Chapter 388: experiment

Chapter 388 Experiment

"Tell me?" Knowing a lot of Qiao Jin's abilities, plus what he just said, Mr. Yang didn't think that the thin little girl in front of him was talking big.

"Since you know that I have mental power, and you know that flying is a type of mental power, you should also know that mental power has a control function, right?"

Lao Lao nodded.

He usually not only studies the management of the base at the base, but also carefully studies the various changes in the world after the end of the world for a long time.

This of course includes all kinds of abilities.

This world is different from the real world where Tang Mo lives. There is no ID watch in this world, and information does not circulate.

But fortunately, Mr. Yang has enough samples to make big data statistics still a thing that can be done here.

He knows the power of mental power. After a long period of discussion and analysis with a small number of those with spiritual attributes, he also knows that the deformation of mental power is very rich and can achieve the purpose of control.

However, no one can achieve mental power control, because that requires extremely powerful mental power, which is not the level that the mental power ability users in the current base can do.

"Have you achieved mental control?"

Mr. Yang felt a little unbelievable that the little girl in front of her had actually achieved something that the psychic abilities of the entire base could not do.

But after thinking that none of the **** things in my base can fly, I'm relieved to think about it.

had to admit that the little girl in front of him was the strongest psychic power user he had seen for so long.

"However, it's useless to control a flesh dragon alone."

Lao Lao shook his head, only relying on the strength of one person, no matter how powerful it is, what is the use?

This point, Mr. Yang was wrong. In most cases, the power of a collective team is indeed stronger than that of a single person.

But if that person's strength is strong enough, stronger than an entire team, and after reaching a terrifying level, he can actually do more things.

If you feel that a person's strength is not strong enough, then the problem is not a person's body, but not strong enough.

"What if I could control the alien beasts in the city?"

"A strange beast in the whole city?" Old Yang's eyes were full of disbelief. Rao was that he always knew that the little girl in front of him was not an ordinary person, and he felt that the words were too watery.

"Do you know how many flesh dragons there are in the city? There are countless exotic beasts on every street."

Mr. Yang tried to make the little girl in front of him recognize the facts and think about it carefully.


Tang Mo had thought about it carefully, and it was not difficult to do it with her mental power, and it could even be said that she was able to do it with ease.

Because Tang Mo, who had already regarded mental power as a part of his body, could clearly distinguish one thing, that is, mind control and mind destruction are not the same thing.

If you say that mind control is to temporarily conquer the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness while retaining the other party's sea of ​​consciousness, then mental destruction is violent demolition. With just one click, the sea of ​​consciousness of the opponent can be completely destroyed.

The former requires a lot of mental and mental power, while the latter is very simple.

And what Tang has to do now is to destroy the spiritual power.

Those flesh dragons have no meaning in existence, so just destroying them is enough.

The plan at the end of the Tang Dynasty was actually very simple, that is, to destroy most of the flesh dragons in the city with spiritual power, no matter what kind.

And those flesh dragons whose consciousness was destroyed will immediately turn into silly and non-threatening flesh dragons, no matter if they are full or hungry.

At this time, as long as Lao Lao's team goes out to kill, this is not a battle at all, but a massacre.

The fluidity of this exotic beast is not strong. Even the red-eyed meat dragon will only attack the living creatures near it, and conduct simple chases, but will not hunt, and they do not have such a high IQ.

After the city has temporarily become a safe city, people who get news around will come in more enthusiastically.

The city is full of silly monsters who can't transform.

As long as you carry a meat dragon like this, you can exchange it for food. Who wouldn’t want to do such a business without capital?

Taking the small to see the big, taking this incident as an opportunity, and taking the city of Yang Family Base as the center point, all people will come here after they get the news, and they will all get food.

After   Tang's plan was told in detail to Mr. Yang, Mr. Yang's face could no longer be described as ecstasy, but a kind of trembling, and his body trembled uncontrollably after being extremely excited.

Have you really found a way to save all mankind?

"Can it really be done?"

"It's really possible, there should be live flesh dragons in your base, right? Or should we go to the test first?"

Seeing is believing, in order to make Old Yang really believe what he said, and to make his plan come true, Tang Mo decided to do an experiment first and try to destroy a few flesh dragons.

In fact, she has never mentally destroyed the meat dragon, and she doesn't know if the big guy is good at it.

But no matter how good it is, Tang Mo's idea is very simple, that is, try to destroy as much as he can.

If it really takes too much mental energy, then you can spend a few more days and you will be finished.

And now is the time at the end of the Tang Dynasty to experiment with how much mental power it will take to destroy the consistent flesh dragon.

Of course, there are meat dragons in the Yang family base. After all, so many people rely on the flesh of this meat dragon to survive, so the base has a special place to store live meat dragons.

After all, we also need to store some food, and it is not easy to store meat that has been dead for too long.

Tang Mo was standing in front of the cage where the meat dragon was locked, next to Mr. Yang, his confidants, and several other high-level executives of the base. Most of them were men in their forties or even fifties. At this moment, standing behind Tang Mo, the expressions on the faces of each and everyone are cautious, and they don't even dare to breathe, staring at everything in front of them.

They have heard about this grand plan, which is related to the future destiny of the entire world.

In troubled times, there is not a man who has not dreamed of being a hero.

And now, whether this plan to save mankind can be realized or not depends on the present situation.

Tang Mo looked at the red-eyed flesh dragons in the cage, and first randomly picked one to destroy it with mental power.

For a moment, Tang Mo was stunned.

She didn't expect that the flesh dragon's sea of ​​consciousness was so small. As soon as her aggressive mental power touched it, the flesh dragon's sea of ​​consciousness collapsed immediately.

This is too easy...

Tomorrow 3rd watch, everyone can vote~

(end of this chapter)