Chapter 30: Let’s start the research

“I’m supposed to drink it, right?”


“Right …”

Thomas opens the lid of the potion and stares at the yellow contents.

“Don’t worry about it. This is a heat-resistant potion.”

“Yeah, I know, but… I just get a little nervous when I see the same color I just saw.”

“Huh, well. I’ll drink first.”

I take one of the potion bottles on the alchemy formation, open the lid and drink it without hesitation.

The effect of the potion is immediate.

As soon as I drink it, a pale yellow light surrounds my body and I become resistant to heat.

The sweaty heat subsides, and I feel a little lighter.

“I’m okay, right?”

“Yes. How are you?”

“You’ll see. Here, drink!”

“Hey, Amelia…”

He’s hesitated so long that I grab his hand and put it in his mouth.

Before he can complain, I close his mouth with the potion.

I tip it at an angle and pour the contents into his mouth.

A gulp comes from his throat.

“Puha! You know…”

“You’re too suspicious… Thomas is strong, but scared, isn’t he?”

“Call me careful. Oh, it’s getting cooler.”

“Right? It’s originally a potion for volcanic craters and especially hot places.”

It’s one of the potions that knights and adventurers carry.

They are sent to different places on their missions, some hot, some cold.

To deal with each place, it’s important to have a potion that resists.

I had to make a lot of them when I was at court.

When I was told to make 5,000 bottles in three days because they were going on an expedition, I was so surprised that my eyes almost fell out of my head.

I did my best to finish it.


“What’s that sigh?”

“I’m just reminiscing about the past. Oh, that’s right. This potion is short-lived, and you can’t use it consecutively, so be careful, okay?”

“What do you mean you can’t use it consecutively?”


When you drink a potion with the same effect, the effect is temporarily doubled or the duration of the effect is extended.

But there are some potions where that’s not the case, and the one I just drank is one of them.

The duration of the effect is about three and a half hours.

It depends on the person and is inconsistent.

“This is the best I can do with the materials I have available. With better potions, the effect would be more stable.”

“You need a lot of material for that, don’t you? That’s enough for now. It’s useful to have some free time, and everyone will be happy.”

“That’s what I like to hear. Let’s distribute it to everyone.”



Me and Thomas go to the garden.

There we see Iru-chan sweating and pruning.

She is pruning a tall tree on a ladder.

She wipes the sweat from her forehead.

“It’s hot…”



“Hmm? It’s the Lord and Sister Lia.”

At our call, she turned around.

She had so much sweat on her face that we could see it.

“What’s going on here? What do you want from me?”

“I thought I would give you something good.”

“Something good? Most of the good things you give me are things I don’t understand, so I don’t want them.

“Eh! That’s a terrible thing to say.”

What have you been giving her?

I’ll ask Iru-chan that one day.

“It’s not from me, it’s from Amelia.”

“From Sister Lia?”

“Yes, potions! That will relieve the heat for a while.”

“Really? I want it!”

And with that, Iru-chan comes down the ladder.

The reaction was different from Thomas’s, and he looked a bit complicated.

He hands Iru-chan a bottle of potion.

As soon as she gets it, she opens the lid and gulps it down.

“Puha! What a strange taste.”

“It’s just a potion. The heat is starting to wear off, isn’t it?”

“Oh… Oh… It’s getting cooler!”


Iru-chan is so cheerful.

Her strong but childlike smile is very comforting to look at.

“Sister Lia is amazing, she can make such useful things!”

“Thank you, Iru-chan, but be careful, it only lasts for three hours. And don’t forget to drink lots of water, okay?”

“What will Sister Lia and the others do now? If you want to distribute the current potions to the people in town, I’ll help you!”

“Unfortunately, we don’t have that many. It takes a lot of preparation to make that many, and the potions only keep the heat off for a while. So I’m going to research other methods.”

“Researching… That’s so cool!”

Iru-chan’s eyes light up.

It makes my heart tingle a little when I see her looking at me so expectantly.

“Hey, hey! Is there anything I can help you with? I want to see what alchemy research is all about!”

“Well, I don’t mind, but …”

I looked at Thomas.

How about getting permission from the Lord?

“Sure. It’ll go faster if she helps.”


“Thanks, Thomas.”

“Besides, I’m afraid she’ll work too hard if I let her work alone… Amelia.”


That may be.

It’s easy to forget the time when you’re so engrossed, isn’t it?

“Iru, you help her and watch her so she doesn’t do anything rash.”

“Yes, Lord!”

“And Thomas?”

“I will finish my work. I’ll check on her in the evening, and if you need anything, just come to the office.”

“Okay, Thomas, don’t overwork yourself.

In some ways, he’s a lot like me.

He smiles a little, mutters a few understanding words, and leaves.

I take Iru-chan with me to the lab.