After listening to these words, Bai Ruoxue turned her head again and looked at Gu Chenyang again. She remained silent and did not say a word.

"How did you survive these years?" Gu Chenyang looked at Bai Ruoxue's face and felt extremely distressed. He gently reached out and touched Bai Ruoxue's face, "I'm sorry, I apologize for my previous attitude. However, ruoshue, I hope you can understand me. After all, wenzilin was my obsession when I was young. At that time, she was beautiful and kind. I really couldn't accept such a fact for a time, so... "Gu Chenyang frowned, gently pursed his lips, and then said," but you have to believe me, I don't believe what you mean, and I know that, These words, in fact, should not say to you, you know, should not be happy, but, I want to say, even if you are not happy, I also want to say, because, I do not want to cheat you, do you understand? "

Gu Chenyang behind this words, instantly let Bai Ruoxue moved, originally very angry she, all of a sudden let go, "Gu Shao, I am very grateful for your not cheating, I am very moved." Said, white if snow slowly lowered the head, she seldom said this kind of sounds, is very numb words.

Gu Chenyang stood up again. He went to the edge of the table. He reached out and handed over to Bai ruoshue the file bag that he had left on the table with those drawings. "This is for you to handle. No matter what you want to do, I will support you."

Gu Chenxi had always been curious about what it was before. She wanted to see it, but when she thought of her brother's poker face, she was afraid of it. But now that it's in Bai Ruoxue's hand, it's different. Hehe...

"ruoshue, what's this? May I have a look? "

Bai Ruoxue smiles. This is not a big secret. What can't be seen? She handed the file bag to Gu Chenxi and said softly, "let me show you, this is not a big secret, but some sketches of wenzilin."

Painting? When Gu Chenxi heard these two words, she was very excited. She quickly reached out to take the file bag and opened the file bag. The drawings inside immediately appeared in front of Gu Chenxi.

Gu Chenxi took these paintings, and her eyes began to shine with stars. At this time, she realized that the gap between her and wenzilin was really too big. She thought she could save Gu, but maybe she would push Gu to another abyss.

"Brother, why don't you use these?" Gu Chenxi holds the painting and looks at Gu Chenyang curiously. She has a better choice than her works. Why doesn't her brother use it? Is it just because she doesn't want to hurt her?

No, her brother is not such a person. He will not do anything to hurt Gu's interests for anyone.

"Do you want me to use these? Xi'er, have you ever thought that when I use these, Wen Zilin and Meng Wanyi will have a hard time. What should we do for Gu? Maybe, these Meng Wanyi all know that she asked wenzilin to come to me. "

"I don't think so." As soon as Gu Chenyang's voice dropped, Bai Ruoxue took it over. That day, she accompanied Gu Chenyang to meet wenzilin. Seeing wenzilin's look, it didn't look like Meng Wanyi knew about it.

"Well? How do you say that? " Gu Chenyang instant interest, if not Meng Wanyi, wenzilin do so what is the purpose?

"I don't know, but I can feel it." Bai Ruoxue really does not know how to explain, but she is really can feel it, wenzilin should just want to help Gu Chenyang.

"Even if it wasn't for Meng Wanyi's instruction, I wouldn't use them. My family's Xier's works are very good. I've already handed over Xier's drawings to Ye Fan for revision. I believe there will be good news soon."

"What do you say?" Gu Chenxi almost didn't jump up directly when she heard Gu Chenyang's words. She suddenly widened her eyes. She didn't expect that Gu Chenyang would ask Ye Fan for help. Ye Fan never intervened in the affairs of the group and only managed his own shop. She didn't expect that ye fan would agree to help Gu Chenyang.

However, these are not the key points. The point is that her drawings are totally pediatrics in front of Ye Fan. Isn't this embarrassing?

Ah, it's over, it's over. Will ye fan look down on her more? She's really killed by his brother. If she had known that she would be given to Ye Fan to repair the picture, she would not have been able to make such a head.

Is it too late to regret now? Gu Chen Xi looked at Gu Chenyang eagerly, "elder brother, now take back, still have time?"

Gu Chenyang couldn't help but give Gu Chenxi a big white eye. Is his sister here for fun? "If you have time, you can ask Ye Fan."

"Ah..." has it been delivered? Gu Chenxi instantly feels the ambush of 100000 points, which is really embarrassing.

Gu Chenxi put the painting in her hand back into the file bag, and then returned the file bag to Bai ruoshue, "ruoshue, I'll go first." With that, Gu Chenxi left the hospital with a low face.

"Is it really good to let Chen Xi go by herself like this?" White if snow some worry of ask a way, see Gu Chen Xi a face lost appearance, white if snow really some worry."It's OK. I don't have to think about it. I know where she will go. Let her face some things by herself."

Where to go? Is it to find Ye Fan?

After Gu Chenxi left the hospital, she planned to take a taxi to go home directly, but she was still a little uneasy. She wanted to know what was going on there, so she took a taxi and drove to the shopping mall.

When she comes to the downstairs of the shopping mall, this spot is just a busy time. Gu Chenxi looks up at Ye Fan's shop on the second floor. At this point, will he be there?

Gu Chenxi thought and walked towards the second floor.

She went to the door of Ye Fan's shop, which stopped her own pace. At this time, she did not know where the courage came from, just pushed the door and went in.

"Welcome." A shop assistant, seeing Gu Chenxi who pushed the door in, welcomed him with a smile. "Miss, can I help you? We have all kinds of Gaoding clothes here, and they are absolutely unique. We will never collide with others. If you don't like these, you can choose a specific one, but it will take longer. " The shop assistant's face is full of smiles. She can see that Gu Chenxi is still the eldest lady of a rich family, and she is a very rich one.

Gu Chenxi looked around the store and found no trace of Ye Fan. She took her eyes back. She turned to the smiling shop assistant and said, "where's your boss?"

"The boss didn't come back." The clerk replied calmly.