Chapter 107.1: The General's Daughter Who Eloped with the Lowly Stage Actor (15)

Name:Aromatic Flesh Author:
Chapter 107.1: The General's Daughter Who Eloped with the Lowly Stage Actor (15)

In the main hall, Xue XingZe averted his gaze, and his furrowed brows and uneasy demeanour caught Gu MingYue’s attention as he nodded to Qian YunSheng. While Gu MingYue couldn’t quite grasp the situation.

The young man’s attitude seemed hostile as before, but upon closer observation, Gu MingYue sensed a subtle change – a mysterious absence of the animosity that had once radiated solely towards Qian YunSheng.

Gu MingYue found it truly perplexing. What had happened between Xue XingZe and Qian YunSheng in her absence?Gét latest novel chapters on nov(e)lbj/n(.)c/om

Sitting beside her, Qian YunSheng looked radiant, his face beaming with a bright smile as he gracefully served her porridge. The hand holding the porcelain spoon was as fair and translucent as the morning sunlight on freshly fallen snow, exuding a captivating jade-like brilliance.

“Here, this is for you.” Qian YunSheng handed the bowl of steaming millet porridge to Gu MingYue, its fragrance filling the air. With a gentle smile, he prepared another bowl and offered it to Xue XingZe, who held a mouthful of lamb bun and responded with muffled words.

“Your aunt won’t be up at this hour, so breakfast is only for the three of us.” Xue XingZe muttered, rubbing his nose while accepting the bowl without a word of thanks.

Gu MingYue nodded in silence, her hand reaching for a sesame sauce flatbread, savouring each bite with delight.

The breakfast spread also included pickled cucumbers and shredded salted vegetables, complementing the warm and sweet millet porridge, creating a symphony of flavours that satisfied their hungry souls.

In the tranquil morning, a sense of serenity enveloped the trio, creating an atmosphere of profound peace and contentment.

After finishing their meal, Xue XingZe summoned the servants to prepare fragrant jasmine tea. He held the tea bowl with an air of ease, skillfully skimming the foam while a gentle smile softened his typically stern and intense expression. The contrast between his elegance and somberness created a captivating aura.

Dressed in a cream-coloured high-collared shirt and charcoal trousers with silver buckles, the young man elegantly sipped the tea, mirroring Qian YunSheng’s grace. At that moment, Gu MingYue couldn’t help but sense a touch of carefree aristocracy in Xue XingZe, a mesmerizing blend of grandeur and melancholy, wrapped in an enchanting allure.

“Regarding the Tang family’s matter, how do you intend to deal with it, big sister?” Xue XingZe’s direct question broke the calm atmosphere of the room.

Contrary to Gu MingYue’s expectations, Xue XingZe didn’t depart after a brief stay but instead embarked on a shopping spree, filling the temporary residence with new furnishings, suggesting a prolonged stay until after the New Year.

Shi XiaoMan’s husband – Frank, often ventured out, leaving her solitary in the vast mansion of Beiping. With no children and few close friends, her days followed a monotonous routine of playing cards with familiar ladies or wandering through the main hall, living room, and study.

The grand estate, once tranquil and serene, now bustled with the vibrant energy of the young newcomers, infusing the cold walls with renewed life and animated conversations.

Frank, the amiable and self-disciplined businessman, possessed mesmerizing features – a cascade of deep brown curls and piercing grey-blue eyes. His well-built stature and polished demeanour exuded an irresistible charm, evoking a sense of trust and security in those around him.

With Shi XiaoMan’s support, Frank willingly took on the role of mentor for Qian YunSheng. He generously imparted his extensive business knowledge and honed the young man’s skills, introducing him to various social circles in Beiping’s upper echelons.

Qian YunSheng’s astonishing learning abilities and keen intuition allowed him to rapidly transform from a novice into a seasoned professional. In just two short months, he ascended to a prominent position in the business world, efficiently handling tasks with confidence and finesse. His linguistic prowess was equally remarkable, mastering foreign languages in both speech and writing, drawing admiration from even Gu MingYue, who was well-versed in academia.

Meanwhile, Gu MingYue found fulfilment as an educator at a prestigious private girls’ school in Beiping. She delighted in sharing her passion for foreign literature with her students, nurturing their intellectual curiosity and inspiring them to reach for excellence.

As the days went by, the new life settled into a comforting rhythm. With the year-end approaching, the grand ‘Shi mansion’ buzzed with activity, preparing for the traditional pre-New Year’s cleaning. Old window paper was carefully peeled away, revealing fresh, pristine bamboo paper adorned with intricate and auspicious window decorations. The corridors and eaves came alive with the vibrant red glow of large lanterns, casting a warm and festive aura over the surroundings.

As the melodic chimes of the Drum Tower resonated through the air, signalling the arrival of the new year, the family gathered around a beautifully set round table. Steam wafted from a platter of freshly cooked meat dumplings, filling the room with a tantalizing aroma. Laughter, banter, and the clinking of chopsticks created an atmosphere of joyful anticipation for the year ahead.

Within the confines of their cosy home, Gu MingYue almost felt shielded from the turmoil of the outside world, enveloped in the loving embrace of family and the comforting traditions of the season.


PS: Do check out my other titles here! ❤️❤️