Chapter 1474: Fifteen days

Among the gods of the sky, Yang An’s blond hair dances and her spirits are pressing. The steel body that is just like the sun **** is just the perfect and perfect. The body of the steel under the shower of the gods highlights the earth-shattering momentum, as if the whole sky is for him. Trembling!

"Breakthrough! Huh, a month-long retreat, finally ushered in this moment of breakthrough. From then on, my Yang An is also extraordinary in the sanctuary, the achievements are immortal, and it has the ability to reverse the time and space!"

Yang An is thrilled, and the blood in the chest is like a flame burning, only that this long-term effort has not been in vain!

More than a month ago, he followed the goddess of light and other people to go to the three major circles to discuss, and then once again saw the dark destruction of God, with the help of the great demon, Yang An got the benefits of the great, but also got the devil's Inheritance and Zhibao, under the whim, they returned to Haitian City to retreat and strive to break through.

In order to achieve immortality, Yang An even gave up the hot iron to pursue Bai Jiayu, gave up the singing with the 300-year-old Jiali night, even if he did not see his mother for more than a month, he also endured loneliness and depression, and sat in the deep underground of Haitian City. At the office.

All of this is worthwhile, and one point is to gain a point. In the end, he is indeed one step ahead of Li Jiayu. He has become an epic strongman who is difficult to reach in many days. He defends the throne of Yang An’s "child of fate". He also proved to the world that even if he does not have the fate of asylum, it is also the first genius that everyone can't surpass.

"Oh... this creation has come too suddenly. I thought it would take two or three months to break through. I didn’t expect it to be as good as last night. If there is help from God, it will be realized under the whim. It seems to be in the midst of it. There is a pusher helping me. Let me slap the top..."

Yang An whispered that he suddenly broke out at 7 or 8 o'clock last night. As for why the state suddenly broke out, he was not very clear about himself.


That cruel truth, he still doesn't know better...

Otherwise, Yang An will be mad at the brain and his spirit will collapse.

"It’s not our man, you are. You are a god!"

When Yang An appeared in front of the crowd, his 妾 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 , , , 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨The glory of things does not mean that they have been waiting so long.

Not to mention this group of women. Even a group of generals, and even the 30 million survivors of the entire Haitian City, are excited. They are deeply impressed by Yang An. Oh, their head boss, Yang An, has become the first **** in the human world. The level is strong. All mankind must be trembled and feared!

"Let you wait..."

Yang Anyang smiled and held a pimple in the other hand. The tiger's eyes swept away, and the arrogant anger said: "This has been a cold for more than a month. I really didn't want to go... but it made an epic. I also have a lot of magical powers, time. And space will no longer be my blind spot... Aunt. Let's talk about life, oh, the underwear you wear today is black..."

"How do you know..."

Yang An’s aunt, Yang Yuxi, asked subconsciously, but at the same time she also rounded her eyes because she saw Yang’s hand had a black cloth. To be precise, it should be a black T-shape. pants!

She shuddered and looked at Yang An with horror:

"When are you stealing my underwear?"

She is also a legendary high-ranking powerhouse. How strong is the mental strength. How could the underwear be stolen without any notice? And Yang An’s method of stealing underwear is too clever? God does not know what it is...

Yang An took a thong close to the nose and sniffed it deeply. Suddenly, Shuthai said, "It’s so sweet, it’s so sweet... Hey, you asked me how to do it... haha, of course not At my speed, even if I am ten times faster, I can't make you feel nothing... I rely on my control time... Don't forget, I can control the time, for me, in In a certain space, letting time stand still for a few seconds can still be done... In these few seconds, you can't move, only I can move. Isn't it easy to take off your thongs?"

Time is relative, maybe the time of the big universe is irreversible, but the time in a small space can be abnormal under the influence of divine power. With Yang’s ability, time can not be reversed, but the radius is tens of meters. It is more than enough to stand still for a few seconds.


The epic and legendary level is simply the difference between the world, even if you have hundreds of thousands of legendary masters together, but also an epic low-level, people are still enough to kill you hundreds of times.

