Chapter 7: A New Place to Look Forward to

Iru-chan is a little upset after that.

Now that the conversation is over, we finally get back to the introduction.

“I apologize for greeting you so late. I am Irumina’s mother and the head maid of this house. My name is Clavell. I apologize for the trouble my daughter has caused you.”

“No, she is not bothering me. You can call me whatever you like.

“…You see.”

Iru-chan whispered in a low voice.

I heard it, so of course Mrs. Clavell next to me heard it too.

Mrs. Clavell is looking at her.

She’s looking.

She just looks at her, but for some reason that’s very scary.

“No, it’s nothing…”

“Hmm… I look forward to working with you and your daughter.”

“I’m looking forward to working with you, too.”

As Mrs. Clavell bowed deeply, I bowed with her.

She doesn’t just seem like a scary woman.

Is she strict with her relatives?

But I’m sure she’ll get angry if I misbehave, so I’ll be careful.

As I thought this, my eyes met with Iru’s.

She nodded her head as if she could read my inner thoughts.

I have a feeling I’ll get along with her just fine.

And the last one.

“I guess I’m next. As you can see, I’m a servant in this house. I’m Loren, the father-in-law of Mrs. Clavell here. Miss Amelia, at your service.”

“Yes. Pleased to meet you.”

A very polite and clear greeting.

He looks like a kindly old man with gray hair.

Young enough to be called a grandfather, perhaps?

His back is not hunched, and he looks like a mature man.

He seems to be a warm-hearted person.

And someone who knows everything.

“I think we’ve been introduced. We got a little off topic, but I think you get the point. So, about Amelia…”

Thomas’ eyes meet mine.

“So what do you say? Do you want me to introduce you to them?”

“No, that’s my business. I’ll talk.”

“Okay, please.”

“All right. So where do you want me to start? Thomas and I went to the same orphanage…”

It only took me a few minutes to explain.

From the moment I met him until now.

When I look back, everything happened so fast.

There were many twists and turns, and not all of them were good.

Still, I was a little surprised that I found it easier to explain than I expected.

After I listened, everyone responded in different ways.

“I understand the situation. In any case, I’m relieved that Thomas didn’t take you away for no reason.”

“You think I would do that?”

“You could.”

“I don’t think so. I think we need to talk about this later.”

They both argue a little.

But I can tell they’re not angry and probably half-joking.

Are they friends or something?

“City aristocrats are such a pain in the ass! Why don’t you just admit you’re doing the best you can?”

“It’s not that simple. Aristocracy is about prestige, history and status. It’s no different in the capital than in any other city.”

“Hmm. It’s just that our Lord, especially the previous Lord, was different. He was much too nice to be a noble.”

When Loren spoke of the previous lords, everyone looked wistfully at the ground.

What was he like?

It’s a little sad that I can only imagine.

Whenever I have time, I would like to know more about him.

I’m sure I’ll like him if I just listen to stories.

As the air grew somber, Thomas coughed once.

That was the signal to continue the conversation.

“The situation is as she told me. So I’ve decided that she’s going to work for us starting today, no objections?”

“Of course not.”

“No objections at all!

“We will abide by your decision.”

“Likewise. I have no objections.”

The four of them had no objections either.

I am glad and relieved that I expected this.

I’m relieved that they accepted me and that the people around Thomas are good people.

I don’t want him to go through what I went through…. I wouldn’t like that.

“Alright, enough with the formal talk! Today is the day she’s coming to my house, so I’d like to make something fancy for dinner.”

Dinner… Come to think of it, it’s already night.

Outside the window, the sun is setting and disappearing.

The tension is gone, and I’m getting hungry.

“Yes, sir. I will get ready. Irumina. Help me.”


“I will help, too.”

The three of them are the first to leave the room.

Of everyone else, Shun is the first to leave the room.

“I have some work to do, so I’ll go and clean up. Why don’t you show her the room, Thomas?”

“I will. But don’t be late, okay?”

“Yeah, I don’t want to miss dinner.”

With that, Mr. Shun also left the room.

Thomas and I, the last ones left, looked at each other and smiled as if we were aware of each other, and stood up at the same time.

“I’ll show you the room. And tomorrow I’ll show you the estate.”

“Oh, Thomas is going to show me around?”

“Yes. It’s my estate. I want you to see how fascinating it is.”

“I see.”

It must be a beautiful place if he says so.

Well, look forward to it, okay?


My new home.

This is where the new day begins.