Chapter 44: Man vs Planning

Name:Apocalypse Tamer Author:
Chapter 44: Man vs Planning

Nothing better than the smell of cooked flesh in the evening.

Basil rejoiced at the sight of steaks warming up on his grill. Rosemarines Fire Seeds burned in the castles shiny new courtyard, their very presence providing as much heat as coal. Gargoyle ham, bug drone ribs, and the few fish the party harvested from the lake nearby would make for fine dining.

The rest of his party sat around a long table next to a pool. Rosemarine, the only one too big to fit in the courtyard, instead squeezed her body halfway through a stone archway in the outer wall. Saliva drooled from her lips and Bugsy snapped his mandibles in anticipation.

Dinners almost ready! Basil tossed a slice of wolf-man to Ronald. The burger used his tongue to lift a plate covered in bread and catch the meat in midair. The food briefly glowed and transformed into a delicious meat burger, which he served to Plato.

Like every monster joining Basils party, Ronald had developed a new Perk: Bistro Butcher. It allowed the fanged burger to craft meals without a need for a recipe, though he couldnt use fruits or vegetables. Basil guessed it made sense for a living veggie burger to swear off cooking his fellow plants.

Bon apptit!" Basil said.

Less words, more food! Plato replied before hungrily biting into his own burger. The others looked at him with jealousy and awaited their turn in tense silence.

How does it taste? Basil asked as he kept tending to the grill.

Plato briefly raised his eyes from the food to grin at his best friend. Like victory.

Good answer.

So good, Bosh! Bugsy thanked the cooks as his turn came. His mandibles swiftly closed on his own burger. Thanks Ronald!

Do we keep humans for dessert? Rosemarine asked cheerfully. Im sure they taste sweet.

Rosemarine, royalists arent good for your diet, Basil chided her. I wouldnt feed those four to cannibals.

They were a complete disappointment, Shellgirl complained. I barely found a golden tooth and a silver watch when I looted their corpses. A paupers bounty.

Where did you dispose of the corpses? Vasi asked. I could make burning skulls from their remains.

I thought you got rid of them? Shellgirl frowned. Uh. Where did the corpses vanish then?

Ronald belched in response.

Im torn between worry and amusement, Basil thought. Best not make it a habit though, he might develop a taste for it hmmm?

A stream of red particles flowed in front of Basils eyes.

The repairs arent over yet? Basils gaze followed the particles, half-expecting them to flow into the walls. Instead, they swirled around Ronald. Are you reshaping the rooms again?

No, Ronald replied. Hired help!

Basil wondered what he meant when the particles suddenly condensed into solid forms. The shape of horns and fangs appeared alongside wolflike-ears.

Oh, newborns! Bugsy swooned with happiness.

Sweet! Shellgirl replied with a grin. New interns!

I hope there are plants among them. Rosemarine licked her fangs. Or else

Could it be? Realizing what was happening, Basil observed the phenomenon with great interest. Half his group was born this way after all. So this is how it unfolds

Eight new creatures stood in the courtyard when the cloud of red particles cleared. Half of them were the same bestial humanoids that Basils party fought earlier today, although none of them appeared hostile. The rest were a trio of demonic stone gargoyles with cruel claws and a rusty knights armor. When Basil looked into the last creatures helmet, he found himself staring at empty darkness.

GargoyleLevel 18 [Demon]Guild: Homeowner Revenge Association.Lycan WarriorLevel 14 [Beast/Humanoid]Guild: Homeowner Revenge Association.Haunted ArmorLevel 16 [Undead]Guild: Homeowner Revenge Association.Gargoyles unlocked the [Dark Claw] active Perk. Lycan Warriors unlocked the [Beastman Melee I] passive Perk. Haunted Armor unlocked the [Grudge] passive Perk.

The dungeon had spawned new mooks.

My liege and overliege! The empty armor bowed at Ronald and Basil, its voice sounding like a creaking door. The rest of the newborn monsters followed suit and knelt. We answer to your will!

