Chapter 27: Can you make ice out of it?

Translated by SkyTL

Edited by SkyTL

Chapter 27: Can you make ice out of it?

“Make a new substance?”

“Yes. I only have an idea, but I think I can make it. For example, an ore that absorbs heat, or an ore that gives off cold air like ice.”

“That’s so easy to say… But can Amelia make it?”

“Yes! I think so.”

Excuse my vague answer, but I think I can, but I don’t have a specific concept in mind.

I don’t know what materials to collect because I’m not trying to make a material that already exists.

We have to make predictions and do experiments first.

“I wonder if any of what I’ve researched so far could be useful. But I left everything in the capital…”

“That sounds like a lot to start with. Let me know if you need anything.”

“Thanks. We just need to gather a few things to keep us cool. Water, ice, snow… And maybe some herbs to lower body temperature.”

That’s all I can think of.

Of the things I mentioned, I would think ice or snow would be essential.

Not only are they both cold, but they also give off cold air that cools the environment.

Also, ice is the material for making heat-resistant potions, so it will be essential in the future.

But as you can see, it’s very hot right now.

Ice is hard to get and almost impossible to store.

If only there was a magic tool that could make it as easily as in the capital…

“Oh, that’s a good idea.”

I give Thomas an enthusiastic look.

“Hmm? What?”

“Thomas can do magic, can’t he?”


“I hear you’re good with ice magic.”

“Well, yeah. I can do other stuff too, but I’m best with ice… That’s pretty much it.”

That’s Thomas.

I think it’s good if you understand before you say anything.

I smile and say.

“I need a lot of ice. Just give me as much as you have.”

“…That sentence makes you sound like a thief trying to rob me.”

“That’s rude! I’m not trying to rob you! I’m just asking you to!”

“Okay, okay. Do you want it now?”

Thomas asks with a wistful look on his face.

I shake my head and reply.

“No, it can wait. I want to get all the materials I need first. Ice melts quickly, doesn’t it?

“Yes, that’s right. Do you have the other materials in stock? I can help you get them.”

“Are you sure? I’d like to go into the forest with you. I need to get some more herbs.”

“All right. Give me a minute to prepare.”

After Thomas and I agreed to go to the forest, we temporarily separated and I went to my study to read my books.

We will go to the forest in the evening when it gets cooler.

In the meantime, I will see if there are any materials there that might be useful for making new substances.

For alchemy, you need an understanding of materials.

So I have stored in my head all the knowledge I can learn in the capital, but when I came here I realized that there is still a lot I don’t know.

Because the knowledge you can acquire in the capital is only what you can apply in the capital first.

Above all, old books have been rewritten, and some of them have been misinterpreted, or information that the rewriter thought unnecessary has been removed.

In the library of this house, the old books are kept in their original state, so you can acquire knowledge that you can not learn in the capital.

It is a good way to learn more about the people who live here.



As the sun begins to glow a deep orange, the heat gradually subsides.

But it’s still hot enough to make you sweat.

“It’s much better now, isn’t it?”

“I guess so. The nights are still relatively pleasant. But I still can’t sleep.”

“Yeah, I didn’t sleep much last night either, and when I woke up the bed was wet with sweat.”

“This time of year. If we could make it better, everyone would be happy.”

Thomas was thinking about the people as he walked.

The people who live here have been experiencing the painful and hot weather since they were born.

You can get used to it, but that doesn’t make it any easier.

I experienced that when it was blowing hard.

Everyone wants a safe and comfortable life.

I want to turn that desire into reality.

I want to contribute to the territory in the manner of an alchemist, as I did when I solved the problem of the strong winds.

I clench my fist.

“You’re all pumped up.”

“Of course I am! The solution will make everyone happy, and me too! I didn’t even know I didn’t like the heat.”

“Haha, that was a good experience.”

“Yes, it was. I learned a lot here that I didn’t know before.”

I think I’ve been working too hard and I’m losing my mind…

Isn’t it normal to feel uncomfortable when you’re not working?

I grew up thinking that’s weird.

“By the way, I didn’t ask you how many herbs you needed. We start in the evening and we don’t have that much time. You said you didn’t need a basket.”

“That’s all right. Last time I needed them quickly and went around to collect them, but this time I don’t need them right away, do I? So I’m thinking of collecting some and growing them in the lab.”

“Growing ?”

“Yes. I want to start an herb garden someday. It’s hard to get them every time.”

A little bit, I long for my own herb garden.

It would be fun to grow the herbs I need myself.

Just thinking about it makes me dream.