Hearing Ye Jinsu's words, Ning Yunliang was stunned for a second.

Ye Jinsu took the opportunity to push Ning Yunyin away and repeated, "We have nothing to do with each other."

Almost visible to the naked eye, the dark clouds covering Ning Yunzhi's face disappeared, replaced with the usual expression. He then asked cautiously, "You don't like him?"

This time, Ye Jinsu hesitated.

Regarding this question, even Ye Jinsu herself had yet to figure it out.

In Ning Yunyin's eyes, it became a denial.

In an instant, his face was filled with dark clouds again. Ning Yunyun had already come to a conclusion in her heart. Her gaze turned dangerous, and from the bottom of her heart, a dark desire appeared, ripping at her head.

If it was said that she had heard the news before, Ning Yunyin still believed her. Now that she saw Ye Jinsu's silence, Ning Yunyin had fully seen the truth. Her attitude had already made everything clear.

Almost visible to the naked eye, Ye Jinsu saw that the person in front of her had almost turned into a different person.

He reached out and grabbed Ye Jinsu's chin, "You like him."

It was not a question.

Ye Jinsu also hated being judged by others and frowned subconsciously.

However, he did not deny it.

Ye Jinsu's silence was another form of recognition in his eyes.

Fury could be seen in Ning Yunbin's eyes. He suddenly bent down and leaned close to Ye Jinsu's ear, almost tenderly. He slowly opened his mouth and said, "I already said, if you like someone else, I'll kill him!"

Her tone was gentle, and even the aura she exhaled was gentle, carrying a warmth with it. However, Ye Jinsu suddenly felt goosebumps rise all over her body.

This man's skin was too deceptive. No matter how gentle he looked, no matter how amorous the outside world told him, he would always be a bloodthirsty devil in his bones.

It was like the deep Tan under his eyes.

It was a bottomless darkness.

She had discovered it on the first day, but she had been fooled by his skin and had relented.

Ye Jinsu grabbed Ning Yunyin's lapel and narrowed her eyes slightly. "I told you, I have no relationship with him."

Ning Yunyin stared into Ye Jinsu's eyes, which were equally dangerous. It was like two beasts in a battle in the forest. If one wanted to fight to the death, they would have to fight until one of them would bleed to death. No one knew who would be the final winner.

He slowly opened his mouth and touched Ye Jinsu's face, staring at her, "Then tell me, do you like him or not?"

He needed an answer.

An answer from her own mouth.

"Nope." Ye Jinsu spoke resolutely without the slightest hesitation.

Ning Yunyin frowned and let go of her hand, returning to her usual gentle face. "I believe in you."

Ye Jinsu raised her head and stared at Ning Yunxiao. He had said that he believed her, but she didn't even dare to believe his words.

This man was too dangerous.

Ning Yunyin hugged her and repeated, "I won't let you fall in love with someone else. I'll kill him."

He leaned close to her ear, his lips almost brushing her earlobe, the tip of his teeth brushing against her ear, causing Ye Jinsu to shudder, cold sweat trickling down her back. Ning Yunyin almost threatened, "Remember, I'll kill him."

Ye Jinshu quietly stayed in his embrace, neither struggling nor moving, like a puppet. The corner of her mouth twitched as she gave an emotionless smile. "Ning Yunyin, I'm really glad now that I didn't agree to marry you back then."

It was incomparably fortunate.

Ning Yunyin's movements paused as she whispered into Ye Jinsu's ear, "Sooner or later, you'll be mine."

"I won't marry you." Ye Jinsu calmly spoke, looking at Ning Yunke with an ice-cold gaze.

Ning Yunyin hated that look. She didn't come here to see that look, so she raised her hand to cover Ye Jinsu's eyes. She said in a low voice, "Don't force me to propose marriage to Imperial Father."

Ye Jinxiu's mind exploded as she grabbed Ning Yunyin's hand. Her eyes turned sharp and cold, just like they had never been before. They were like the wind and frost at the end of October, cutting through people's throats inch by inch.

"Don't force me to hate you."

