Chapter 19: Good News

In addition to Sticky Plants, we also looked for Resin.

We didn’t have to look long and were able to collect it from a well-grown tree.

It’s easy to find them because they are teeming with insects.

I feel a little sorry for them, because after the storm they would have finally settled down to eat.

But we can’t relax either.

We don’t know when there will be another big storm.

If it’s possible, I’d like to finish this before the next storm.

“Amelia, we should go back.

“I’m almost done.”

“No. It’s dangerous out here in the dark. Besides, you’ve been walking around all morning, aren’t you tired?”.

“I’m totally fine though?

I used to work twenty hours a day.

There was a time when two hours of sleep was all I needed.

Compared to that, today…

“This is not the Court. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.”


“Besides, you’re not alone now, are you? You need to look around a bit.”

Thomas looks down.

Thomas and I are not the only ones who have gone into the forest.

I see Iru-chan, who looks very tired.

“What’s the matter? I’m still fine too!”

“Take it easy. You’re the one who’s been walking around the most, so it’s only natural that you’re tired.”

“I’m fine! I’m stronger than you!”

“Yes, yes. I’m exhausted. Let’s go home. I’m worried about Shun.”

Thomas pats Iru-chan on the head.

I thought Iru-chan would be mad at him for treating her like a child.

I think she’s taking it because she’s really tired.

“Amelia, let’s go home.”


Yes, that’s right.

I’m not going to do this alone.

I have to think about Iru-chan, about Thomas, about everybody.

And then I have to think about myself, too.

“You’re used to pushing your limits, Amelia. It’s not good.”

“Ahahaha… I think it is. I guess I don’t know that myself.”

“Then I’ll tell you until you do. Don’t work too hard. If you think it is virtuous to work too hard, you will die young.”

“The same is true for you, my Lord.”

“Eh… really?”

Iru-chan nods her head.

Apparently, I’m not the only one.

Looks like we’re on the same page.

“…I didn’t mean it that way.”

“If you don’t get it, I’ll kick your ass.”

“Please don’t.”

That’s the conversation we have on the way home.

In the setting sun, the footprints we left behind turn orange.

◇ ◇◇

After we return from the forest, we meet Mr. Shun in town.

The stone collection has progressed so far that the warehouse is almost as full as I expected.

Thanks to Iru-chan’s call, we also collected a lot of unwanted iron products.

I can’t say for sure because I haven’t counted it yet, but at this rate we’ll have enough material tomorrow.

We also collected 70% of the Sticky Plants and Resin today alone.

So that leaves…

“The only thing missing is the Drake’s skin.”

“Right. Let’s go back to the house and wait for that fellow’s report. I’m sure the fellow has something for us.”

“Fellow? Mr. Shun?”

“No, not me. Our secret agent? Yeah, something like that. She’s not around much, so you won’t get to see her much, but one day you will.”

Who is this secret agent Mr. Shun is talking about?

She sounds scary.

After that, we went back to the house.

When we open the front door, we are greeted by Mr. Loren.

“Welcome home, everyone.”

“Hello, Loren. Is everything all right?”

“Yes. Master Shizuku has just returned.”

“So early! So she already has the information?”

I overheard the conversation between Thomas and Mr. Loren.

When I hear the word “information,” I realize that Master Shizuku is the secret agent.

The name sounds like a woman.

It’s far from my original imagination, and I picture a muscular woman.

But that’s not what I had in mind…

“I have this for you from Master Shizuku.”

Mr. Loren hands Thomas a white letter.

When he receives it, he asks Mr. Loren.

“What about Shizuku?”

“She left immediately.”

“She left already? Diligent as ever. I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce her to Amelia, but… Maybe some other time.”

Apparently, Miss Shizuku is not in the house.

I’m a little disappointed, because I was hoping to see her.

But I have more important things to do at the moment.

“Thomas, what did the letter say?”

“Uh, yeah, I’m going to read it right now. Well… I see. Read it to me, Shun.”


Thomas hands the letter to Mr. Shun.

“Um, at the foot of a mountain range in the north of the area. There’s a cave behind a waterfall… She’s still a bad speller. It’s hard to read.”

“You can tell her that. You know where the waterfall is, right? It’s where my foster Father used to get mad at me when I played.”

“Oh, that’s what happened. He scolded you so much that you cried all the time.”

“Don’t talk about it!”

Thomas rushes over to stop him.

That’s too bad.

I was kind of interested in this story.

“Well, anyway, this place is pretty close to Town. We can’t leave it unattended, even without the materials, right?”

“Right. Should we send for the adventurers?”

“It’s too late. It will take them ten days to get here.”

“That’s right. So you’re saying we’ll take care of it ourselves, right?”

Mr. Shun said, and Thomas nodded.

We ourselves?

You mean.

“Tomorrow morning, we’ll go out and kill the Drake.”


Are you serious?