Chapter 1312 Aftermath

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Chapter 1312 Aftermath

Tang Shaoyang could feel the growing fear of Augusto Thamsen. It seemed what happened to his mount put a fear in him. The supposed lower world was much stronger than he thought. He did not think there was someone on Earth who could shoot down a God Rank Dragon.

Augusto Thamsen decided to escape, but he did not have the power of God Rank to make a portal back to his world. He needed a smart base or the Dimensional Tower to get back, and he encountered the strong individuals who managed to hold him. The bad thing was that he could not use Detection, especially the figure that radiated the cold aura.

"Who are you?" Augusto subconsciously turned toward the figure that replaced the dragonewt. He could feel a strong aura from Tang Shaoyang, an aura that was stronger than his. He did not recognize Tang Shaoyang's new bloodline transformation, and he had limited information about Tang Shaoyang too. The reason for not using Detection was because the skill failed to get him any information about the others.

"It's fair you don't recognize me because I also did not recognize you at first," Tang Shaoyang chuckled. If not for Maldros, he might not know that the man in front of him was Augusto Thamsen. The leader figure of the Giteron Dynasty in the Dimensional Tower.

Only then did Augusto Thamsen use Detection on Tang Shaoyang and realize who he was speaking with. However, he did not have the guts when he came earlier. He did not ask about his son or demand for his son to be returned. Augusto Thamsen stayed silent, thinking of a way to get away from Tang Shaoyang. The only thought in his mind was to get away from Earth and think of a way to save his son later. His life was more important, and he had more than one son albeit the other sons were not as excellent as his eldest son.

"This is a misunderstanding. We don't mean to invade Earth. We are trying to help you and the other factions fight off the Divine Church and The Federation of Allurion!" That just came out of Augusto Thamsen's mouth, a straight lie.

"You need to build some trust in order for me to believe in your lie," Tang Shaoyang shook his head, "I have enough of the nonsense."

He then summoned Afi the Primordial Urosa. The bear was displeased about the unfinished battle, so he gave him another prey to fight, "You can do whatever you want to him."

The massive bear roared and lunged toward Augusto Thamsen. The latter did not plan to go down without putting up a fight. He retreated to the distance, trying to isolate himself from the bear. If his only chance to get back was to fight up, then he must fight smart. He lured the bear away from the others, planning one against one.

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Tang Shaoyang took out Eol's head, the imposing white dragon's head. He raised his head to the air and declared, "We won! We have wiped their armies!"

It was a moment of silence as before booming out with cheers. The Tarrior started to chant his name. The cheers filled the capital and the ground started to shake. They had prepared for the worst, so they welcomed the news with joy.

Tang Shaoyang was also happy deep inside, but he did not show it outside. He let the Tarrior cheer for him as he returned to the main base, back to the rooftop. The powerless Dinael could not resist being dragged by Tang Shaoyang. Soon he met with Zhang Mengyao, Wei Xi, Alton, and the others. The high-ranking officials of Tarrior, and shoved Dinael to Kang Xue, "Get her a decent room. She is our hostage, and I will explain later in the meeting room."

Tang Shaoyang was still in his transformation, and the reason he did not cancel his transformation was because Afi was still fighting.

Soon everyone gathered in the meeting room, Li Shuang the Tang Empire's Prime Minister, Kang Jiayi the Chief of Internal Security (TEID), Lu An the head of Intelligent Division, Jasmine the Malecia Kingdom's Queen as a vassal, everyone. All the vassals, the factions that submitted to Tang Shaoyang, the Elven Kingdom that was represented by their new Queen, Alissa.

Alissa was the last line of the Royal Family after her father and second brother killed her first brother. The Elven Kingdom did not want to give the throne back to the former king after what he did or Arbane the second son. Alissa was the only choice as the Elven Elder also did not want Ava to take the throne, afraid that the Tang Empire would swallow them if they gave the throne to Ava.

Tang Shaoyang got to the main topic, recounting what happened on the battlefield, and how the fight went for him. He told them how he killed several God Ranks to boost morale. Knowing their Emperor could kill a God Rank despite being a Demi-God Rank would give his people hope and confidence. Then he went on the truce agreement with Nirvana and the other six God Alliances, telling them Dinael's role as a hostage and the details of the truce agreement.

"We might have a truce with Nirvana for twenty years, but the fight is not over yet. There are still the Federation of Allurion and The Giteron Dynasty. We don't know how they will react after their armies and God Rank are killed. They might stop attacking us, or they might send a bigger army with more God Ranks. We have to be prepared for that!"

They were discussing the next step of their actions after the battle, like how to find a way to detect the enemy's arrival through the rupture and so on. Knowing when the enemy would come would give them an advantage.

As the meeting entered half an hour, Lu An broke the discussion with the news from the Dimensional Tower, "The Federation of Allurion and the Giteron Dynasty just contacted my people. They want to speak with you, Your Majesty!"

The news of their loss had gotten to them, and it was good news that the two factions asked to meet him instead of sending more armies to fight him.