Chapter 522 Released

Chapter 522 Released

An eerie silence fell upon the prairie as Jean manifested a mysterious black staff that was surrounded by dark essence.

The moonlight seemed to dim, as if nature itself held its breath, anticipating the impending chaos.

Suddenly, the stillness was shattered by the deafening roar of engines as the thirty Combat Airships sprang into action.

'So they don't even plan to communicate with us, huh...' Jean took a heavy breath as he used his telepathy to give some instructions to his men.

With calculated precision, the fleet closed in on the lone airship, their cannons primed and ready.

Clank... Clank... Clank...

Soon, a symphony of war echoed through the night as the sky was filled with the blinding flashes of gunfire and the thunderous booms of explosions.


The Vermont Academy's Airship, once a symbol of safe passage, was now thrust into a maelstrom of destruction.

Headmaster Jean stood resolute on the deck, his eyes fixed on the onslaught before him. The airship trembled under the relentless barrage, its sturdy hull straining against the force of the enemy's assault.

Crash! Crash! Crash!

Three layers of defenses were immediately destroyed after a few seconds of bombardment.

The sky erupted in a dazzling display of fiery trails as the airship's defensive mechanisms fought valiantly to repel the incoming projectiles.

However, the overwhelming numbers and firepower of the enemy proved to be a daunting challenge. The airship's shields flickered and faltered, unable to withstand the relentless barrage.

Then, 10 Dark Magicians on the deck formed a circle and created a stronger defense... They summoned hundreds of Moon Specters and Fiery Ghosts to form a barrier!

Meanwhile, while doing so, Headmaster Jean wasn't doing anything... There was no way he would allow them to get killed without a fight!

Explosions rocked the Vessel, sending shockwaves through its core. The once majestic airship now resembled a wounded beast, its structure weakened and vulnerable.


"Come forward if you have the guts!"

"Face us in a duel! You vermins!"

"You guys will regret this!"

"A Dark Magician's retaliation will be ten times more cruel! Remember that!" noVe)lb)1n

The Dark Magicians couldn't help but curse as they knew that this battle was too unfair. Although their summoned spirits could protect them for now, they were aware that it wouldn't last for a long time.

Nevertheless, amidst the chaos, Headmaster Jean remained steadfast. His eyes kept monitoring the surroundings as he assessed the dire situation.

He knew that survival seemed like an impossible feat, but he refused to succumb to despair. With a plan in his mind, he rallied the rest of the crew, urging them to fight on despite the overwhelming odds.

"Yes, Sir Jean! We will at least bring down half of them!"

"That's right! We will target those above us!"

The Vessels immediately did as they said as they activated their Spells!

However, this didn't stop the incoming attacks! The bombardment intensified...

Then, a hole was opened in the defense of the Specters and Ghosts! Soon, their airship's systems began to falter.

The engines sputtered, sending plumes of smoke into the air. The once steady ascent of the Vessel was now replaced with a perilous descent towards the unforgiving earth below.

Flames licked at the airship's hull, threatening to consume it in a fiery inferno.

In the face of impending doom, Headmaster Jean launched his strongest Spell! It was the Fusion Spell of two Tier 2 Dark Spells! Furthermore, this was cast using a Sovereign Rank Staff!

The power of this Spell could easily kill those who weren't prepared enough!

Blood Nova!

As Jean said these words, the people in the surrounding airships started feeling hot... Then, without them realizing what was going on, they heard an explosion!

It was not from a firearm but from their companions who had suddenly exploded!

"W-what?! Corpse Explosion reached us here?!"

"Impossible... It doesn't work on the living!"

"This must be one of the Forbidden Spells!"

"I knew it... This is---"


The man who was about to speak suddenly exploded without any visible signs!

Some of them got delayed as they still exploded after failing to protect themselves while the Blood Nova Spell was still active.

The leaders of each Combat Airships knew that Jean had activated a strong killing Spell that could not be defended with Spirit Strands lower than his.

Boom! Boom!

Three Airships of the enemy collided with each other, and two Airships were suddenly headed to the ground!

