Chapter 76: Man vs Wisdom

Name:Apocalypse Tamer Author:
Chapter 76: Man vs Wisdom

Are you sure of yourself, handsome?

Basil glanced at Vasi as they walked down the stairs to the UNESCO building. He and his girlfriend closed the partys march, while the rest of the team kept an eye on their prisoner.

Benjamin Leroy hadnt made any effort to free himself from captivity. He walked alongside the team in utter silence, his gaze hollow and his back bent like an old tree. No monsters ambushed the team during their descent, although the Pyramid was probably still crawling with them.

None of the Bohens let their captives passivity lull them into complacency. All of them sent glances at Leroy from time to time, none more often than Plato. The feline kept his hand on Joyeuses pommel at all times, ready to cut down the false god at the first sign of resistance.

He is dangerous and unstable, Vasi warned Basil. Letting him live is a gamble.

I know, Basil admitted. Although he hoped the reward would outweigh the risks, he understood his wager could backfire spectacularly. But he cant turn his life around if hes dead.

Do you think thats even possible? his girlfriend asked with skepticism.

I believe so, yes, Basil confirmed. Hes not like Tamura or Hypathia, or even Maxwell. He understands that he has done wrong. Hes damaged goods alright, but he can still pull himself together.

Basil couldnt quite explain it himself. He felt it in his gut. Perhaps he saw a bit of himself in Leroy, or his brief stay inside the illusory world of Naraka had given him a glimpse into the mans soul. Or maybe, just maybe, a part of Basil wanted to believe in the mans better nature.

I told you at the house that when faced with unrepentant evil, fire and brimstone really are the solution. Thats Old Testament justice. But the sequel has some good words too: He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone. Basil shrugged. When someone stumbles on the perilous path of repentance, I should help them stand back up and not trip them further.

Vasi looked at him with a coy, enigmatic smile.

What? Basil asked.

I find you more charming when you speak of forgiveness rather than punishment, my bear knight, Vasi said with a chuckle. Your better qualities shine through.

Thank you, Basil replied, returning her smirk with one of his own. And for being at my side. It helps, more than you know. Your deliveries saved our lives in the painted world.

I do not keep count, Basil, Vasi replied. But if you truly want to return the favor I wouldnt mind taking a holiday after we are done with our current Quest. Dungeon delving is exhausting. I think I need a break.

That made two of them. If we survive the Incursion, Ill take you to Bulgaria, Basil promised. Youll love it. Its a beautiful place.

Are you planning to introduce me to your mother? Vasi mused. Its a big step forward in our relationship.

Yeah, it is, Basil admitted. But I feel were ready for it.

Vasi nodded slowly as they finally reached the dungeons neurotower, at the very center of a crumbling gallery larger than any other room Basil had yet seen. Rosemarine had been waiting there, slouching on the ground and keeping watch on a forcefield keeping Veroneses The Wedding Feast at Cana trapped.

Mister, Plato, you came back! The tropidrake rose to her feet and immediately licked Basil with her elongated tongue. The contact wasnt enjoyable at all, but Basil accepted it with a smile. Plato simply leaped away to avoid suffering the same fate. I missed you so much!

Me too, Rosemarine, Basil replied as he petted her on the head. Im glad to see youre safe.

Rosemarine noticed Leroy and promptly growled at him. Is he a treat? she asked. Do you want me to eat him, Mister?

You already ate a god before, two would give you indigestion, Plato mused.

Leroy finally raised his head, his gaze wandering from Rosemarine to Bugsy and Plato. How? he asked. How did you

Kill your colleagues? Basil asked with a shrug. Your friend Ashok prevented them from teleporting away.

Ah, thats how it is Leroy let out a dark chuckle. Ashok he wanted to see his god. He told me this once. Money and power were a means to him, never an end.

His god? Basil repeated with a frown, before glancing at the Wedding Feast at Cana. He quickly caught Kalkis presence in the painting, as Vasi warned him earlier. You mean the Trimurti?

Yes. He wanted answers. When I asked to what questions he simply smiled and told me I wouldnt get it. Leroy laughed darkly. I heard Maxwell granted him the power of Zeus because he couldnt get Indra the Thunderer.

Tamura wanted Susano-o too, if I remember right, Basil pointed out.

Yes, he did. Leroy sighed. But summoning gods and binding them is an extraordinarily difficult task in itself. Each of them demands specialized resources, god-data. It was simply easier to capture essences from a single pantheon.

Basil filed away this information in his mind for later, but changed the subject. Ashok was a long-term problem and they had more pressing troubles to deal with for the moment.

Release Kalki, Basil ordered Leroy.

Yes yes. The programmer waved his hand at the forcefield protecting his neurotower, disabling it. The swirling energies protecting the dungeons core vanished, revealing a colossal tower of steel hidden behind it. Basil had never seen a server so large as this one. It crossed multiple floors and probably rivaled the greatest Egyptian obelisks in size. Red circuitry pulsated on its surface, thrumming with the power of harvested souls.

The Wedding Feast at Cana floated before the server before shining with magic. Its surface undulated like disturbed waters and vomited three shapes: a golden, three-headed cobra of magnificent beauty; a horse-sized hawk with a crimson, feline mane; and a handsome man of Indian descent with light brown skin, raven hair, and humble clothes. He looked up at Basil with eyes full of wisdom and innocence. Oh, and the Fire Seed that tested the pain before slithered out a short while afterwards, much to Rosemarine's joy.

My friends, Kalki said with a kind smile. The mere sight of it warmed Basils heart. We meet again at last.

It wasnt easy finding you, Basil said as he offered a hand and helped him get back on his feet. The young mans grip was weak for a god. You made us work for it.

