Chapter 93.1: The General's Daughter Who Eloped with the Lowly Stage Actor (1)

Name:Aromatic Flesh Author:
“In the trembling tower, the curtain sways in the wind, leaning against a heroic and handsome figure. Infinite springtime emotions, a golden hairpin willing to join in combing the hair. Idle flowers add splendour, and wild grass exudes fragrance, causing the lady’s heart to melt. Tonight, the shadows of the lamps reveal the crimson veil, a familiar sight that should bring shame. Crafting a fitting title is truly challenging.”

Republic of China, October, end of the 13th year (1924), ShangHai.

Xue HeZe sat in the box seat of the Summer Harmony Film Theater, watching the first act of “Peach Blossom Fan” performed by the renowned actor Qian YunSheng from the ShangHai XianNi Society. At this moment, they just reached the sixth scene, where the incense is presented. Qian YunSheng’s portrayal of Li XiangJun was dazzling, his voice crisp and smooth, his singing flawless and perfect. His performance was graceful and natural, displaying a level of expertise that was hard to believe for someone just turning twenty years old.

Yes, Qian YunSheng was merely twenty years old, two years younger than Xue HeZe. Two years ago, when Xue HeZe returned from studying abroad, she became deeply enamoured with Qian YunSheng. She was the only daughter of a prestige general under Lu YongXiang, a local warlord under the ZheJiang provincial governor. Having grown up in a privileged environment, she had received abundant love and attention, truly embodying the status of a wealthy young lady.

In recent past years, Pu YiSheng’s drama “Nora” sparked a wave of thoughts on pursuing freedom in love and marriage. The idea of a marriage based on being both a husband and wife, as well as friends and companions, inspired many women to escape from their parents’ authoritarian control and seek open relationships with the opposite sex, similar to the progressive Western society. Xue HeZe was deeply influenced by this movement and persistently persuaded her father to allow her to study abroad. After persistent efforts and persuasion, she finally achieved her wish.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

As a woman caught in the transition between the old and new eras, she was quite progressive due to her experience of studying abroad in the United States during her teenage years. Her thinking was at the forefront of contemporary society and very avant-garde.

Xue HeZe had shoulder-length hair that she would style into wavy curls resembling ocean waves using a curling iron during the daytime. She always wore Western-style clothing, with loose-fitting garments and parallel layering cuts that were quite novel for the ShangHai of that time. With her cloche hat, she became a radiant sight walking the streets of ShangHai, capturing everyone’s attention.

Xue HeZe listened to the long and melodious singing, filled with lingering tenderness, and placed her hand over her chest.

Her heart thumped incessantly in her chest, a truthful reflection of the body’s lingering excitement for Qian YunSheng. Breathing irregularly, Gu MingYue’s emotions surged and ebbed as she pondered.

On the stage, Qian YunSheng’s mesmerizing expressions and captivating smiles touched the depths of the audience’s hearts. His eyes, like flowing waves, brimmed with deep emotions, sparkling and radiant. His movements resembled a gentle willow swaying in the wind, exuding natural grace. The subtle sway of his attire, the delicate gestures and refined poise in every action, showcased his heavenly beauty and unmatched allure.

Today was the day when Xue HeZe and Qian YunSheng, as described in the original plot, would embark on their secret elopement.

Following the conclusion of the JiangSu-ZheJiang War, Lu YongXiang retired and fled to Japan, leaving Qi XieYuan in control of ShangHai. As for Xue HeZe’s father, he allied with Sun ChuanFang in FuJian after the war and arranged for his beloved daughter to be betrothed to the son of a loyal subordinate.

Driven by her strong aversion, Xue HeZe refused to accept the marriage imposed by her parents. Her thoughts and dreams were solely occupied by Qian YunSheng, leaving no room for the notion of arranged unions. Determined to follow her heart, with all her wealth and jewellery in tow, she made arrangements to meet Qian YunSheng behind the stage after his final performance, via a message sent through a trusted intermediary.

New arc! I’ve personally not read this arc before, so I’ll be reading it as I translate. Please do let me know if there were some mistakes/mismatches in the story plot as it is also my first time reading the raws.