Well, I hope she just thinks too much. In fact, min xuanmei is so bad. Bai Ruoxue thinks so, and she walks towards the cabinet with ease.

When she came to the coffee machine, she poured the salt into the coffee machine. Salt soon melted into the hot coffee, and there was no trace.

Min xuanmei's lips rose, and she quickly returned to her position.

Bai Ruoxue took some time to find the sugar and milk. When she returned to the coffee machine with the sugar and milk, she specially checked it and found nothing abnormal. Min xuanmei was still standing in the previous place without moving the country's position.

Bai ruoshue then confidently poured the coffee into the coffee cup, then put the cup into the plate, and then put the sugar and milk together into the plate. When all the work is done, Bai Ruoxue goes to Gu Chenyang's office with a tray.

Seeing the back of Bai Ruoxue leaving, min xuanmei couldn't help laughing. She walked slowly to the door of the tea room, standing outside the door quietly watching Bai Ruoxue enter the office, and her brain mends for what happened in the office.

Bai Ruo snow spent a lot of time making this cup of coffee. She put the tray in front of Gu Chenxi, with a slight smile on her face, "Miss Gu, your coffee."

Gu Chen Xi tiny smile, in the eyes with a light dislike, "thank you." Gu Chenxi was reluctant to say thanks, and then she took up the coffee. She saw the sugar and milk in the tray, and put the sugar and milk into the coffee.

Gu Chenxi slowly picked up the coffee and brought it to her mouth. Bai Ruoxue looked forward to Gu Chenxi. After all, it was her first time to make coffee, and I didn't know whether it was good to drink.

Just as the coffee was put into Gu Chenxi's mouth, she immediately vomited it out. She yelled at Bai Ruoxue angrily, "Bai Ruoxue, don't I let you make a cup of coffee? You don't even want to do this little thing. You can't rely on being my brother's personal secretary, so I can't make you move, do you? "

"I, I don't have one." Bai Ruoxue looked at Gu Chen Xi wrongly. She looked down at the cup of coffee.

"No, you don't, but tell me, what's this you cook?" Gu Chenxi was so angry that she almost didn't pour coffee directly on Bai Ruoxue's face.

White snow slightly frowned, she looked at the coffee in the cup, although this is her first time to brew coffee, but is it so hard to drink? She reached for the coffee and put it into her mouth. As soon as the coffee was in her mouth, she immediately vomited out, "why is it so salty?"

"Well, you ask me? I want to ask you about it? " When Gu Chenxi looked at this white snow, she was about to explode. As soon as she thought that she was going to live with this woman, and she didn't know how long it would take to live, she began to have a headache, "did you mean it? Did you put salt in your coffee

"No, how could I do that?"

"Hum, don't say how innocent and aggrieved you are. It's only you who know whether it's intentional or not." Gu Chen Xi angrily picked up his bag, turned his head and looked at Gu Chenyang, "brother, I went back first." After that, Gu Chenxi was very angry and directly pushed the door out of the office.

Min xuanmei, who has been hiding at the door of the tea room and quietly watching all this, laughs so much that she can't close her mouth. Even if Bai Ruoxue can't be expelled from Gu's group this time, she has offended Gu Chenxi and will not have a good life in the future.

As long as I think of it, min xuanmei is beautiful in her heart. She happily returns to her job with a water cup.

"Tell me, what's going on?" After Gu Chenxi left, Gu Chenyang spoke this time. He knew Gu Chenxi and knew that Gu Chenxi was not the kind of girl who would lose her temper for no reason, let alone make trouble. In addition, Bai Ruoxue had tried the coffee himself, so it would not be Gu Chenxi who wronged her. "Why is the coffee salted? Is it really you who want to play Gu Chenyang knew very well that if the salt in the coffee was really white as snow, she would not try that cup of coffee with a confused face, but... What if it was just her acting in front of herself?

"I didn't do it." Bai Ruoxue looks at Gu Chenyang directly. She has grievances, stubbornness and inexplicable sadness in her eyes. In her heart, anyone can not believe her, but Gu Chenyang can't, because... Because she likes him. "I don't have to do that."

Bai Ruoxue thought carefully. At that time, in addition to min xuanmei, there was only one girl in the tea room who did not know which department it was. The girl had no grievances or enmities with herself. Then the only one who could frame herself like this was min xuanmei.

Bai Ruoxue is very angry. She picks up the coffee on the table and rushes out of the office directly. Gu Chenyang doesn't know what Bai Ruoxue wants, so he immediately stands up and follows Bai Ruoxue.

Bai Ruoxue walks to min xuanmei's desk and pours coffee on min xuanmei's head in anger.

"Ah..." Min xuanmei cried out and stood up directly. Looking at Bai Ruoxue in front of her, she felt so scared. But even so, she couldn't show, "what are you doing?" Min xuanmei's face showed an expression of innocence and injustice.Such a loud noise also startled the silence in the office. She quickly came out and saw that the people in her department were splashed with coffee. Naturally, she was not happy. She stepped forward and pushed Bai Ruoxue away. "What are you doing?"

Bai Ruoxue staggered twice. She held the table and nearly fell to the ground. "Hum, min xuanmei, you really know how to pretend. You put salt in your coffee and framed me. Now you pretend to be innocent. Why don't you act? If you go to play, you can definitely get a world-class movie queen back." Bai Ruoxue felt that she was so angry that she was about to explode. However, in other people's eyes, she was more like a shrew who scolded the street, and min xuanmei was more like a wronged person.

Quiet frown, the woman is really aggressive, "this lady, I do not care who you are, with President Gu any relationship, everything must stress evidence, you say is xuanmei do, then please show evidence, if not, you are making trouble, please apologize to xuanmei immediately, and leave Gu's group."

"Minister an." Min xuanmei pulled her quiet sleeve and said cautiously, "don't blame Miss Bai. She is the personal secretary of the president. We can't afford to offend her. I offended her this morning, which brings about the present retribution. You'd better not provoke her."