Chapter 1466: New world tree

The zombie tyrannosaurus evolutionary body, with its physical instinct, hunted and killed the predator in the South China Sea, more than 700 squads, tens of thousands of reincarnations, of which the legendary master has three digits, other quasi-legends, The lord level is even more numerous!

If more than 700 teams ran out of the South China Sea and went to Asia, Europe, and North America to perform their duties... I don’t know what kind of chaos.


It is the main **** space that controls the reincarnation squad, and the behind-the-scenes controller of the main **** space is fate...

One of the epic quests of the reincarnation team is the birth of Li Jiayu. To say that, the more than 700 squads are potential enemies of Li Jiayu.

But the cause and effect is so ridiculous...

Before they even had time to take action against Li Jiayu, they were swallowed up by Li Jiayu’s summoned beast, the Zombie Tyrannosaurus.

Devouring hundreds of legendary powers, and digesting a lot of legendary treasures, the zombie tyrannosaurus has undergone a qualitative leap, and all the skeletons have evolved into immortal pale gold. The body is as large as Mount Everest, with wings open. , you can cover half of the sky, Megatron, enough to make the wind change!

Nothing wrong, the zombie tyrannosaurus has been promoted to the true epic level!

And it is not an ordinary epic low-order. From its horrible violent momentum, it is clearly an epic intermediate!

Its combat power is extremely strong. In the same level of battle, even Yang An was killed by it in half an hour. Now it has risen to the epic level, which is really true against the sky, even if Li Jiayu’s summoned beast Devil Buu" is close, I am afraid that it may not be able to suppress this zombie tyrannosaurus!


The zombie tyrannosaurus screams with a murderous eye, circling in the sky. The anger opened his mouth and spewed a lightning black ball. The water below it was crushed to a hundred meters, and the waves were raging. It seemed that even the air exploded under this violent energy!

The lightning black ball spurred out and swayed. It was directly to let an island ten kilometers away sink and the dust was rolling!

That island, but it is full of fifty kilometers!

However, after the black light, the island was turned into nothingness... It is imaginable that the impact of the previous attack was amazing, and the power was nuclear. The bombs were hundreds of times more!

This is just a random blow of the zombie tyrannosaurus. If it is a good force to make a move, the scope of destruction is more than 100 kilometers? One thousand kilometers?

But when the zombie tyrannosaurus is immersed in the thrill of power, when you are contented -

A more terrible thing happened!


But seeing the space above it, it is a huge space wormhole, which is filled with deep and mysterious black gas!

This black gas reveals an indescribable cold vicissitudes. It is a kind of arrogance that allows all things in the world to surrender. Any creature or substance must compromise under this hegemony!


The zombie tyrannosaurus is unknown, but he also looks up at the huge vortex-like wormhole. It is self-sufficient, not afraid, and has no choice but to escape. Instead, it waits quietly for the evolution of the wormhole. It wants to know what kind of creatures will be drilled in the wormhole!

Can pass quietly over time...

When the insulting Mori was getting more and more black, the zombie tyrannosaurus couldn’t wait any longer because it instinctively felt fear!

Even if it has an epic high-level horrific combat power, it still feels cold and uneasy!

Just like a mouse encounters a natural enemies, there is no reason to tremble with courage!

How can this be?

It is the strongest battle summoning beast that is not afraid of fear!

"The perfect body, not a layout I carefully planned, hey, there is a spiritual connection between Li Jiayu... very good, your body. I am smiling!"

A majestic and old voice, penetrated from the endless space and time, suddenly spread across the ocean in all directions, so that all the creatures of a thousand miles can hear this old voice!

The zombie tyrannosaurus roaring again and again, wanting to usurp its body? Simply delusional!

It may be defeated. However, it is a dead creature, how can it be won, even if the epic-level big demon came, fear is not enough!

It is at this time!


The thick, viscous black gas that swelled out in the worm-like wormhole, like the flood of the dyke, poured out in a turbulent way, quickly occupying the entire sky!

