Chapter 16: The soaking wet Mr. Shun

I stroll through the storage room of the mansion.

There are five types of materials needed to alchemize a Layer Coating.

Iron filings, stones, sticky grass, resin, and Drake Skins.

“We have iron dust, but that’s not enough. They didn’t collect any stones, did they? This time I will need it the most, so I have to take a lot. I don’t have Sticky Plants and Resin, but I don’t need much of either, and we’re surrounded by forest, so we can get it. The problem is the Drake Skins…”

A monitor lizard monster that lives in rocky mountains and caves.

They are ferocious and violent, carnivores and attack their prey without hesitation.

It is said that they are so fast that they can overtake a horse-drawn carriage.

In the Capital, it was the task of the knights to destroy monsters.

Whenever we needed materials for Alchemy, we asked the Order to get them for us.

It was easy to ask for help then, but it’s not so easy now.

“Do ordinary people hire adventurers? How much does it cost to hire an adventurer? Are there even adventurers in this area?”

I paced back and forth in the warehouse, pondering these questions.

I move my body and my mind at the same time.

The materials I need in large quantities can be gathered in the area, and the plant materials can be found in the forest.

Only the monster materials are a problem.

First you have to find out where the monster you want lives.

Is it cheaper to hire an adventurer or buy the materials?

Doesn’t painting all the buildings in a Town require, say, one Drake?

“I can’t think any further about it.”

I think it’s better to ask for help.

I really wish I could do everything by myself, but the scope and powers are quite different from the Court.

I can only manage a certain amount on my own.

Besides, now I have people I can rely on.

“I will talk to Thomas.”

With this thought, I left the warehouse and went to the office where Thomas worked.

The office is located on the second floor.

I walked up the stairs to the front door, and at the same moment the maid door opened with a bang.

“I’m home… I’m so tired…”

“Mr. Shun!”

It was Mr. Shun who opened the door.

He was soaking wet, and there was almost a puddle on the floor below him.

“Ah, it’s you, Amelia-chan. Did Thomas do anything strange to you while I was gone?”

“Thomas? No, nothing. I mean, are you alright? It was pretty rough out there.”

“I’m fine. It happens all the time. I’m used to it. Well, I’m soaking wet and I’m a little cold… ACHOO!”

Mr. Shun sneezed loudly.

The sneeze of a big and strong man was very loud and powerful.

That’s why his voice penetrated into the distance.

I heard the sound of running feet from above.

“You’re back, Shun.”

Thomas ran down the corridor and down the stairs.

He said he was fine, but I think he was really worried.

I could see he was relieved to see him back safe and sound.

“Are you okay?”

“As you can see. Only my clothes are not safe.”

“I’m sure they’ll be fine after  washing them. How are the people in Town?”

“As usual. Everyone is quiet in their houses. No one goes out without thinking.”

“I understand. Good.”

Thomas continues with relief.

We were worried not only about Mr. Shun, but also about the people.

From what I’ve heard, there don’t seem to have been any casualties.

But it was still very stormy outside.

The wind was still blowing so hard that it was rattling the windows.

“We had a break this time, and it looks like it’s going to last a little longer. It’s going to be at least three days.”

“Three days. I’m sorry if it’s going to be longer.”

“I know. Food rations? I’m happy to oblige. You stay in the house now, okay? And don’t go out by yourself when I’m not around, okay?”

“Ugh, I know what I’m doing.”

And Thomas looks away.

Ah, that feeling… I guess he was wandering around by himself.

“Well, this storm has been very unpleasant. It’s good that the protection spells are working, but we’d be in trouble if we had to fix them again.”

“That’s true. But we won’t have to worry about that in the future, will we?”

“Hmm? What do you mean?”

Thomas looks at me as if to give me directions.

Mr. Shun follows him and looks at me.


“She’s going to make something to replace the shield.”

“Wow. Is that true!?”

“Yes. I’ve been wanting to talk to Thomas about this.”

This is a good opportunity.

I will also ask Mr. Shun for help.

The more hands we have, the better it will go.

Thomas and I will go to the office first.

Mr. Shun changed out of his wet clothes and joined us a few minutes later.

When all three of us were together, I explained the materials and quantities needed for Alchemy and my concerns.

“I see… So you need materials from monsters as well?”

“Yes. If we use them for all the buildings in the Town, we will need quite a lot of them.”

“You need more of the other materials, right? What do you want us to do? Thomas.”

“We need a lot of stones and the help of others. We can get iron filings from the Town, from the abandoned steel mills. We can get Sticky Grass and Resin from the forest. As for the monsters, gather information first. It’s easier to act when they’re close around.”

Thomas explained the situation in simple terms.

It was decided to wait for the storm to subside and prioritize what can be done first.