"Ask, hate, you still don't change your color, I thought you were turning!"

"Haha, food color, I haven't reunited with you for a few years. I think you want to be tight. Come on, I will use the rules of time and space, and match the Yellow Emperor's internals to let you all float. In fact, one person becomes a god, and the whole family rises to the immortal!"

"You are a ghost, now it's early in the morning, you are not going to seduce in the day!"

"Oh, my aunt, we are old wives and wives, what is the difference in day and night?"

In Yang’s laughter, many of the 妾 妾 妾 妾 妾 妾 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕His harem, 300, is immersed in happiness...

In the comfort of Yang An, Yang An also feels a little strange, I don’t know what is going on, today’s desire is particularly high, just want to release it and reduce the pressure...

Oh, unfortunately, although one picks three hundred and has a sense of accomplishment, the only thing missing is that the sweetheart is not here. If Li Jiayu and Leng Huohua can join the harem, then there is no regret in this life...

Yang An slammed, burying his head and working hard...

He only wants to soothe his wife and sister, and then calm down to consolidate the realm. As for the harassment of Li Jiayu and the return of the cold frost, he will leave it for later. Anyway, it is time. It’s not so bad for a month or two, and it’s a god. He has the qualification to make the same line with the big devil and the fate!

Having said that, maybe Yang An is all retribution.

Who let him take advantage of Li Jiayu at some point, Li Jiayu passively has a green hat aura, this is not, Yang An was wearing a green hat, can only knock down the teeth to swallow.

But fortunately...

Yang An will not know the real situation of Li Jiayu in this life, nor will he know that his mother had had a relationship with Li Jiayu from beginning to end. Even at the end of the fate, Yang An thought that Li Jiayu was a pure and innocent girl...

the next day--

Yucheng -

Under the hot sun, the flowers and plants in the garden are more lush green, but the birds on the trees are soaked.

"Jiayu is still not awake?"

Outside the bedroom, 晏 晏 有些 有些 有些 有些 有些 有些 有些 有些 有些 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧Do something weird.

"No. The two of them couldn't stop under the force of medicine... It's like eating a dazzling..." Xiao Qingqing smiled helplessly, and the tone contained a bit of bitterness.

"But the moon has already disappeared. Now it is almost at noon. How can Jiayu keep his male body? It is reasonable to say that he should restore his daughter's body. How can he still let the cold frosty woman shout like this? ..."

晏 晏 嘀咕 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , However, now she has no good face to Cold Frost, who let this woman occupy her jade!

"I can't figure out the specific situation... let's go in and see what it is."

Xiao Qingqing smiled and shook her head. She was also puzzling. Under the annoyance, she pulled the 晏 晏 撤 and removed the enchantment and pushed the door open. As soon as they entered, they stayed again.

But see Li Jiayu flashing a piece of water on his thigh. It’s covered with a layer of water, and you don’t need to know that the water is cold and frosty...

These two guys, really do not stop for a moment, but also so many water stains, not afraid of dehydration, have been done for more than ten hours!

I haven’t seen Jiayu so much in peacetime...

Both Xiao and Xiao are wondering whether it is the effect of a love potion or Li Jiayu’s special excitement about Leng Huohua. In short, she is not very tasteful in both hearts.

"Good night, is it the Jiayu in the state of love potion... Can you keep the man's body all the time?" Su Shi Su suddenly asked, although she didn't mind Li Jiayu's gender, as long as she could be happy together, she was satisfied. Deep in her heart, she still hopes that Li Jiayu can keep the man a little longer.

"Probably this is the case... Now, in addition to the love potion, it is difficult to find other explanations..." Xiao Qingqing thought.

"Then if we can find out the formula of the love potion... can it make Jiayu keep the male body, have the peerless beauty, and the joy of fish and water, I still want to hold more children, and it is difficult to sleep alone every night. Sleeping is hard..."

"Maybe...but the recipe for love potions has long since been lost. Even if we can find it, it is difficult for us to refine this level of human beings. Even if we want to practice, I am afraid that only Liu Yinsha can refine..."