Basil remained silent as he analyzed the situation. The System warned him that the dungeons newly spawned creatures would be under his guilds command, but watching it unfold raised many new questions.

Those were the same particles used by the castle to repair itself. Basil glanced at the auroras in the skies. They all followed the same color scheme, so these phenomena relied on a single source to function. Did it mean that the dungeon drew from its own mass to create new monsters? Did the neurotower produce these particles or did it summon them from somewhere else?

He needed to find Kalki as soon as possible. He was probably the only person with the answers Basil sought.

Go fetch more steak, Basil ordered his new recruits as he focused back on his grill. Ill think better with a belly full.

At your service, my overliege. The rusty armor turned its empty helmet at the rest of the guild. Must we kill one of them or fetch the food elsewhere?

Just try, Plato threatened.

Theres a storehouse in the castle, first door to the left, Basil replied half-mindedly. Ronald, I leave them to you.

And like any good middle-manager, Ronald immediately barked out orders.

You slice! The fanged burger pointed at the armor with his tongue, and then at the gargoyles. You tend to fire! Rest, get raw food!

Ugh, hazing One of the gargoyles groaned. One minute in and I already want to die.

Ronald roared loud enough to make the new recruits flinch. Tomato sauce dripped from his fangs like warm blood.

You complain about food? Ronald asked. The flames of the grill flared briefly, as if to echo his anger. You become food.

Basil wondered if McDonald's ever considered that turnover method.

In any case, the mooks swiftly went to work and never complained again. The haunted armor proved itself an excellent kitchen assistant too, though Basil insisted that it clean its rusted sword before it could cut the steaks. I expected more vegetables among them.Seems like the dungeon determines the kind of creature summoned, not the Boss.

A Boss has no control over which monsters are spawned by a dungeon nor their numbers, though they are automatically under their control. The levels and Types of the summoned creatures depend on the dungeon. Chteau Muloup can spawn [Bug], [Beast], [Demon], [Humanoid] and [Undead] Types with a level range of 13-22 each day.

Couldnt a cursed castle spawn teddy bears for a change? Basil asked. Wheres the originality?

Dismaker Labs wishes you a happy apocalypse!

Of course a Metaverse corporation would make a bland, soulless product.

Still, the monsters might have been walking clichs, but they were all relatively high-levels. The haunted armor could probably massacre a small human settlement the same way Megabug rampaged through the Ogre Den.

And there were eight of them.

Basil did some mathematics in his head. If the dungeon summoned new monsters at the same frequency each day, then Chteau Muloup would grow a sizable garrison of over two hundred soldiers within a months time. An organization with dozens of neurotowers under its control could generate entire armies on short notice.

This realization solidified Basils decision to either claim or destroy any dungeon he came across. Mankind would never survive the unceasing flood of monsters they unleashed daily otherwise. Especially if they unlocked new Perks at random

The realization hit Basil like a ton of bricks. System, you said some of my Guildmaster Perks applied to my entire Guild? he asked. Which ones?

As the Homeowner Revenge Associations Guildmaster, your following Perks apply to your entire Guild: [Monster Charmer III], [Monster Cure I], [One for All I].

Basil reread the notification a few times and mulled over the implications. As he suspected, newborn monsters recruited into his Guild immediately unlocked an additional Tamer Perk. They would benefit from enhanced stat growths, more metamorphosis choices, free healing

No wonder Megabug wanted to recruit Basil. His class could potentially strengthen thousands.

Finally, Basil whispered as he finished cooking the food. Ronald served him his own hamburger. Thank you.

Want bone fries? Ronald asked. With blood sauce?

Ill pass. Basil sat between Bugsy and Shellgirl to join the feast. How could bug meat taste so good? Like victory indeed

It might be a long while until the group could enjoy a feast like this one. Apollyons troops cleared the castle of supplies. What they couldnt take in their mad dash to escape their bases takeover, they poisoned and burned.

