Is she hating him? But he was her father, didn't he just hit her? How can you remember your father?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wen. As I said, we're just strangers." Wenzilin's eyes are firm, without a trace of evasion. The only thing she wants to do now is to leave, leave this home, and leave the place she hates.

"You..." Wen Zheng raised his hand again, his face full of anger. Yes, wenzilin touched the bottom line of Wenzheng. His authority could not be threatened. But wenzilin touched his bottom line many times.

Wenzilin is not cut, is not it beaten? From childhood to adulthood, has she been beaten less often? But this time, she won't give in any more.

"If you want to fight, if you don't fight today, you won't want to move me again in the next day, or..." wenzilin stepped forward and went directly to Wenzheng. She raised her head and looked at Wen Zheng. "You'd better kill me, or I'll make you regret it."

"You, you, you..." Wen Zhengqi was extremely angry. He looked around and walked out of the room slowly. He came in again with a broom in his hand. "I have to kill you today." With that, Wen Zheng jerked to Wen Zilin.

Wenzilin did not dodge, stick by stick, but her body slightly some can not support, she slowly squatted down.

Fighting, Wen Zheng suddenly stopped his hand, he saw the wounded Wen Zilin, looking at her eyes, angry, unwilling, and... Hate.

Such eyes, how can so like her dead mother, that woman passed away, but also with such eyes staring at themselves.

"Is that enough?" Wenzilin slowly got up and walked out slowly.

Wang Yaping's mother and daughter, who have been watching the excitement, did not say a word. Instead, they watched Wen Zilin go. Wang Yaping said, "master..."

Wen Zheng knew what Wang Yaping was going to say, but just refused to let wenzilin leave Wen Zheng raised his hand slightly and stopped Wang Yaping from saying, "this is the end of the matter, Zilin. Don't worry about it. Go down to breakfast. You'll be late for school later." With that, Wenzheng took the lead to go downstairs, and Wang Yaping followed Wenzheng's back with a look of pride.

And Wen Shanshan always can't help but tease a few words to be willing to, "hum, fight with me, you are still tender." Said, Wen Shanshan also followed down the stairs, but she did not take two steps, then stopped the pace of advance, she turned, a face of sarcastic smile, "Oh, by the way, you want to go, don't come back." With that, Wen Shanshan went downstairs first.

Wenzilin stood in the same place. She looked back at her room. Everything in the room was arranged by her mother when she was alive. At that time, she was also a little public offering of her parents.

After the death of her mother, the woman entered the door, and everything changed, or, while her mother was still alive, it had changed, but she didn't notice it.

Wenzilin suddenly thought of something. She turned around again and went back to the room. She would not take away everything here, but she would take her mother's picture. When she returned to her room and found her mother's picture, she went downstairs and walked outside the gate.

Seeing wenzilin like this, Wenzheng was in a hurry. The damned child was really revenged. "Wenzilin, stop for me." But let the text is behind her shouting, she still did not want to stop their own pace of meaning.

"Hello, the wings are hard, aren't they? If you have the ability to walk out of this door, don't come back to me. " Wen Zheng is still calling after Wen Zilin. He thinks his authority as a father has been challenged again.

Don't come back? Wang Yaping is happy in her heart. She is worried that she can't find any reason to drive this girl out of the literary family. The girl actually left by herself. Hahaha, it's really God's help to her.

Wenzilin walked out of the door of the literary family step by step. If she didn't go back, she would not go back. Anyway, she had made up her mind not to return to the literary family and recognize her so-called father. She did not rely on anyone, but also wanted to break out her own day. She would make all of them regret later.

Wenzilin is walking on the street. She doesn't know where to go now. She looks at her clothes. It's a mess. Anyway, the school must go, but the more important thing is to solve the problem of clothes.

Wen Zilin took out her bag and was surprised to find that her bank card was also in the bag, For a moment, she felt that this was the best gift from God. Although the clothes she had bought before cost a lot of money, she still had some money left in her card because they were all on sale.

Wenzilin walked into a small clothing store near the school. Although the quality of the clothes here is not as good as that of the big brands, the style is passable. At least, compared with the clothes that kill Matt, the clothes here are really beautiful.

Wenzilin chose the cheapest suit. After paying, she put it on and went to school.

Wenzilin, who has taken off her makeup, is like a fairy. Her melon face and delicate facial features are perfect. With her big eyes full of water, she seems to be able to speak, which makes her fall into the enemy in an instant.Wenzilin didn't want to appear in front of the public like this. If she entered the school like this, it would cause a lot of waves. She just wanted to be a passer-by who didn't pay attention and finish her studies quietly.

So wenzilin turned into a cosmetics store. There are all kinds of cosmetics. Because they are cheap cosmetics, they are much cheaper than those high-end cosmetics.

Wenzilin bought a set of cosmetics at random, and left the store. She went into a nearby public toilet and put on a common make-up. Although it was much better than the heavy make-up that Wen Shanshan put on herself, it made wenzilin look like a passer-by, but it was also good, which was exactly what she wanted.

Although everything in front of her has been solved, where she sleeps at night has become a headache for her. She takes out her mobile phone and takes a look at the text message just sent by the bank.

Although she just bought these things, did not spend much money, but the money she left was not enough for her to live in a hotel, let alone rent a house for a long time.

"Ah..." wenzilin scratched her head crazily. Was she too impulsive? She shouldn't have run out of the literary family like this. Do you really want her to go back?

No, even if she died of starvation or cold, she would never return to the literary family.