Do you know how much weve suffered to reach you? Plato complained. We had to walk through snow and sand alike!

I see your travels changed you all, Kalki mused as he glanced at the team. Almost every member of the Bohens party had undergone a metamorphosis since they had last crossed paths. You are all greater and wiser.

Kalki froze upon noticing Leroy, and his beastly companions instantly moved to protect him.

What is he doing here? Kalkis bird companion, Garud, threatened Leroy with his talons. The cobra simply hissed ferociously. Hes the one who trapped us!

Athens? Kalki asked with a frown. I know nothing about such a place.

It is Greeces capital, Basil explained. And located halfway across Europe.

What will happen once they meet? Vasi asked Leroy. Will it disrupt the System?

Im not sure, the former programmer admitted with a cough. But Maxwell didnt want the two to meet. We needed them alive and separated, or so he said.

Their love will conquer the stars, Bugsy whispered with dreamy eyes. So beautiful

So close, yet so far away Kalki whispered to himself, before glancing at Basil. My friend, if I may ask

Well help you find your Juliet, Romeo, Basil interrupted him. Anything that disrupted Anton Maxwells plans for the world was good for mankind, and Kalki kept walking from one mess to another. Do you even need to ask?

Im Kalki cleared his throat. I do not wish to bother you, my friend. You have already suffered enough to find me today.

Even if you werent a comrade, your death would literally spell the worlds demise, Basil pointed out with a shrug. Cant let you travel without an escort.

Can we at least take a plane this time? Plato asked with a sigh. Im sick of wheels and roads.

When I evolve, I will gain wings, Rosemarine chirped. I will blind the sun and cast the land in eternal darkness!

Isnt Bulgaria close to Greece? Shellgirl asked with a grin, ignoring the tropidrake. I think I saw them close to each other on maps.

They are, Basil confirmed. He didnt miss Vasis smile. We could make a pit stop there on the way to Athens.

Kalki bowed deeply, as did his companion. I am forever thankful, he said. How glad I am to meet someone like you.

It felt strange to have an amnesiac god bow before Basil. At least he wouldnt have to kill this one like the last two.

Main Quest: The Lotus of Remembrance, completed! Your party earned 1,1150,000 Bonus EXP (191666 for you) and the Lotus of Wisdom Quest Reward. You have earned four levels (total 43).

The Quest reward materialized in a flash of light, floating before Basils eyes: a lotus as white as the purest snow. Basil seized it. The flower felt as light as a feather in his palm, yet warmer than morning light.

Lotus of WisdomFamily: Artifact (Consumable)Quality: S.A lotus species cherished by Vishnu, the Preserver, it is imbued with the power to change without creation or destruction. Using this plant will allow a Player to alter their soul and reallocate their class levels. Stats and class accesses will remain unchanged, but Perks can be lost and replaced. The Lotus of Wisdom can only be used once by a single Player, after which it disappears forever.

Basil could only choke in surprise as he read. I can respec my build? he asked the System, struggling to believe his own eyes. Change my classes?

Within limits, and only once.

No pressure.

Like every good game storyline, the conclusion of one main question heralded the start of another.

New Main Quest: The Lotus of Love.Recommended Level: 75+.Help Kalki reunite with his eternal companion, Padmavati.Reward: 13,600,000 Bonus EXP + Lotus of Completion.

Looks like we need a GPS now, Basil said as he stored the lotus in his Inventory. But we cant leave yet.

You are worried about the Incursion, Kalki guessed, his expression twisting into a scowl of concern. I have seen the message. Hard days await us.

Can you help? Vasi asked Leroy. I understand that you cannot disable the Trimurti System, but we were told destroying dungeons would slow down or weaken Incursions.

Leroy listened with a short, reluctant nod. That is correct.

Now, Benjamin, youre a programmer, a smart programmer, Basil said, squinting at the false god. Someone like you cant possibly take a person like Maxwell at his word. Not without insurance. Whats your ace in the hole?

I I put a killswitch program in the neurotower network, Leroy admitted. A a remote detonator, if you will.

Basil had guessed correctly. How many of them can you destroy?

Not as much as you think, the programmer admitted. I am a moderator, not an administrator. My influence is limited. Dungeons claimed by Guilds or Factions belong to them now. The System will recognize their authority over mine.

So your programming spell can only affect unclaimed dungeons, Vasi summarized. And if you destroy too many, the world will collapse.

Cant we find a balance? Shellgirl suggested. Destroy just enough of them to disrupt the competition, but not enough to blow up the world?

I perhaps. Leroy crossed his arms, his expression thoughtful. If I destroy a third of them all it will close most portals without condemning the network. Less strain on the bandwidth means less power is needed, fewer souls to the slaughter.

You would cancel this party? a familiar voice asked. After all the invitations weve sent to all corners of the multiverse?

Basil froze and immediately summoned his halberd to his hand. Leroys eyes widened in abject terror, as he recognized the voice too. The group turned in at the source; a small, blurred shade at the very end of the gallery.

The girl.

The phantom girl the Bohens had crossed paths with in the Pyramid had appeared at the end of the gallery, so silently that none of them had noticed her. Although her features remained blurred, she looked unmistakable like a human child

But her voice didnt fit her appearance at all.

You disappoint me, Benjamin, she said. Of all my pawns, you were my favorite. The most clever, the most desperate. It was fun toying with you always appearing at the edge of his vision, familiar yet unrecognizable. A constant reminder of what you had lost.

The shade grew, its features sharpening. An adult male stood where a lowly girl had been, clad in expensive clothes, his eyes hidden behind shiny sunglasses. His smirk widened, cold and cruel.

But alas, this game has overstayed its welcome.

That sicko

Stay tuned, everyone, Anton Maxwell said with a small bow. You wont believe your eyes.