who is ten times more powerful than the fish white cherry...

Nowadays, this situation is not something Liu Shaobo can cover the sky.

"When you know that the venomous demon squad is doing bad things, you will not turn a blind eye to it. If it is not difficult to read in Hainan compatriots... I urgently need strong inheritors to withstand the situation. I have already sent you to see the king of Jurassic..."

The faint voice sounded slowly, and the black robe slowly entered the room. The wind blew, and the loose magic robe slid in the wind, but it filled the cold and repressed atmosphere. It was like a smashing mountain landslide. It is generally frightening in front of you.

"However, death sin can be saved from living sins. Tonight, crush your sternum and let you lay for a month to show punishment!"

Speaking of the last sentence, Li Jiayu snorted, and the violent anger and anger of the violent wave suddenly broke out, forming an incomparably vast spiritual pressure, directly covering Liu Shaobo and Wei Lianzhuang, and letting both of them have legs. Soft, "噗通" slammed down on the ground, his face pale and bloodless, a lot of sweat oozing between the roots of the forehead, and the whole body could not stop shuddering!

"Cough... actually, it is the inheritor of the lord class who came to enlighten me. I, I don’t know Taishan, I also ask the seniors to show their mercy..."

Liu Shaobo’s body is swaying into a sieve. There is never a moment when his nerves will be tense. The Dark Summoner of the End of the World, the ninth and seventy-three chapters of the final chapter of revenge, to this extent, even if it is facing the lord’s level. The headless knight has never let him feel so depressed, just like every breath is inhaled with a lot of poisonous gas. He struggles to stand up and crawl, and he does not care for the black blood on his lips. Respectfully and pleading for forgiveness.

At the lord level, that is the inheritor of the lord class, and look at the gas field, it must be the darling of the lord of the lord's top, let Liu Shaobo be conceited, and he did not have the overbearing that he showed when he faced the fish white cherry. And tyrannical, only humble and weak.

If you only face the low-level leader of Zhang Weiguo, maybe he can still fight two strokes, but he can't escape and save his life, but if you face the characters of Fang Yun and Lin Qiuqiu, the leader of the lord, then Liu Shaobo Absolutely will be killed by a stroke, no luck.

Therefore, after Liu Shaobo realized the power of Li Jiayu, he immediately chose to succumb to the knees, and the manic posture just disappeared.

"Don't you say that you want to protect that person?" Li Jiayu laughed.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You are a master of the world, I am afraid that Lu Haixian has already died, and the entire hunting magic group has been uprooted."

Liu Shaobo’s face struggled to maintain calm, but the eyes were full of caution and tension. His eyes fell on Wei Lianzhuang and said:

"This should be the last fish to slip through the net... In the past!"

Although Liu Shaobo smashed his sternum, he still carried out a brute force. He took a palm and shot it on Wei Lian’s "The Dark Summoner of the End of the World". On the back of the film, Wei Lianzhuang leaned forward and leaned forward. The dog fell to the ground.

Li Jiayu lifted his eyelids and nodded:

"I know that the time person is Junjie, you can leave."

"Thank you for redemption. If there is a chance, I will..."

"Don't talk nonsense, let's go."

Li Jiayu snorted and was suppressed by a mental force. He was scared that Liu Shaobo was coughing a bite of blood. He squatted weakly on his chest and walked two steps in a bent waist. Finally, there were several cleverness. The point of the servant helped him to leave quickly...

In less than ten seconds, this quiet and elegant European-style house is left with only three people, Li Jiayu, Yu Bai, and Wei Lianzhuang.

Under the treatment of Li Jiayu, the fish white cherry soon healed. She touched her chest and her eyes narrowed slightly:

"Master, I am disappointed. Just if you didn't help me, I really..."

"This is the last time I helped you. If you encounter any dangers in the future, you will be self-defeating. Your inheritor as an assassin is attacked by the storm master. This not only shows your battle. Inexperience, it shows how weak your sense of combat is... It's like a child, taking a pistol, the gun is no more useful, because the child is not a sharpshooter at all."

"White Sakura understands..."

"Okay, do what you should do."

Fish white cherry nodded, carrying a bright dagger and slamming toward the ground"" Wei Lianzhuang went, Wei Lianzhuang was shocked to death, his face was black, kneeling on the ground crying for mercy:

"Don't, don't kill me. The culprits of all this is Lu Haixian. At that time, he would send you to my bed in order to win over me... I would say that I am also your first man, the so-called one-night couple." You are..."

Wei Lianzhuang knows that these words are useless, but he still said this. At this moment, he has already realized that the whole hunting demon group has already fallen apart, and after the fish white cherry is standing on the back of a lord-level peak. In addition to begging for mercy, what else can he do?

His consciousness was a little bit responsive. He was still enjoying the food at the moment, and he talked with the third person in Hainan. Why did he become a fish at this moment, and he was a knife, and the person who slashed him was so humble and pitiful. The weak woman of the bitch.


Yes, what he sees now must be a nightmare, it must be a nightmare...

But soon he mourned again and again, his body was missing a few limbs and dozens of pounds of meat, even his genital organs were smashed into meat sauce and stuffed into his mouth... his heart was completely desperate, at this time At this moment, he believes that he is not a nightmare, but believes he is already in the eighteenth floor of hell.

Although he did not die, he was even more painful than death. Without his limbs, he lost his eyes and ears, and what is the meaning of being alive...

"Master Liu, that person is too heavy, your ribs are piercing the lungs..."

Outside the room, Liu Shaobo waited quietly with the support of several confidants and servants, one of whom complained in a low-pitched voice.

"Stop, if this is heard, your life will not be guaranteed!"

Liu Shaobo’s face was heavy, and he glanced at the confidant. The confidant shrank his head and whispered:

"Master Liu, who is that person, how can it be so powerful..."

Liu Shaobo blinked and took a deep breath, his face slightly strange:

"This still needs to be asked. Among the survivor bases today, there are only two lord-level inheritors, one is Zhang Weiguo, the other..."


The confidant suddenly reacted, and the pupil tightened and snorted low:

"Mr. Liu, you mean, that person is Li Jiayu who is riding the lord-level monsters flying around today. That person is too legendary. It is as unreasonable as the rumors, but it is invincible, only Unfortunately, she wore a magic robe, we didn't have a chance to look at it..." (To be continued.)