Chapter 1505 Commence The "Killing Administrator" Plan - Part 2

Name:Armipotent Author:
Chapter 1505 Commence The "Killing Administrator" Plan - Part 2

Tang Shaoyang and Oby had a short conversation, mostly talking about the city defense.

"If you have a question, you can come to me. I will do my best to answer your question," The burly man looked like he wanted to make the fight between Tang Shaoyang and Amos happen.

As the sound of the door closed, silence followed inside the room. Tang Shaoyang remained on his chair. A minute passed and he spoke, "Do you guys think Oby is suspicious?"

He could not help but think so because Oby wanted him to fight Amos for some reason. The cook was so excited about the fight and wanted to make it happen. That just made Oby suspicious in Tang Shaoyang's eyes. Fôll0w current novÊls on n/o/(v)/3l/b((in).(co/m)

From what he heard, Oby barely knew anything about Amos. The cook did not even know Amos' faction until a moment ago. Tang Shaoyang just wanted to know Oby's motive behind the burly man's enthusiasm.

'That cook is indeed suspicious. He said he would hold back half of the administrator if you fight Amos. That means he has a big influence in the city, or maybe he is one of the nine overseers.'

Zara the Goddess of Death was sharp with her deduction.

Everything made sense if Oby was one of the nine Administrators. He could persuade the other four administrators not to help Amos. The motive was also clear. Maybe there was a difference between them as overseers for the trial.

'If that's the case, then you need a backup plan. Go meet the manager of that artifact store. It's better to make a deal with them than putting everything on one baste which is Oby. We don't know when that guy will change his mind.'

Vandir suggested that Tang Shaoyang leave another spirit in Cladeos Emporium. Even though it was just a suspicion, it was better safe than sorry, after all.

Tang Shaoyang stayed in the room five minutes longer before leaving the lodging. He stood in front of the building for a while.

"Second, what your summon will do in this room? And why do you want to hide your summon here?" Elonia's face brightened as she almost confirmed there was an interesting event transpiring behind her.

"My summon will not do anything in this room. He just needs a place to stay. I don't trust you enough to tell you the reason why I want my summon to stay here. It's related to one of my skills."

"I see," The smile on Elonia's face got wider and wider.

Tang Shaoyang found it was similar to Oby's reaction. Both looked excited about the potential problem. They just expressed their excitement differently.

"So you are in trouble, huh?" The female half-elf managed to guess it with three questions, "This will be my last question for you. I will lend you the room if you tell me what actually happened. Not just I will lend the room for your summon, but I will protect your summon from anyone, including the Administrator!"

"Young Miss!" Rene blurted out, raising her voice subconsciously.

Elonia dismissed her aide's concern by a wave of her hand, "Tell me."

Tang Shaoyang thought of asking Elonia to take an oath. However, he realized the oath would be futile. This store might have the item to break the oath.

"I hope you can keep your promise..." He told everything about his conflict with Amos. Starting from his point getting deducted by half until his declaration before leaving the office.

"Ah, right. We have that guy in the city. He indeed hates dragons, but I don't know that he will go this far just to kill you. You have my promise. You can leave your summon in this room, and I will also protect your summon."

Tang Shaoyang summoned Maldros. The Dragonewt would not be of any help in his fight against the Administrator. So he left him behind for a position switch.

"Hoho... Dragonewt is a strong summon, but still lacking if you want to fight Administrator. You need a stronger summon." Elonia commented.

Tang Shaoyang just shrugged, not even telling her that he had more summons stronger than Maldros. There was no need to tell her everything.