All the black gas formed a sly face, and then the black face suddenly shrouded toward the zombie tyrannosaurus!

The zombie tyrannosaurus will sit and wait, and it will be provoked under fierceness, violently resisting, and the claws will fight back and forth...

However, it was finally entangled in black air, and it was impossible to move, letting it anger and despair, and could not rewrite its ultimate fate...

After five minutes, the black air dissipated.

The pale gold skeleton of the zombie tyrannosaurus has turned grayish black, and the fire of the soul that beats it in the eyelids has become pure black, and there is a very emotionally faint flash in the vagueness. color.

"This body is very good... With this body, I can move freely in this world, and temporarily do not need to worry about being expelled by the planet consciousness..."

There is a faint joy in the voice of the vicissitudes of life.

This has won the soul of the zombie tyrannosaurus, who is it?


This soul is a sense of destiny!

He finally came to the human world and began to retaliate against all resistance forces!

"Oh... If there is no such skull dragon and reincarnation squad, I want to come to this world, I am afraid that it will be postponed for half a year... However, after all, you will not escape the calculation of fate, the incarnation of the three world tree seeds, you Will eventually become my nutrients!"

It turns out that the fate is in the training of more than 700 reincarnation squads, each member is mixed with the will of fate...

The reason why he sent all the members of the reincarnation team to the South China Sea to perform the task is to let the team members die!

He didn't expect the players to complete the epic quests. They raised them and let them grow into legendary masters, just to feed the zombie tyrannosaurus!

It is like raising a pig. Fattening and killing again!

Two years ago, Destiny discovered that Li Jiayu’s summoned beast, that is, the zombie tyrannosaurus, was separated from her control. When the South China Sea devours the creatures to pursue evolution, fate begins to lay down this cruel overall situation...

In order to achieve ambition. He used the reincarnation of the main **** space and spent two years raising tens of thousands of pigs - pig!

Originally, he wanted to train all the pigs into legendary masters, but time was no longer allowed. The bright goddess woke up early and disrupted his plan.

Helpless, only let all the reincarnation teams travel through time and space to the South China Sea in advance. Become the fruit of the zombie tyrannosaurus.

Among the souls of every reincarnation, there is a little bit of fate.

The zombie tyrannosaurus is a dead creature, and it is made of bones. It has a very strong and mad soul, and it will hardly be won. However, the brand of fate is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Nothing can make an incredible effect!

If the zombie tyrannosaurus only swallows a thousand reincarnations, maybe it won’t do anything...

But when it swallowed up tens of thousands, the quantitative change caused a qualitative change, and it would be difficult to be undecided!

Tens of thousands of destiny brands are combined to perfectly resist its resistance, and it is easy to erase its soul.

Zombie tyrannosaurus. This has become history...

And its powerful body has become a big killer for the tiger.

Even worse is...

It is Li Jiayu's summoned beast. In its soul, it has a hint of Li Jiayu's spiritual power, and this little bit of spiritual power falls into the hands of destiny, which just becomes the key element of the fate of Li Jiayu!

"The wheel of destiny is rolling forward, unstoppable, you want to change your life, just delusional... You will spend a few more months... I will destroy the will of the planet, and the seeds of the three world trees will not run!"

"At that time... I will replace the withered world tree and become the new world tree in the endless universe, all life in Unicom, everything is under control!"

This is fate!

The fate is not as good as the goddess of light, and it will kill the four races of people, insects, dragons and demons.

in contrast. In his eyes, the four races are dispensable, and they are insignificant. Killing or killing is only between him. If he is happy, he can even make the four races flourish. The human science and technology civilization wants to improve instantly. For thousands of years, entering the era of the big universe is also a breeze!

