Chapter 105.2: The General's Daughter Who Eloped with the Lowly Stage Actor (13)

Name:Aromatic Flesh Author:
Chapter 105.2: The General's Daughter Who Eloped with the Lowly Stage Actor (13)

Gu MingYue was caught off guard, her mind racing to find the right response. She was completely unaware of the dynamics between Xue HeZe and his brother, making it difficult to decide how to react to this sincere inquiry.

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Memory transfer initiated...

Transfer complete.

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“You’ve grown taller after being apart for just a few days, Ah Ze.” Gu MingYue remarked with a natural ease, reaching up to affectionately ruffle her brother’s soft, black hair. Her voice carried a mix of fondness and anxiety, perfectly capturing her feelings of nervousness and apprehension.

Though not incredibly close, Xue HeZe and his brother had always maintained a harmonious relationship. Memories of their past interactions swiftly raced through her mind, aided by the system’s assistance which swiftly processed and condensed vast amounts of information, transforming the once unfamiliar young man into a familiar presence.

Thanks to the system’s rare assistance, Gu MingYue finally got a taste of what it meant to have a ‘golden finger’.

The extended hand remained trapped, held firmly by the young man’s slender and strong fingers. His eyes shimmered like a serene reflection of a tranquil lake, radiating warmth as he gazed intently at Gu MingYue. He tenderly clasped her small hand against his face, relishing the gentle heat that emanated from her palm.

Gu MingYue tried to withdraw her hand discreetly, but his grip was resolute, gently yet unyielding. She couldn’t overtly resist, so she followed Xue XingZe’s lead, softly brushing her palm against his eyebrows, his eyes, and half of his face.

Meanwhile, the expression on Qian YunSheng’s face turned dark, filled with frustration and annoyance. He desperately wanted to pull Gu MingYue into his embrace and assert his dominance, but he hesitated as he was unable to find any fault in the seemingly innocent and intimate gestures between Gu MingYue and Xue XingZe.

However, it was Xue XingZe’s next words that truly set off the firestorm.

“I’ve grown bigger too, big sister, can you feel it?”

Gu MingYue felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment, while Qian YunSheng’s fury simmered just beneath the surface, ready to erupt at any moment. As for Shi XiaoMan, she stood there like an amused spectator, revelling in the drama unfolding before her.

When Xue XingZe was adopted into the Xue family, the possibility of marrying him off to Gu MingYue was always on their minds. Xue XingZe had been raised to be the perfect heir, and marrying him off to Xue HeZe seemed like a fitting match, ensuring she would continue to enjoy a life of privilege and luxury.

Not a word about the handkerchief was mentioned.

Qian YunSheng’s words flowed smoothly, his voice gentle yet assertive, subtly drawing clear lines between their relationships. He conveyed the unshakable bond he shared with Gu MingYue, implying that others’ opinions held no sway in their love. There was no need for him to defend or argue, for their connection spoke volumes.

The undeniable confidence in Qian YunSheng’s demeanour overshadowed Xue XingZe’s fiery retorts. Frustration boiled within Xue XingZe as he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. Nevertheless, he mustered a forced smile, sidestepping and retreating half a step, refusing to meet Qian YunSheng’s unwavering gaze, before finally turning away from the scene.

In this clash of wills, Qian YunSheng’s composed demeanour and unyielding stance left Xue XingZe feeling flustered and unable to maintain his dominance. The scene unfolded like a captivating drama, where confidence met defiance in a clash of emotions.


The mesmerizing male voice behind him sounded melodious and enchanting, but to Xue XingZe’s ears, it felt like a devil’s whisper, urging him to turn back and confront the man. He quickened his pace, trying to avoid giving in to the impulse of retaliating.

“Has Young Master Tang returned to Shanghai?”

The question struck Xue XingZe like an icy gust, freezing him in place as he glanced sideways.

Gu MingYue softly pulled at Qian YunSheng’s coat, but he firmly held her hand, refusing to be deterred.

“During our journey here, he offered us much ‘care’. Please extend my regards to Young Master Tang the next time you meet.”

The young man’s form momentarily swayed, but he quickly steadied himself, leaning against the door frame while adjusting the brim of his military hat. And with a low and resolute voice, he replied: “Understood.”

Despite the gentle early winter breeze, an ominous chill settled in the air, emanating from Xue XingZe’s inner turmoil. The encounter left an unsettling aura hanging between them, like frost on a cold winter’s night.

At first, he looked like he was the kind of adopted child that fell in love with the daughter of the family, but in the end, it looked somewhat like he was the one who exposed them to Tang YingZhi???


PS: Do check out my other titles here! ❤️❤️