Chapter 707 Puppets?

Chapter 707 Puppets?

Denise recalled that this person was also one of the representatives that she had brought to the Castle a few days ago.

If she wasn't mistaken, her name was Lady Eve of the Brotherhood of the Scarlet Serpent. Previously, this woman wore a red dress that hugged her body and a snake pendant hanging from her neck.

Denise regarded Lady Eve with curiosity since she couldn't believe that Vale allowed her to stay for this long.

'I think two days had already passed. But why is she still here? Is this woman Vale's type?' Denise mused as she observed Lady Eve.

She was still quite seductive, although she had already changed her dress into a more comfortable one covered by a long trench coat.

"Eve, correct?" Denise greeted with a calm voice.

After seeing Eve nod, she continued.

"I didn't think that you'd still be here."

"The Immortal found our proposal favorable," Eve replied, her tone laced with a hint of triumph.

"He had urgent matters to attend to and left in haste. He suggested I discuss the particulars of the Utara's Serpent Herb trade with you. Ah... He also mentioned that?you can confirm the details with the Dragon Disciple if you doubt my words."

Without hesitation, Denise reached out with her mind, connecting with Chad, through a silent channel of telepathy.

"Chad, can you confirm the details of the trade agreement with Lady Eve?" she inquired mentally.

Chad, who was still reminiscing his conversation with the multiple representatives, jolted awake from Denise's voice as he immediately replied.

Lady Eve didn't wait that long as the confirmation came swiftly, a testament to the efficiency of their communication.

'Is that Telepathy? I didn't sense any fluctuation of Arcane Energy at all. It was as if she didn't cast any spell to communicate with Chad. Very impressive.'

With the details affirmed, Denise turned her attention back to Lady Eve.

As the manager of the Castle's Trade Industry, it was her responsibility to ensure the smooth execution of this deal.

Luckily, as an unofficial Alchemist, Denise was well-versed in the properties of the Utara's Serpent Herb. Its rarity and potency made it a valuable commodity, capable of purging the most resilient curses and enhancing one's vitality. She also learned from Heinz that the Brotherhood's monopoly over its cultivation made them the sole purveyors of this coveted resource.

"Hmm... So the terms of the trade are quite clear..." Denise began, her voice carrying the weight of authority.

"In exchange for a steady supply of the herb, the Brotherhood seeks the protection of the Immortal—or, at the very least, the right to operate under his banner to ward off any covetous factions."

Lady Eve nodded, her eyes reflecting a calculated satisfaction. "That is correct. We believe this alliance will be mutually beneficial."

"I guess you already have some organizations in your mind that's aiming your production facilities or something?" Denise asked.

Lady Eve didn't hide it and nodded.

"Yes... There were some Organizations previously allied to us that were protecting our trade routes before, but because of the backing of the group that was trying to take our Herbs, these security organizations all backed out, and we're having trouble operating. I believe that an Immortal would not be swayed by this organization, so I took a risk and visited this place." Lady Eve explained

Denise's ascent to the upper floor of the castle felt completely different from how she recalled it a few days ago...

The corridors felt like they were exuding an aura of ancient times, and the air itself seemed charged with a power she couldn't explain...

'Was it Divinity?' She mused.

As she reached the floor where Lotus pointed at, the sight that greeted her was one that would have left even the Heinz in awe.

The four Immortals stood like statues from a forgotten era, their attire speaks of history woven with threads of magic.

'What in the world? Why did Vale choose this attire? This is similar to the paintings in the church! Ugh... I didn't know he had this fetish...' Denise thought.

Well, since she believed that they were Vale's puppets, their embarrassing attire should fall into him.

After observing them for quite some time, Denise sighed.

'At least they all looked good. Did Vale use Transformation Arts on them?' Denise mused as she couldn't help but appreciate their beauty.

Each garment was a masterpiece, rich fabrics in deep hues of sapphire, emerald, and gold, adorned with intricate embroidery...

Their clothes were not merely dresses and robes, but they showed their nobility...

'But we're already at the start of the Industrial Magic Era... This forest may even have railways passing through in a couple of years. The way they dress is no longer appropriate, Vale... You should've chosen something that wouldn't stand out too much.' Denise commented in her mind as she recalled her androids. She believed that as long as they didn't have metallic physiques, they would surely pass as ordinary humans when seen in public.

However, these four are on a different level. It seemed that they were dressed this way to ensure that they would catch people's attention.


Denise sighed.

"Vale's handiwork is indeed a marvel to behold..." Denise whispered, her voice barely above a breath, lest she disturb the solemn grandeur of the scene.

"To animate such beings, to clothe them in such splendor... I can give him 10 out of 10 for this..." Denise muttered.

On the other hand, the Immortals' eyes remained calm as they simply observed Denise.

It seemed that they were able to recognize her from Vale's instructions.

'But somehow... I can feel that there's more to it...' Denise mused.

It felt like they were more than just animated figures...

Denise felt more curious about this as she decided to try if she could make a conversation with these puppets.

"Welcome to our midst..." She addressed them, her voice steady and clear.

"I am Denise, you can think of me as the Golem Expert of the castle. I also manage the External Trade. I look forward to working alongside you."

Denise said with a chuckle, but to her shock, the Immortals nodded and replied!