"Let's write down this first, maybe one day, we will have the opportunity to refine the love potion."

Subsequently, Pei Su was yelled twice at Li Jiayu, but Li Jiayu was apparently still in the period of medicinal power, and still enthusiasm with the cold frost.

In desperation, the 晏 晏 也 也 can only give up, slammed out of the bedroom, leaving Li Jiayu and Leng Shuanghua continue to linger.

Pelican and Xiao Qingqing had to join forces to lie and deceive everyone, saying that Li Jiayu had shocked the epic in the past few days and refused to visit everyone.

The third day... Li Jiayu is still with the cold frost.

On the fourth day... Li Jiayu applied several endurance techniques, hydration techniques, and holy light techniques. The two men recovered from the dehydration state again and continued to paralyze.

On the fifth day... Li Jiayu's magical power is out of control, and the black and white magic light reveals his skin lingering and tangled.

On the sixth day... the dark magic created a fierce conflict and almost exploded.

On the seventh day... Under the magical impact of Li Jiayu's magic, Cold Frost is like a rocket. It is a breakthrough from the legendary high-order to the peak, and then sings all the way, even reaching the realm of half-step epic, seeing the basil Envy, eyes are red, and she has been up to two years before she has risen to the legendary low-level wood. Where is the leg like a cold frost, a light and easy to achieve half-god!

On the eighth day... the cold and frosty realm was consolidated, and Li Jiayu’s light and dark magic was finally stabilized. Once again, perfect harmony and peaceful coexistence, and even a hidden trend in the faint.

On the ninth day... Li Jiayu’s spirit suddenly became perfect, and the sounds of the fairy voices were heard in the sky above the whole city. For example, the music of Li Jiayu’s water system, fire system and flower system rose to the peak of the legend!

On the tenth day, Li Jiayu didn’t change much. However, Li’s half-moon accidentally broke the enchantment set by Xiao Qingqing and found that Li Jiayu in the dormitory was doing nothing to be ashamed of the cold frost, and She also witnessed Li Jiayu's entry into the frosty flower of Xiaoshuanghua, which once again left her with a shocking impact - the original brother is really not a good person, even with the cold aunt hook up, still into such a dirty place , Scorpio, my brother is a pervert. When my brother was also in the scorpion, hey, but why did my brother turn a blind eye to me... If my brother wants it, I am not uncomfortable...

On the eleventh day, Li Ling’s daughter, Li Lingqi, returned to Yucheng, which scared her. She even surprised her daughter’s return, but she was so embarrassed that her daughter, who was under two years old, knew that her father was doing it. What can I lie about Li Jiayu and still have something to do with her father and daughter...

On the twelfth day, according to the news from Haitian City, the jelly is in the Dragon World! And it has become the leader of the Dragon World. When Yang An went to peace talks, he saw the jelly! It is said that the jelly has mastered the thirteen continents of the Dragon World! This news suddenly made everyone in Yucheng stunned!

On the thirteenth day, the battle network virtual warfare system of "City of the Sky" broke a heavy news, a little red-haired little loli, who defeated a master-level master with the power of the second-level peak. Suddenly become a man of the wind, the potential is endless!

On the fourteenth day, Sun Weiwei broke through to the legendary middle class, summoned the legendary battle tyrannosaurus, steel Garuru, and even summoned eight handsome gold armor, claiming to be from the golden zodiac, but unfortunately Sun Weiwei’s realm is not enough. There are still a few summons that can’t be called out. Otherwise, Sun Weiwei’s battle is explosive. However, she has officially stepped into the circle of strong people and is able to compete with the pride of the world. She has to say that Sun Weiwei is also a Genius Summoner.

The fifteenth day...

Finally, Li Jiayu and Leng Huohua are all awake!

January jade was eaten by two people, that is, the time is divided equally, each person is addicted to fifteen days. In other words, Li Jiayu and Leng Huohua are not ashamed for fifteen days and finally it is time to stop!