Chapter 11: Give me a job!

The four seasons

Spring, summer, autumn, winter… Each season has different characteristics and repeats itself in a certain cycle.

Organisms and plants have changed and evolved according to their environment.

They have changed their form, their staple foods, and their way of thinking to cope with the harsh environment.

But everything has its limits.

No matter how hard we want to work, if we don’t get enough sleep, we will die.

There are always limits to what we can do in the natural world.

In that sense, I…

“Ah, I’m done. I’m two hours ahead of schedule…. What am I going to do with the time I have left?”

I feel like I’m just a little further from my limit than other people.

Yeah, maybe just a little.

There’s a row of healing potions on the table.

Today, as yesterday, Thomas asked me to make more healing potions.

He asked me to make as many as I could, even if it meant using all the materials in the warehouse.

I asked him if he was sure he wanted to do that, but he said out loud.

“If you can make this much with this many ingredients, please keep doing it.” 

I think people would be better off if there were more potions than medicines

Don’t worry about that.

We will get more materials.”

And so I used up all the remaining materials and finished the potions on the table.

Maybe it was because I had started earlier than yesterday?

Actually, I was supposed to finish at noon, but because I finished so early, I got in trouble.

“Won’t they think I’m skipping work? Will I be okay?”

I’m worried.

Also yesterday I was told I could take the rest of the day off, so I took the afternoon off.

I only worked three hours in one day…

I feel anxious when I’m not doing something.

No, it’s more like my body has become restless when I’m not working.

Thomas thinks it’s a bad habit, but…

“Hmm… I don’t know what to do. Is there anything I can do?”

What’s troubling is troubling.

I still have a lot of energy and motivation.

I’ve arrived at a new place and I want to show that I can be more useful.

“I know. I’ll talk to Thomas.”

I can’t figure it out on my own.

In times like these, it’s best to ask the Lord.

He told me to turn to him when I’m in trouble, so let’s ask him without hesitation.


“Is there any other work I can do for you?”



“You’re early. Are you done yet?”

I went to Thomas’s office.

Maybe it was when I started explaining that the job was done?

His expression changed from surprise to dismay.

Could it be that he thought I was lying when I said I was done!?

“I did what you asked, okay?”

“I’m not doubting you. No, but…”

He turned his attention to the clock on the wall.

The hands of the clock pointed to just after ten in the morning.

“Isn’t that way too early?”

“I started work an hour earlier than yesterday.”

“Still. The amount was the same as yesterday.”

“It’s the same amount of work. Isn’t it normal to be faster than yesterday?”

If you do the same work over and over again, it’s normal to get faster.

We are creatures of habit, and I have done this work many times.

“No, it’s not natural… You’re the only one who can do it, okay?”

“Is that so? When I was in court, sometimes I didn’t get off work until late at night.”

“…You must have worked in a hell of an environment. I admire you in a different way. But I wouldn’t want to emulate you.”

“Hahaha, I wouldn’t want you to emulate me either.”

I think about work all the time, day in and day out.

More than 80% of my life is work.

If you ask me if I enjoy it, I will answer without hesitation.

No, it’s not fun at all!

“Anyway, good job. Take the finished potions to the warehouse and then you can rest.”

“Yes, and after that?”

“You can rest.”

“You’re lying, aren’t you? I took a lot of time off yesterday. If I take today off now, then… I…”

I start to scream.

“I’m going crazy!”

“Usually it’s the other way around, you know? If you work too much, you go crazy. I mean, you already are!

“N-not I not…”

“Yes, you are. I told you to take the day off because you finished early.

N-no… Have I gone crazy?

Isn’t it normal to finish the day’s work and then start the next one?

Surely I can’t just do my workload for the day and then take time off…? Wouldn’t that be considered crazy?

Oh… Maybe that’s what it means to be crazy.

“Yeah, well… I should be glad to have time off.”

“Yes, that’s right. The fact that you can take time off so early proves that you’re working hard.”

“Thank you. But… I’m still restless! I hope you’ll let me work at least until the end of the day! Otherwise, the others will think I’m lazy.”

“I don’t think there’s anyone here who thinks that way. But I understand how you feel…. I’ll be right back.”

With those words, Thomas pushed the document he was working on to the edge of the desk.

He rose from his chair and walked toward me.

“Shall we move?”

“What, to where?”

“To my study. I’ll tell you more about the property.”