"I don't want you to hate me." "So don't force me either."

The atmosphere was terrifyingly silent.

Even the air started to condense as the tug of war unfolded between the two of them. No one was willing to take a step back; if they took another step forward, they would only end up with injuries on both sides.

"Like I said, I don't like him, so you'd better not force me either."

After hearing Ye Jinsu's words, Ning Yunyin withdrew her sullen expression and said, "Fine, I won't force you."

As the strong atmosphere eased, Ye Jinsu let go of Ning Yunke and turned around to walk back into the room. "It's getting late. Your Highness, it's best if you go back earlier. See you out."

It was only in the afternoon when he entered his room and closed the door.

Ning Yunxiao gazed at the closed wooden door, his palms still warm from the heat. In the afternoon, the sun was shining brightly. The scorching heat almost froze the air, causing Ning Yunyin's complicated thoughts to stop in her tracks.

He was out of control.

It had been more than a decade since he had experienced such a feeling.

He had never been able to grasp all the limits and measurements perfectly. Ning Yunquan said that he was ruthless to the point that he had to measure every inch of his emotions. He was not necessarily happy when he smiled, nor was he truly angry when he was angry.

He hid himself too well.

But now he was out of control.

In the room, Ye Jinsu found a jar of medicinal wine and rubbed it with the handkerchief.

The area had swelled into a circle, and there was a huge bruise on one of his fingers. If Ning Yunyin had not let go at that time, perhaps it would have been even more serious, and it might have been possible that her bones would have been injured.


Ye Jinsu knew that Ning Yunyin hadn't left yet, so she lowered her eyes and her mind went into a mess. She actually started to hate the fact that she wasn't even given a single cool breeze that could sober her up. There was no tea in the teapot, so she needed to go to the yard to fetch water.

She could only cover her wrist with the handkerchief, forgetting to rub it.

Xiao Hong hurriedly ran back, only to see Ning Yunyin standing alone in the courtyard. When he returned to his room, he saw a bruise on Ye Jinsu's wrist and cried out in pain.

"Miss …"

She wanted to curse Ning Wang, but he himself was in the courtyard. If she spoke, she might anger him and vent her anger on Ye Jinsu.

She could only run outside to get a basin of cold water to cool it down.

Ye Jinxiu kept her eyes quietly closed the whole time. She did not cry out in pain nor did she say anything. She just allowed Little Red to fix the medicine for her.

"Miss … Are you in pain? " Xiao Hong held back her tears as she sobbed. She had truly misjudged Ning Wang.

In the courtyard, Ning Yunyin's eyelashes trembled, as if something had pulled at her chest.

He wanted to knock on the door. He wanted to take another look at Ye Jinsu, or at the wound on her wrist.

However, he couldn't move his feet at all. The distance between him and the door seemed extremely far.

Ye Jinsu retracted her hand and said, "I'm tired. I'll rest first. You can leave."

Xiao Hong bit its lips as if it wanted to say something, but in the end, it said nothing and backed away.

At first, it didn't hurt, but his hands were swollen. He applied the medicine and rubbed away the bruises. His wrist began to hurt from the pain, and he couldn't move it at all.

Ye Jinsu walked over to the window and saw Ning Yunyin standing in the yard, looking at her. Ye Jinsu closed the window in her hand in an instant, so fast that she didn't even notice Ning Yunyin's expression.

He loved to stand there, so he would stand.

After a long time, the sun had set in the west and it was already nightfall.

Ye Jinsu was in a panic from the pain. How could she rest well? She just wanted to stay by herself and not see Ning Yunyin.

Thinking that it was time for them to leave, Ye Jinsu pushed open the door and made a creaking sound as she welcomed the pitch-black world outside.

A light sound rang out.

Ye Jinxiu looked down and saw a small porcelain jar by the door. The moment she pushed the door open, she rolled a few times on the ground and then rolled back to Ye Jinsu's feet.

Ning Yunyin was no longer in the courtyard.

Ye Jinsu squatted down, and there was a seal printed at the bottom of the jar.