His purpose is to simply want to come to this world, to control the goddess of light, Bai Jiayu, and Black Jiayu, to extract the soul and seed elements in their bodies, so that he can evolve again and become a new world tree.

in other words……

If the goddess of light, Bai Jiayu, and Black Jiayu adhere to the spirit of dedication and are willing to sit and wait for the shackles, then the fate will not need to come to the earth to be chaotic, and both sides will be happy, and the earth will be free from war and usher in true peace.


The price paid will be that the earth consciousness will be completely destroyed. The creatures of the human world, the dragon world, the insect world and the abyss will also completely fall into the hands of destiny, completely controlled by him, and the fate will not be Then there is the invisible thing, but the military order that really is over your head. He arranges you to die, you have to die, he wants a rabbit to be a lion's dinner, and the rabbit does not even qualify for running. He wants the lion to dedicate his life to become a specimen. The lion can't even save his life, and he will definitely slamming to death!

This is fate.

Very ironic...

Destiny, relative to people, is the fate of high above...

However, people, in front of many animals, are not the same as their "destiny". All the animals in the zoo have been manipulated by the breeders throughout their lives. Are all the employees of the zoo not the fate of the animals?

this is only……

It is just a causal cycle, a destined result. On the top of the human head, there is also a kind of creature that controls humans!

Once fate has become a new world tree... then it’s not just the earth world that has been ravaged. Every corner of the endless universe will be radiated by fate, losing itself forever and becoming a slave. He wants you to die, you can't live three!


The zombie tyrannosaurus murderously sent a fatal blow to the bottom of the sea. Suddenly, the sky was cracked, and the bottom of the sea was hit by the horrible big bang, flying and flying!

In the middle of the ocean, it was instantly hit by a vacuum zone of ten miles!

In this vacuum, there is no seawater and air, only the exposed seabed stone!

"call out"

The zombie tyrannosaurus rushed straight down, plunged into the ground all the way, and soon disappeared between heaven and earth.

"Hey, la la la -"

The seawater 10 kilometers away, once again poured down, filled the vacuum zone of this depression again, the blue tide is still thunderous and windy, it seems that nothing happened, only occasionally drifting Some of the reincarnation's corpse fragments, silently accusing everything that happened, will completely ruin the world!

at the same time--

Tianchao City -

"The distant endless time and space, please listen to my call, come out, my summoned beasts!"

Li Jiayu, who has recovered his health, stood on the head of the city, his clothes fluttering, his white hair fluttering, and a spell was heard in the white light of the array.

Compared with a month ago, Li Jiayu's temperament became so good, his face was ruddy and fair-skinned, and his body was exuding an unparalleled watery pink, while her feminine charm became more and more prominent, apparently this month. Resting, let her be physically and mentally happy, even with a gain of two pounds, seems to become more fleshy.

The beautiful buttocks have long meat, and the female charm is of course soaring. It looks like a coveted person. Every time the generals and marshals of the city go to visit her, they all see their eyes straight and their throats dry... ...

Mom is a forced!

This is an increasingly beautiful rhythm of the urban master, and the body is getting better and better, and they are all in their twenties.

Of course, this is just a digression...

Now that Li Jiayu has read the spell, it is to summon her strongest combat power at the moment - Super Saiyan!

Sure enough, after her spell was finished, the surrounding world’s vitality suddenly rioted, as if the whole world was shaking!

Even some of the gravel powder on the ground actually floated into the air, which is a sign of the loss of control of the Earth's gravity!

"This, this power... a powerful momentum!"

The guardian fish white sakura, who accompanied him behind Li Jiayu, stepped back and forth again, and his face was pale and two points. He almost couldn’t breathe!

Her life was saved by Li Jiayu, and she was loyal to Li Jiayu. Of course, she became Li Jiayu's personal bodyguard. Li Jiayu did not dislike her being defiled by many men. Instead, she was very good to her, which made her more grateful to Dade.

However, now, she has to retreat hundreds of steps, can no longer be close to Li Jiayu, because the coursive power will almost be crushed by her quasi-legendary master!