The new Homeowner Revenge Association would have to ration their remaining food or hunt game, but that could wait for tomorrow. Basils friends deserved a moment of joy after all that happened today, however short-lived.

Short-lived. Basils burger suddenly tasted like ash in his mouth. Where do monster souls go?

The thought wouldnt leave him. Basil had seen a mermaid raise the dead as zombies, so souls definitely existed in some form. Yet where did dead monsters go? Was Orcine in some orc Valhalla and Kuikui breeding with angel chickens? Basils faith used to provide easy answers to the afterlife questions, but now now he wondered.

They hadnt even followed Orthodox rites for their dead. Orcine scattered her parents ashes to the winds, so the party did the same with her remains. As for Kuikui, they buried him under a tree outside the castle so that he may watch the view from the afterlife. The same way Basil had once buried the Old Man.

Who else would he outlive?

Ronalds [Wolf-Warrior Burger] buffed your strength for one hour.Your [Guild Inventory] can store 50 item slots per neurotower under your Guild's control. You can set permission for each item or category, allowing you to regulate who can access your supplies.

Alright, he said.

Now, I understand your reservations, but I can show you the business plan and Shellgirl blinked. Did you say yes?

I did, Basil replied with a shrug. Ill give you access privileges to the Guild inventory so you can set this up.

Great! Shellgirl had clearly expected him to argue over it, but she wouldnt look at the gift horse in the mouth. I knew you would see it my way!

You can even stay here if you want to help Ronald manage the castle, Basil suggested.

Woah, woah! Shellgirl crossed her arms. Why would I do that?

You could manage your unpaid employees more easily, Basil replied. The expression sounded bitter in his mouth. Too many unpaid internships. I mean, you joined my party to expand your own business. Nothing forces you to go with us to Bordeaux. If anything, itll be detrimental to your idea.

What kind of mimic do you take me for? Shellgirl sounded genuinely offended. You think I would suck you dry and then leave with the money? That I would abandon you midway? Ill teach the newbies the basics and trust them to innovate. I dont micromanage.

Basil chuckled. Youre sure?

Werent you listening? Were Partners, thick and thin. Shellgirl grinned. Ill stick to you whether you like it or not. Vasi can attest to that.

I do, Vasi said with a chuckle. Youll grow fond of it.

His last doubts cleared, Basil smiled at his teammate. Thank you, Shellgirl.

Thank me by assigning your goddamn levels, Shellgirl said, her fists pumping. Im soooo close to a premium promotion. I can feel my bank account shuddering in anticipation!

When I evolve again, I will gain wings. Rosemarine glared at the rising moon on the horizon. And then we will see we will see!

Come to think of it, now is as good a time as any to discuss your class progression, Basil, Vasi said with a coy smile. Unless you want to ask me if I want to leave your new association or commit?

How insightful. I thought I would wait to survive Halloween first.

We will survive, and Ill stay. Vasi scratched Plato behind the ears. I cant abandon our dear king of cats or my lovely Shellgirl.

Aww, youre so sweet, Shellgirl replied. You make me swoon inside!

I appreciate this group. Youre fun. Vasi winked at Basil. We arent done yet, handsome.

I hope not, Basil replied. I appreciate you too.

Bugsy glanced at Shellgirl, Vasi, and Basil in quick succession. His breath shortened and he struggled not to squeal. Basil shuddered at the idea of whatever dark thought crossed the centimagmas mind.

I asked you earlier if you knew what you wanted to become. Vasi gave Basil a sharp look. I think you do now.

Yes, he did.

A part of Basil always wondered if his party stayed with him because they had nowhere else to go. Half of them were born from dungeons barely a few months ago. For all of their intellect, the likes of Bugsy and Shellgirl remained nave.

But tonights discussion cleared his doubts. Basils party stayed with him because they cared. A small community had formed under his eyes, odd yet tightly-knit. Maybe that was what ensured their victory against Lalandes group: mutual trust.

He would honor it.

My Tamer Perks apply to all members of the Guild, including the killswitch. Basil clenched his fist. Im responsible for everyone wholl sign with us, but Ill also strengthen them.

