Chapter 9: Ready to start work!

“Eh? Wasn’t I supposed to start work today?”

“I wasn’t planning on it…”

The next morning.

As I ate breakfast, I was shocked.

Thinking I was going to work today, I asked him what I was supposed to do.

Lo and behold…

You can take the day off, too.

That’s what he said.

I’m sorry to say that, but it really didn’t make sense to me.

“Aren’t you tired from yesterday’s walking? You can take today off, or rather, you don’t have to think about work until you get used to life here.”

“S-Sorry, but I don’t think that’s right. I don’t feel comfortable doing nothing.”

Is it because I’ve spent so much time working?

Or maybe it’s simply because I’m a person who can only relax when I’m doing something.

Probably both reasons are correct, and I don’t like the idea of just resting and doing nothing.

But most of all, yesterday’s tour of the area motivated me to work hard here.

“Could you give me a job? It doesn’t have to be something related to alchemy.”

“Hmm, if you say so, Amelia, let’s get to work.”

“Yes, please.”

“Okay, I’ll show you the warehouse after breakfast.”

After breakfast, Thomas led me to the basement.

The basement of the mansion was a warehouse.

We walked down the cold, dark stairs by the light of a lantern and opened the locked iron door.

“This warehouse is where we store materials and supplies from out of town,” he said.

“Wow, this is a pretty big place and there’s a lot of stuff here.”

Medicinal herbs, herbs, dried foods and more.

There are also many materials needed to make potions.

“I don’t know where I’ll need them or what they’ll be useful for, so I just throw in what I can find cheap. I don’t know much about alchemy, so I was going to ask you directly, but what can you make with what’s here?”

“Well, I haven’t seen everything yet. At first glance, I think I can make some healing potions.”

“Really!? If you can make a healing potion, I’d love to have it! Like I said, there are no doctors in this area, so it’s very difficult when you get sick. A healing potion would be a great help.”

He was very interested.

He must have had many problems, and it was reassuring to know that he cared about the lives of his people.

“Okay. I’ll brew you a healing potion. I don’t want to use up everything in this storage room, do I? How much can I use?”

“Well, leave half for now. The rest you can use however you want.”

“Half. We have to get it into the room first.”

The herbs and the other stuff are light and enough, but the stuff in the potion bottles is pretty heavy.

We’ll have to split it into several pieces.

I’ll help you carry it.

“Oh, you don’t mind?”

“Yeah, it’s hard to do it alone, isn’t it? I have to work too, so I can only help with that.

“That’s enough! Thanks, Thomas.”

With Thomas’ help, I take the materials I need downstairs to a room.

We need herbs, water, and the ingredients for the potion bottles.

All of this won’t fit on the table, so I put it in a box on the floor.

“That’s everything.”

“Yes. Thank you, Thomas.”

“You’re welcome. I’ll leave you to it then. I’ll be back around noon to check on you, so take care.”

“Yes. Thomas, too.”

He waved and left the room.

Now that I’m alone, I look at the fabric and slap my hands on my cheeks to get myself up.


It’s been a while since I’ve worked.

I have to live up to their expectations.

“Healing potions, healing potions…”

I have many materials and can make a good number.

But they shouldn’t all be the same, right?

Different effects and so on….

“Right now there are three types…”

I have a rough idea of what I want to make.

I picked up a large piece of cloth paper that had been prepared separately from the materials.

I spread out the paper roll and draw a circle with a white line on the brown surface.

Inside the circle, I draw an alchemy circle for healing potions, weaving in special languages and symbols.

At first glance, it looks just like the magic circle that wizards use when they use magic.

In fact, there is not much difference between a magic circle and an alchemy circle, because alchemy is a separate force from magic.

However, the language and symbols used are different, and being a mage does not mean you can use an alchemy circle.

The minimum requirement to become an alchemist is to be qualified to draw and activate the alchemy.

However, the quality and quantity of the molten items is completely different for those who can learn and apply the understanding of the materials and composition of alchemy, and for those who cannot.

Ultimately, the most important thing is…

“Learn and practice…”

I remember the days when I spent all my time studying alchemy and muttering to myself.

I sacrificed many things in my daily life to improve my skills as an alchemist.

Even when I was working at court, I continued to study.

There was a time when I was so busy with work that I began to neglect my studies, complaining about what I was doing….

But all that time was not wasted, because I could make myself useful in that way.

I threw myself into the work with ardor.

A few hours later, it’s noon, the work is done.

“I guess that’s it for today.

Knock, knock.

There’s a knock at the door.

“Amelia, can I come in?”

“Thomas? Yes.”

He opens the door and enters the room.

“Good work, Amelia. Maybe you should take a break…?”

“What’s wrong?”

He has a very surprised look on his face.

He’s not looking at me, but at the table.

What’s on the table is…

“You’ve already made that many?”

The vials of potions were all lined up with no gaps between them.

There were 540 bottles in all.