Chapter 1472 Beauty Invitation

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Chapter 1472 Beauty Invitation

Tang Shaoyang was disappointed that the arena had a different purpose than he thought it would be. It was not a training ground, but an arena for the participants to fight at each other. Whether it was a sparring fight or to resolve their conflict. The interesting part was that the fighters were not allowed to use their skill in the fight.

The barrier that surrounded the arena had another purpose aside from the safety measures. It was to disable skills as well. That was right, the people who fought in the arena fought with brute force. At least, that was what the person next to him said about the arena.

Tang Shaoyang let out a sigh, disappointed. He came to test his new skills, but that was for naught. How is he supposed to test the new skill if the arena disabled the skill? He could not even try the new skill even if he entered the arena to fight.

"Did you come to test your new skills after the advancement?" The man in the blue robe next to him asked. He was the same man who explained to him about the arena.

"Yeah. Is there any other place that maybe I can use to test a new skill?"

The man in the blue robe shook his head, "Don't think so. I came here yesterday, and I have visited all the districts. Unfortunately, there's no such place. I have come with the same intention, but..." The man did not finish his words, letting out a sigh.

"The frustrating part is that what's a magus like me supposed to do? How am I supposed to fight without my skills? Am I supposed to brawl with someone with a higher Strength and Agility attribute than me? This is so stupid!"

"What are you talking about? Haven't you watched the mage's battle in the first arena?" A female voice interrupted them.

"Tang Shaoyang." "Clement Salle."

"Have you formed a party yet, Tang?" She specifically asked Tang Shaoyang.

"Party?" Tang Shaoyang furrowed his brow, and then he shook his head.

"What about forming a party with me, Tang? I am a ranger. You will need someone like me in your party to gather information as well as scouting." There was a tinge of pride when she mentioned her role in the party.

Clement Salle furrowed his brow, clearly displeased that he was excluded from the conversation. Not that he wanted to join the party with her, but it hurt his pride that the elf straight ignored him.

"Hmmmm..." There was something he disliked about the party. Not only does it would divide the point from killing Calamity, but he must share the loot as well. Clearly, the calamity's remains are worth a lot. Having those for himself would help him to get the items he needed quickly.

'Do I really need a party?' He questioned himself if he really needed to form a part in this trial. That was the safest way to clear the trial and advance to the next stage. However, he eventually had to reveal himself to the others. That might put him at a disadvantage for the next round. It would be best if he kept his ability secret.

'But I have you guys. Do I really need a party?' Tang Shaoyang talked to his spirits. Six Archaic Spirits were enough to form a party with seven members.