Chapter 94.2: The General's Daughter Who Eloped with the Lowly Stage Actor (2)

Name:Aromatic Flesh Author:
At the age of 17, Qian YunSheng skyrocketed to fame with a stunning performance on the stage. During that time, Tang YingShao and other opera enthusiasts were tirelessly working towards the revival of the art form. Upon their first encounter, Qian YunSheng’s striking beauty left Tang YingShao in awe. With a subtle allure and an ambiguous charm, Qian YunSheng effortlessly captivated Tang YingShao, who fell under his spell.

Their first encounter, though internally consensual, was met with Qian YunSheng’s desperate resistance. As the saying goes, you have to lose something to gain something else in life, yet Qian YunSheng struggled against his chosen fate. Once he was overpowered by the tall and robust Tang YingShao, the shame and agony that followed was excruciating and tore at his very soul...

Since that fateful night, the scars of humiliation have deeply marked his being, an ever-present reminder that shadowed his every step.

Meanwhile, Tang YingShao, a persuasive benefactor, kept his word and showered Qian YunSheng with substantial amounts of money to propel his career. In just one year, Qian YunSheng, who started as a moderately known performer, skyrocketed to fame across the country.

When Qian YunSheng turned 18, his carriage crossed paths with the one carrying Xue HeZe on the street, an encounter that would seal her tragic fate.

Gu MingYue couldn’t deny that Xue HeZe held a place in Qian YunSheng’s heart, however, in his pursuit of success and revenge, Qian YunSheng didn’t hesitate to sacrifice his own body and ride the wave of reviving the declining opera art form. With the support of Tang YingShao’s sponsorship, he became a shining star in the world of opera, eventually taking ownership of the Shanghai Xian Ni Society after avenging his former master. As of now, the current leader merely served as a figurehead, concealing Qian YunSheng’s connection to Tang YingShao from the public eye.

Despite achieving fame and seeking revenge, Qian YunSheng realized that his outwardly glamorous and vibrant life was still insufficient to fill the inner emptiness he felt. He felt lost amidst the intoxicating allure of Shanghai and experienced endless humiliation from submitting himself to men. Now in the prime of his youth, his melodious voice echoed, easily allowing him to continue singing for more than another decade.

But in the world of opera, new talents would always emerge to surpass and replace the old. The leading roles have shifted from one generation to the next, making it impossible to predict what the future holds... In fact, Qian YunSheng dared not contemplate the consequences when his youthful appearance faded and his voice lost its clarity.

Being an orphan who grew up within the theatre troupe, having his stage costumes and renowned reputation stripped left him with nothing. Despite resorting to any means necessary to achieve success throughout his life, the outcome remained uncertain, akin to fetching water with a leaking bamboo basket.

Amidst his confusion and unrelieved anguish, Xue HeZe’s arrival was like a drop of sweet dew that rejuvenated his withered heart. Thus, when Xue HeZe demanded to elope with him, seeing her as a means to sever his ties with the past, he yielded swiftly.

He regarded Xue HeZe as his redemption, but sadly, she was merely an ordinary and delicate heiress. When they encountered bandits while fleeing to Beiping1 to seek refuge with relatives, and unable to bear the humiliation and shame, Xue HeZe tragically took her own life.

In the midst of silence, the complex mix of restrained sorrow and tangled emotions played out on Gu MingYue’s face. She appeared hesitant, caught between the desire to speak and the impulse to remain silent, exuding a sense of bewildered longing and deep affection.

With a soft click, Qian YunSheng felt as if he heard the breaking of a tender shoot, piercing through the icy surface and emerging from the bottom of his heart. The seed named Xue HeZe, which had long been planted in his heart, suddenly sprouted and flourished, revealing vibrant and alluring blossoms that possessed an overwhelming beauty.

However, amidst the dazzling display, an unexplained sense of sadness overwhelmed him.

Witnessing her fragility and vulnerability, and her tears falling like severed strings, it struck at the depths of his heart, causing an achingly poignant sensation.

Unable to resist his emotions any longer, Qian YunSheng gently reached out and wiped away her tears with his thumb. And under the woman’s stunned gaze, his soft lips imprinted a tender kiss upon her eyelashes, capturing the teardrop that had yet to fall.

The touch was gentle, as if handling a precious and rare treasure with utmost care.

A surge of bittersweet emotions flooded Gu MingYue’s heart, making it difficult to discern whether it stemmed from the instincts of her physical body or from mourning Xue HeZe’s fate...

Clasping the man’s pale blue garments tightly and halting the flowing tears, Gu MingYue held her breath momentarily as her gaze shone with resolute determination.

Xue HeZe, I will continue your life in your place and make sure that Xue HeZe and Qian YunSheng will be together forever, dead or alive. Okay?


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