Chapter 33: Crystal Valley

Crystal Valley.

A mountain range that rises in the north of the territory.

It refers to the highest and steepest mountain.

“Do you know why it is called Crystal?”

“No. Is there a reason?”

“There is snow on the top of the mountain all year round, but there are rare times when it is clear and there is not a cloud in the sky. When you look at it from the outside, it looks like a sparkling jewel.

“I wish I could have seen it.”

I said, looking up.

The peak is obscured by clouds and we can’t even make out its outline.

We are just about to climb to the top of Crystal Valley.

Two days after we talked about it, we got ready and set off.

By the way, Mr. Shun was supposed to come too, but a lot of people in town have had heat stroke, so he’s working on that.

I wonder if they’re handing out my potions now?

So this time it’s just Thomas and me…

“It’s so cold… The opposite of the town…”

“Of course it is. It’s snowing here.”

“I know that.”

“Is that so?”

Iru-chan is with us.

All three of us were dressed in cozy clothes for climbing.

It was hot as hell when we left, but when we got to the bottom of the mountain, it suddenly turned cold, which was just right.

“But I was surprised that Iru wanted to join us”.

“I’m going to help Sister Lia, and if Sister Lia goes, then I’ll go too! Otherwise, Brother Shun wouldn’t have allowed you two to go alone.”

“Well, I guess so… He looked so disappointed when he found out he couldn’t accompany us.”

“I’m sure Brother Shun is walking around with mixed feelings right now~”

They both had wicked smiles on their lips.

They are really good friends.

I stepped on the snow-covered ground and was honestly envious.

After running on solid ground for so long, running on snow felt strange to me.

The moment I stepped on the snow, I sank in, and when I tried to lift my foot, the snow blocked my path.

It’s hard to walk and heavy.

I worry about my endurance when I am hindered by the snow.

I wonder if I will make it to the end….

“Are you okay, Amelia?”

“Yes, I’m fine. I’m fine. Are you two okay? Let me know if you’re cold.”

I prepared cold-resistant potions for the climb.

Like the heat-resistant potion, they only last about five hours, but we have enough to get there and back, so it should be enough.

I’ve heard that it’s so cold at the summit that your breath freezes.

Just thinking about it makes me shiver.

“Isn’t Amelia the one who’s cold?”

“Yeah, I think it’s…  I think it’s getting a little cold.”

“It’s colder than on the ground. Halfway down, it gets colder again and the slopes get steeper.

“It’s going to be harder than I thought.”

I have to do my best not to be a burden to them.

I say to myself.

“But don’t be reckless. Turn back if you’re afraid of falling. Take all the rest you can get. Okay?”

“I know.”

Thomas is a worrier.

I think Thomas is even more reckless than I am.

“Hey, you’re both late!”

“You’re going too fast, Iru. Don’t get too excited or you’ll get tired later.”

“I’m not afraid of it!”

Iru-chan says, jumping up and down on the snowy slopes.

She doesn’t seem to mind the cold.

“Iru-chan is doing fine.”

“She doesn’t mind the cold. She’s more energetic than I am in that regard. Maybe Iru doesn’t need potions at all.”

“No, no, no, that’s too much to ask.”

“You’ll see. Uh… The cold makes me feel cold and my joints ache.”

Thomas, on the other hand, sounds like a grandfather.

Does he mean that Iru-chan has a high body temperature because she’s a child, and that’s why she’s fine?

Even if that’s the case, it will be twice as cold when we reach the summit.

I am puzzled by his meaningful remark, but I keep climbing.

It’s a long way to the top.

We walk along the slope, getting used to the feel of the snow.

When we finally reach the halfway point, the sun is setting in the western sky.

“The sun is setting. We’re going to have to make camp here.”

“Yes, I suppose we will have to. It’s dark and dangerous at night.”

“That is true. Besides, Iru may be all right, but…”

“Haa… I’m tired.”

They both look at me.

“As you can see, she needs to rest, doesn’t she?”

“Sister Lia, you’re not strong enough.”

“Ugh… I don’t know what to say.”

Most of the work is done in my room and I don’t have much space to move around.

I realize that I can’t build up strength with that much exercise.

“But, are we sleeping out here?”

“No. There’s a cave near here. That’s where we’ll spend the night.”

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“A cave?”

“Yes. I think Iru knows where it is better than I do. Right?”


When I look at her, she gets all pouty for some reason.

Not at me, but at Thomas.

“Why Iru-chan?”

“Because Iru ran away from home and got lost here in Crystal Valley.”

“H-how so!?”

Ran away from home?

She ran away from here!?

“W-what? Why?”

“Let’s not talk about the past! Come on, you two, let’s get out of here!”

“Ah, wait…”

“Haha. Sorry, Amelia, I’ll talk to you later.”

We both followed Iru-chan as she hurriedly ran away.