Just like that, five Airships were destroyed!

Headmaster Jean smiled at the result of his attack as he felt the lives of many people disappearing from his Magic Zone.

But he knew that this wouldn't be enough to save them...

He could tell that another bombardment would surely kill them all if they stayed here.

"Everyone! Abandon the airship in my signal!"

With a voice that resonated with authority, Jean cast another spell that created a Dark Sphere that suddenly expanded and covered the entire airship...

Then, he commanded the crew to abandon the ship and seek refuge in the nearby prairie.

The members of the Vessel and the crew of the airship listened without hesitation. One by one, they leaped into the darkness, their survival hanging in the balance.

Headmaster Jean, the last to leave the airship, cast one final glance at the Vermont Academy's Airship that had been with them for the past 10 years.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The next bombardment of the enemies had arrived just in time.

The airship, battered and broken, continued its descent, hurtling towards the ground.

Soon, it crashed with a thunderous impact, sending shockwaves rippling through the prairie.

As the dust settled and the echoes of the bombardment faded, Headmaster Jean emerged from the wreckage, battered but alive.

He surveyed the scene, his heart heavy with the loss of the airship and some Dark Magicians who had failed to escape in time.

Yet, amidst the wreckage, a spark of desire flickered in his eyes. It was the desire for revenge.

The attack had not broken his spirit; it had only fueled his resolve to protect the Academy and seek justice for the assault unleashed upon them.

'Ahh... They're really set out to kill me...' Jean silently thought.

Using his black staff as support, Jean rose to his feet, his gaze fixed upon the unexpected arrival of a group of individuals who had encircled him.

There were only six of them, but their aura exuded immense power. Each one was a formidable Arcanist, determined to end his life.

However, Jean couldn't help but be bemused by the sight of their masked faces.

"Are you that afraid to face me? You are even wearing a mask to protect your identity from a dying man?" Jean couldn't help but ridicule them.

However, the masked figures remained unfazed.

They were just looking at Jean warily as if making sure that they wouldn't get suddenly cursed by the Dark Magician.

Then, one of them spoke with sigh.

"Jean... You have to blame yourself for your untimely death. You have the talent to practice the Holy Arts, but you chose to practice the Dark Arts. We warned you before..." It was a voice coming from an old lady.

Recognition flickered in Jean's eyes as he pieced together the identity of the old woman who addressed him.

Realizing the deep-rooted animosity that lay between them, Jean's voice dripped with disdain.

"So it was like that... You old people still can't accept how the Dark Arts were developing too fast. You can't accept that it's just another Arcane Path... Just for your selfish gains." Jean replied. Squinting his eyes, he locked his gaze on the old woman, his words dripping with scorn.

Yet, before the tension could escalate further, another masked figure interjected

"That's enough... Let's eliminate him. He's just gathering his remaining strength for his last attack."

"Of course... Kill him now... Destroy his body and make sure even his soul won't be able to escape..." The old lady spoke as the rest of the masked figures released their spells.

In a desperate bid to survive, Jean unleashed his own arsenal of Dark Spells with the help of his Black Staff, engaging in a fierce battle against the enemies.

However, he was already weakened.

In a final act of defiance, Jean managed to take down one of his masked foes with his Dark Soul's Chain of Death! It's a Spell that uses his own Soul to kill a target with a similar or lower number of Spirit Strands!

"Haha! You fool!" Jean said with a laugh as he felt satisfied killing a Guardian before his death.

Unfortunately, the toll on his own body proved insurmountable. The weight of his wounds and the sheer exhaustion overwhelmed him, and he soon succumbed to the inevitable embrace of death.

As Jean's life force faded, the masked figures stood in silence. Their victory was tinged with a somber realization. They had succeeded in their mission, but the cost had been great.

As they were about to burn Jean's corpse and destroy everything around him, including his weapon, a profound and unexpected phenomenon unfolded before the masked figures.

In a mesmerizing display, an immense number of ethereal shadows erupted from Jean's lifeless body, their presence casting an eerie atmosphere over the scene.