Chapter 99.2: The General's Daughter Who Eloped with the Lowly Stage Actor (7)

Name:Aromatic Flesh Author:
Chapter 99.2: The General's Daughter Who Eloped with the Lowly Stage Actor (7)

With something on her mind, it was difficult for her to get a restful sleep. Despite the increasing dark circles under her eyes, she gently placed the woollen scarf that was wide enough to be a shawl over the slumbering Qian YunSheng.

Qian YunSheng’s head leaned to one side, revealing his finely chiselled features that glowed with a healthy radiance. His usually well-parted black hair now appeared slightly tousled, and a few strands gracefully cascaded over the corner of his eyes and eyebrows. His long and dense eyelashes fluttered like delicate butterfly wings, concealing the faint signs of tiredness beneath.

With her soft fingertips, Gu MingYue smoothed the furrows on his forehead and planted a gentle kiss there. She then turned to face the window, and behind her, Qian YunSheng’s lips curved into a subtle smile, causing his delicate cheeks to bloom with a faint blush.

The gentle breaths from behind transformed into deep and elongated exhalations, and Gu MingYue wiped away the condensation on a small, clear window to peer outside. The rain poured relentlessly, creating swirling waves of muddy water on the ground. Despite being comfortably seated inside the carriage, she felt as if she had wandered into a marshy abyss.

The late autumn storm showed no signs of abating, having vigorously rained throughout the night and continuing into the morning. The sky draped itself in an old, faded black veil, and the varying shades of colour danced and flickered with the movements of the veil.

The train remained still and isolated in the rain, remaining stationary for the entire morning. As the passengers inside the carriage gradually woke from their naps, the expected railway maintenance workers were still nowhere to be seen.

Not to mention that after the completion of the TianJin-PuKou Railway, there had been several accidents over the years. In recent years, heavy rains had caused dam collapses and floods, leading to a half-month interruption of the TianJin-PuKou Line. Seemingly remembering hearing news of the incidents, several passengers began to wear worried expressions, uncertain of their luck on this journey.

Qian YunSheng and Gu MingYue opened their luggage and took out the food they bought at PuKou Railway Station. After taking a few bites hastily, they finally heard the long-anticipated whistle from the front of the train. The rain outside continued unabated, and after half a day had passed, the train finally resumed its journey. The scenery outside rushed past quickly as the train moved backwards along the original route.

The two ticket inspectors looked impatient, their faces stern as they walked through the third-class carriage while announcing blatantly that the train was retreating to the previous station. However, once they entered the second-class carriage, the tone of their voices became noticeably softer.

Amidst the frustration, someone in the third-class carriage grumbled, voicing the shared sentiment of all the passengers, “What’s the big deal? They’re just ticket inspectors.”

The train staff had developed a habit of looking down upon those travelling in third-class. If you lacked the funds for second or first class, you were met with condescension – it had become an unfortunate norm in this world, where money determined one’s worth. For the passengers in third-class, enduring the staff’s attitude was one thing, but what concerned them more was how much time they might lose during their journey.

Gu MingYue knew that their elopement journey wouldn’t be without challenges, and obstacles were bound to arise. Though feeling slightly anxious inside, she knew she had to face challenges head-on and protect herself with all her might. Thus, she managed to maintain a slightly disheartened expression on her face. Qian YunSheng hadn’t foreseen this turn of events, and at such a crucial moment, the weather had obstructed their path. Resting his long arm on the seat back, he encircled Gu MingYue’s shoulders, lowering his head to let out a long sigh, feeling utterly frustrated by the ill-timed interference of the weather.

Gu MingYue gently pressed her small face against the man’s shoulder, a soft smile playing on her lips. Her delicate, white hand traced a tender path over his chest. Little did Qian YunSheng know that the current downpour was just a small taste of what was yet to come – a truly astonishing spectacle awaited them.

Continuing her vigilant watch, she soon noticed more clues that raised her suspicion.

A man who appeared to be the leader examined a young girl’s face closely, commenting that she wasn’t quite pretty enough. He playfully patted her fresh and lovely peach-like cheeks, murmuring that only a celestial being could be worthy of his elder brother. Then, with disdain, he moved on to search for the next young girl. The atmosphere was tense, and all the young female passengers cowered in fear, trembling with apprehension.

Qian YunSheng remained calm and swiftly positioned Gu MingYue behind him, shielding her from any potential harm. The girl whose cheeks had been pinched and patted earlier possessed remarkable beauty, a captivating presence that would turn heads anywhere she went. Yet, even she failed to capture the bandits’ interest, who seemed to be acting like spoiled brats, harming numerous beautiful women without a second thought.

Despite being an opera performer, Qian YunSheng’s strong sense of masculinity never wavered. He couldn’t bear the thought of anyone laying a finger on his woman.

At the very least, he was prepared to lay down his life to protect her. If he couldn’t, he didn’t mind journeying into the afterlife together.

After drinking Meng Po1‘s soup, they would reunite in the next life.

He contemplated silently, but caution held him back from making any hasty moves. Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, and his pupils swirled with a tempest of emotions, tightly clenching his fists. He watched with unwavering determination as the head of the bandits steadily advanced, their sharp eyes fixed upon him, exuding an almost intimidating brilliance, akin to the gaze of a keen-eyed hawk closing in with an air of imminent danger.

Meanwhile, Gu MingYue was certain she hadn’t misjudged the situation. The instant their eyes locked with Qian YunSheng’s, their forceful demeanour became apparent. Quickly after that, their gaze casually swept over her.

Who exactly were they?

These bandits had an intriguing air about them.

NVM I was wrong OwO


PS: Do check out my other titles here! ❤️❤️