Chapter 718 The Demon Saints

Chapter 718 The Demon Saints

On the other side of the continent, in the bustling port city at the heart of the Braham Republic, the newly erected temple of the Church of the Three Paragons stood as a beacon of faith.

The city, nestled on the westernmost edge of the Braham Republic, and at the eastern side of the continent, had become a sanctuary for the Cardinals who fled the Milton Kingdom.

The revelation that the Immortal of the enigmatic forest was the same as the Masked Devil Incarnate who had claimed their Divine Sword had scared them away. The fear of retribution, had driven them from their homeland!

Nonetheless, despite their departure, the Church's work persisted, for they believed the Immortal would not harm innocents over a personal vendetta.

They believed that the Archbishops and the Priests would be safe from Immortal's wrath.

At this time, however, they had a different worry.

"The Abyss Realm's invasion has commenced. May the Paragons absolve us and deliver us from this plight..." Cardinal Lucius, the sage elder of the trio, prayed with a heavy heart. His life's work had been the study and dissemination of the Paragons' teachings—the divine trio that they believed had shaped the world.

"We must rouse the Messenger of the Paragons. Time is of the essence!" implored Cardinal Sophia, whose youth and beauty were matched by her cunning and ambition. She envisioned a Church that wielded unparalleled power and influence.

"I concur... We must no longer hold back. The sacrifice of the five designated villages will awaken the Messenger. We await only your consent, Cardinal Lucius..." Cardinal Marcus, a man of valor and strategy, urged. His role had always been to safeguard the Church's interests and allies.

Cardinal Lucius' resolve wavered as he was faced with the weight of their proposal.

'Sacrificing those five villages might bring us more trouble... Even the current leaders of the Braham Republic weren't looking at us kindly. If we were found out, then our Church would have no place in this country...' Lucius gritted his teeth.

Yet, as he pondered, a new Rift tore through the fabric of reality, its ominous presence felt even from afar. The Republic was now under threat!

The three Cardinals looked at each other as they all felt that opening of the Rift. They could not be mistaken since the three of them were already starting to grasp the secrets of Spatial Arts. It was just one of the benefits they had after becoming the Cardinals of one of the dominant churches of the continent.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm With a clenched fist and a heart laden with sorrow, Lucius knew there was no alternative.

The awakening of the Messenger of the Paragons required a sacrifice he wished he didn't have to make.

As the Cardinals convened, a plan was set into motion—a plan that would alter the fate of many in hopes of saving the world, or perhaps the Church, from the encroaching darkness of the Abyss.


In the village of Elmswood, where the railways hadn't reached yet, a blacksmith's hammer sang against the anvil, shaping the day's first task.

Children's laughter echoed through the streets of Brookstone as they chased one another, their games were innocent and carefree.

In the orchards of Greenvale, farmers tended to the bountiful trees, their hands deftly picking the ripe fruits of their labor.

The villagers, each absorbed in their daily labors, remained unaware of the fate that loomed over them. They greeted their neighbors with warm smiles, shared stories of yesteryears, and looked forward to the evening's communal feast.

Life, with its simple joys and sorrows, continued unabated.

But as the sun climbed higher, an unnatural heat began to suffuse the air. It was a warmth that did not come from the gentle rays of the sun but from an unseen, malevolent force.

"Mother... It's getting hot!" One of the children playing in the streets of the town immediately complained as he felt his skin getting burned.

"The Paragons had instructed that you can only call me if the Church is in immediate threat... Did you call for me to ask the Paragons to bless you again, or do you want me to help you eliminate the threat?"

The Messenger asked as he glanced at the Rift that was opened by the Abyss Realm. It was quite far from the Church, but he knew very well that the chaos would soon reach this place.

Cardinal Lucius took a deep breath before he answered. "We want your help to fight back the Abyss. We need to ensure that they know not to send any Demon Saints in this area... We need to intimidate them enough and let them focus on other areas."

He knew very well that the Messenger couldn't win against the whole Abyss Realm, however, dealing with a few Demons and Demon Saints, wouldn't be that difficult, especially if the three of them and other Knights and Priests joined as well.

The Messenger nodded, its wings unfurling as it prepared to lead the charge against the encroaching darkness...


As the Rift tore through the skies of the Braham Republic, two Demon Saints emerged, their formidable presence would guarantee that the Rift would remain unchallenged.

After confirming that there was no force that could stop them here, they unleashed the Abyss's minions upon the unsuspecting city, creating a chaos for the unprepared citizens!


The demons immediately sensed the abundant presence of life and were excited to devour the people!

Yet, amidst the destruction, the Demon Saints paused, sensing a potent Aura that does not belong to their side...

After a moment of observation, the two Demon Saints felt thankful.

"Hmm... It is not the Shadow Immortal..." One of them murmured with a hint of relief in his tone.

"True. This entity is something we can handle..." The other agreed, confidence lacing his words.

They had faced the Life Devourer Shadow Immortal, a title they gave to the Celestial guarding this Human Realm. The two of them knew well the terror it wrought upon their ranks.

The Demon Saints prepared themselves, not for retreat, but for confrontation against the Messenger...

As entity arrived in front of the two Demon Saints, the surrounding space even started to twist.

The Angel, the Messenger of the Paragons, alighted upon the battlefield with eight wings unfurled, each feather shimmering with divine light.

"Ha! You've come alone?!"

"Just because we're fleeing from that Immortal doesn't mean that we're weak. Do not underestimate us!"

The Demon Saints shouted in fury!

The Demon Saints, armed with their Corruption Energy, met the Angel's radiant strikes head-on.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The battle was a spectacle of light and shadow, each blow from the Angel parried with the Corrupted Force brought by the Demon Saints.