At this time, the back door of the black workshop was suddenly knocked open, and a group of men in black clothes rushed in. These were completely beyond the expectation of the masked man. He seemed to be stupefied by fright and remained motionless.

Masked man was instantly subdued by the group of men in black, and he was severely pressed on the ground.

Qi Haotian strides in from the front door. The first time he enters the door, he sees Gu Chenyang sitting on the ground. Gu Chenyang is surrounded by blood. He is real. Don't be frightened. He takes two steps and three steps to get to Gu Chenyang quickly. "Chenyang, what's the matter? How could there be so much blood? "

"It's OK." Gu Chenyang pretended to be calm. In fact, the pain from his leg had already made him unbearable. He wanted to hold up, but he tried several times and failed. Helpless, he could only slowly climb to wenzilin.

"Morning sun." Qi Haotian on one side naturally won't let Gu Chenyang not cherish himself like this. He grabbed Gu Chenyang, and he was very angry and said, "you're all like this. Do you still have to wrestle with yourself?"

Qi Haotian turned his head and looked at Gu Chenyang's way to climb. His brow was slightly frowned. "Are you doing this for this woman? Do you need this? "

"Yes." Gu Chenyang did not have the slightest consideration, his face is unprecedented firm, "she is the woman I identified, this life I only want her, I will not let her have anything."

Qi Haotian is slightly stunned. He seems to see the shadow of Gu Yuchen from Gu Chenyang. He doesn't understand why the father and son are both like this. For a woman, he can ignore it. Even if his life is gone, he should protect his own woman.

"Well, go and untie the young lady." At Qi Haotian's command, a man in black walks in the direction of wenzilin. He unties the rope for wenzilin.

Wen Zilin, who was finally free, had just untied the black gauze from her eyes, and did not care about the sting of the light around her, she began to look for Gu Chenyang. She saw Gu Chenyang sitting on the ground not far away, and she rushed to the hired car Yang.

"Gu Chenyang." Wenzilin cried out. She ran to Gu Chenyang and saw the blood between her legs. Her tears began to flow down. "Gu Chenyang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's all my fault. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have suffered such a serious injury. I can't afford it."

Gu Chenyang raised his hand and gently wiped away the tears on her face. At this time, Gu Chenyang was already very weak because of his excessive bleeding. Even his voice became weak. "Fool, don't say I'm sorry. I'm fine..." Gu Chenyang's words have not finished. The hand that is wiping tears for wenzilin slowly falls down Chenyang is completely in a coma.

"Gu Chenyang..." Gu Chenyang's sudden coma immediately scared wenzilin's soul. At the moment, she realized how much she liked Gu Chenyang and how much she cared about him. "Don't, Gu Chenyang, don't, wake up, you said to protect me, you can't leave me."

Qi Haotian slowly raised his hand. He gently put his hand on the tip of Gu Chenyang's nose. After probing Gu Chenyang's breath, he found that he was just in a coma. A hanging heart was also put down. "It's OK. He's just in a coma."

About five minutes later, the ambulance and the police car arrived. The masked man was taken into the police car, while Gu Chenyang was carried to the ambulance. Wenzilin also had some scars on her body. She went to the hospital with Gu Chenyang's ambulance.

The school auditorium

with the perfect cooperation of Gu Chenxi and Meng qianya, the party was a perfect ending, and Gu Chenxi was rated as the new campus goddess, which severely suppressed Wen Shanshan. Wen Shanshan left school before the end of the party.

Until the end of the party, Gu Chenyang didn't bring wenzilin to the auditorium. Gu Chenxi was worried. She took out her mobile phone and dialed Gu Chenyang's phone, but the phone was busy. She called wenzilin again, and wenzilin's phone was turned off.

Gu Chenxi frowned slightly, and her whole heart was also raised. She could not contact Wen Zilin. Even Gu Chenyang, who went to look for someone, couldn't get in touch. She said that there was no accident between them, and Gu Chenxi didn't believe it.

Seeing that Gu Chenxi's brows are about to wrinkle into a ball, Meng qianya inexplicably feels very uncomfortable in her heart. She wants to reach out to smooth the frown for Gu Chenxi, but she feels that there is something wrong with it. She reaches half of her hand and slowly draws it back.

"What's the matter? It's almost like an old woman. " Meng qianya joked and said that she just wanted to ease the atmosphere, so that the atmosphere would not be so embarrassed and tense.

But Gu Chenxi just ignored Meng qianya's words. She just stared at her mobile phone silently and dialed Gu Chenyang's cell phone again and again.

What to do? What should she do now? Who else can she look for?

Gu Chenxi's mind keeps rolling all the people that can be found, uncle Qi. Gu Chenxi's eyes widened suddenly. Yes, she can find uncle Qi. Uncle Qi will help her find Gu Chenyang.Gu Chenxi quickly found Qi Haotian's mobile phone number from the actual call record, and then dialled directly.

After two minutes, the phone was connected. Qi Haotian didn't hide Gu Chenxi's meaning. He just lost his head and forgot to call Gu Chenxi. He told Gu Chenxi exactly what happened. But Gu Chenxi on the other end of the phone was very worried. After she asked which hospital she was in, she couldn't change her dress and rushed out The auditorium.

Looking at Gu Chenxi's expression, Meng qianya knows that there must be something wrong. She wants to catch up and ask, and she also knows that Gu Chenxi will not tell her. After all, Gu Chenxi has already taken precautions against herself. Even if she does not mean to hurt her, Gu Chenxi will not believe her again.

Meng qianya has never hated herself so much. Why does she want her surname Meng? Why is she the adopted daughter of Meng Wanyi? If she is just an ordinary girl, then she will not be so defensive against herself.

Meng qianya slowly walked towards the school's underground garage. She got on her motorcycle and was ready to leave. But before she left, she was still worried. Gu Chenxi decided to go to the school gate to see the situation. No matter whether she could help her, as long as she was sure that she was ok, she was at ease.