Fengzhi didn't answer the emperor's question.

First of all, it was her own decision and did not need to be explained to the emperor.

Second, come on

Of course, those who understand her will understand her ideas. If she doesn't, she will never understand.

Fenghuang, he is obviously not the one who understands.

After that, Fengzhi blackmailed the emperor Fengzhi. Now the emperor has treated Fengzhi as a god of plague. Now he only wants to let this person go back to her own world. Fengzhi has achieved more benefits without any effort.

What a surprise.

Back to their own room, Feng to let Feng Lai and others to take luggage.

When Feng Lai and others left, Long Yan stood beside Feng Zhi and said in a soft voice, "Feng Zhi..."

With such a name, Long Yan held Feng Zhi's hand tightly, as if he held the whole world in his hand.

He is the one who understands Feng Zhi's heart.

Therefore, he could not understand why Fengzhi would not like to use Nirvana pool to gain more power.


Between him and Feng Zhi, it is a common understanding.

One of the most important functions of Tongxin contract is to live and die together. As long as any one of them dies, the other cannot live alone.

And the nirvana of the Phoenix people

In the simplest words, Nirvana is rebirth after death.

Once Phoenix reaches nirvana, Long Yan will never exist in this world again under the action of the Tongxin contract.

Long Yan has always known that the Tongxin contract does not have such a strong constraint on Fengzhi. If she really chooses Nirvana and lives again after Long Yan's death, the Tongxin contract will have no effect, because she has already paid a life.

It was enough for her to give up her strength in order to restrain her.

So long Yan didn't say anything.

Some things need to be told to the people who understand, and some things need to be put in the bottom of my heart, and then tell each other with their own actions.

Long Yan has never been a talker. Even if he is to Fengzhi, he is silent guardian. Therefore, he can not say anything sensational at this time. He just holds Fengzhi's hand tightly and reinforces his already determined intention again.

Feng Zhi also smiles at Longyan.

"Long Yan, you don't have to think that's what I paid for it." Feng Zhi's eyebrows and eyes were extremely soft, "I long for powerful power, but these can be obtained by my own cultivation. Even if there is no Nirvana pool, even if I don't use the nirvana power of the Feng family, I'm still me, and I will climb to the summit step by step..."

She thinks Long Yan is really a fool.

They have gone through a lot of tests along the way. It is not easy to open their hearts to accommodate each other.

Since it's not easy to get together, of course, we won't separate because of foreign things or foreign affairs.

Feng to know, whether it is her own or Long Yan, the heart has such a firm.

"And Feng to look at Long Yan, eyes have a bit of love, "is not there you?"

Long Yan then returned with a gentle smile from Feng.

Yes, as long as they are with each other, no matter how difficult the road ahead is, they can always reach the end they desire step by step.

To understand this, Long Yan's heart is relaxed, and he no longer has the feeling that he has become the burden of Feng Zhi.

When the two people finish the matter, Feng Lai and others have already put away all the luggage.

So they went out with Feng.

Fengzhi is a benefactor of the Phoenix family. If she wants to leave, it is impossible for the Phoenix people to leave without any indication. Therefore, when the party left the room, they saw that the feng people headed by the Phoenix emperor had already been waiting there.

Although Fenghuang was previously angry with Fengzhi and wanted to send this man away, he knew that Fengzhi's kindness to the Fengzu could not be offset by their gratitude and some so-called treasures.

Now I will take these feng people to see you off. I just want to express my thanks.

Fengzhi and his party were thus escorted to the gate of the Phoenix clan's border. As long as they left the border, they would appear on the Qixia mountain.

The Phoenix emperor said to a phoenix family guarding the border: "open the border."

The Feng clan took command with his fist clasped, and then two flaming flames appeared in his hand. Under the reflection of these two flames, the outline of a door began to appear in the void originally empty.

Then, the Feng nationality stretched out his hand and made a pull, and the door was opened to let people see the vast white outside.

Feng Zhi led a group of people from the border and out, as expected, appeared on the top of Qixia mountain.

The top of the mountain still looks the same as it was when they last came.

The Phoenix emperor also led a group of high-level Fengzu to the outside.At this time, it was evening, the sun was setting in the west, and the road in the sky was covered with a light golden glow. At the moment when Fenghuang and others stepped out of the boundary, they suddenly became brilliant. It was a little brighter than noon.

At the foot of Qixia mountain, there are many martial artists who come to enjoy the magnificent golden sky every day. When they saw this scene, they all exclaimed.

"Eh?" Feng Zhi suddenly exclaimed.

She reflexively pulls Longyan back, and at the same time, she turns her whole body into an invisible barrier to protect Fenglai and others, and makes them withdraw for a long distance.

Longyan and Fengzhi are almost aware of something at the same time. Holding Fengzhi's hand in reverse, Longyan not only does not retreat, but also takes a step forward to protect Fengzhi tightly behind him.

When Feng Zhi and Long Yan make these moves, Feng Huang and others also change their faces.

"Who?" The Emperor gave a sharp drink.

No one answered.

Then, at this time, the Feng clan, who had opened the border and followed it out, suddenly felt a shock all over his body. Then, two small flames were burning in his eyes. His face was extremely painful, and his body began to tremble slightly, as if he was resisting something.

But his resistance still failed, the flame in his eyes suddenly extinguished, replaced by a blank eye.

The Phoenix emperor and other senior officials of the Feng clan didn't notice the difference of the Feng clan. In their negligence, the Feng clan was like a puppet manipulated by others. Unexpectedly, he jumped back from the open door on the border, and then closed the gate directly.

In a moment, the original door disappeared from the void, as if it had never existed.

"What's going on?" Some feng people exclaimed.

But no one could answer him.

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