The more, the merrier, Shellgirl replied. Im sure we can milk it out for money.

I understand I have minor temper issues, and Im working on them, Basil said, ignoring the remark. Plato opened his eyes and squinted at his owner. Im working on them.

You cant tame your inner bear, Basil, Plato said. I tried, I failed. Itll always bubble up beneath the surface and burst like a volcano.

He was probably right, but Basil would make an effort all the same.

Anyway, a part of me knows Berserker is the best class for me. Its the one that fits me the most. Basil glanced at his allies. But its not the best class for you.

Thats one way to put it, Vasi replied with a soft, affirmative sound.

What I want, besides unleashing the wrath of God on the Apocalypse Force, the Unity, Dismaker Labs, and all the assholes that crawled their way into this world, is to make sure you all live through it. Kuikui and Orcines deaths had opened his eyes on that front. You guys

Basil crossed his arms and struggled to find the right words. How could something so simple sound so difficult to say?

Youre my friends, he finally said. I care for you and I want you to live long and happy lives.

Aww Bugsy had tears in his eyes. Boss, Ive waited so long to hear those words

Thats noble of you, Vasi said, more grimly. But you cant guarantee it.

I can do my best, Basil replied. And that would have to do. Instead of hoarding strength for myself, I can share it with you all. Ill make sure our Guilds monsters behave, and that theyll help people rather than hunt them for levels. Thats who I want to become.

Basil inhaled sharply before speaking.

The Apocalypse Tamer.

He would domesticate the shit out of Armageddon.

His party welcomed his declaration with silence which Plato quickly broke.

Apocalypse Tamer? Plato choked on his own laughter. Vasi herself struggled to hold him, her lips curling into a smile. Seriously, Basil? You came up with it on your own?

Judas! Basil accused his cat. I show my heart to you, and thats how you answer?

Its alright, Boss. Bugsy at least showed some support. Its amazing.

I like it! Shellgirl replied. Sounds trendy and appropriate.

Rosemarine nodded in appreciation. We will tame the apocalypse and let it run wild, worse than before!

Bootlickers. Plato snorted. Im the only one willing to speak the truth to power.

Then speak a truth I can agree with, Basil replied.

Apocalypse Tamer Vasis coy grin didnt falter. If you want to walk that path, you should complete the Tamer part first. As Walter said, Perks exponentially increase in power as you progress in a class. Once youve done that, I suspects new options will present themselves.

She was right of course. After trying out multiple paths to power, Basil went back to the basics.

It was time for him to specialize.

Tamer Level 12, 13, 14 & 15 Stat Gains: +3 STR, +4 AGI, +1 VIT, +4 MAG, +3 INT, +4 CHA, +2 LCK. You have earned 80 HP and 65 SP.Monster Insight (Passive): You can passively glean information from monsters by observing them closely, including their elemental affinities and useful trivia. Your chances of analyzing a monster depend on your Intelligence, their level, and the influence of secondary Perks.Monster Lair II (Passive): Your monsters can now create Lairs of their own; however, they must have undergone a metamorphosis at least once. Your monsters will keep this ability and their lair even if they leave your party.[Monster Lair II] will apply to your entire Guild.

The rush couldnt compare to Basils terrible glee as he read the last lines. It unsettled Vasi greatly. Basil? Basil?

Oh, a new Perk! Bugsy rejoiced. I can make my own Lair now!

I can make my own litter now. Plato shrugged. Big deal.

Clearly he didnt see that Perkss potential.

Samhain is a dangerous night and we should expect a fight, Basil said. Those were your words, Vasi.

I said the dead would rise, that fairies would come out to play, and that with dark magic at its apex we should expect a fight. Vasis frown deepened. What do you have in mind, handsome?

Killing many birds with one stone. Basil grinned ear to ear, as a devious idea crossed his mind. He glanced at the pelt on his shoulders.

It had been a while since he put a Halloween costume on