After New Year’s Day, the end of the month is the Chinese New Year, and the whole month of January is very busy.

Gu Yingjie did not see Qin Yufei again, nor did he hear any news from her. Because of the busy schedule, there were fewer gatherings among buddies, and no one was gossiping with him about how Qin Yufei was doing, and her name was quietly lying in his phone, that’s all.

In February, the end of the Spring Festival holiday, Gu Yingjie finally heard from Yin Shi’s mouth about Qin Yufei’s story. Of course he didn’t mean to pry, he just happened to go there for a drink, just to talk about holiday activities, Yin Shi mentioned that his sister Yin Ting went to Paris with Qin Yufei and several of her girlfriends during the Spring Festival.

That’s all, Qin Yufei’s name only appeared once.

Gu Yingjie was in a good mood that night.

In late February, at a meeting hosted by Gu Yinghui on new business at Huade, Gu Yingjie heard Yongkai’s name. Last year, Huade had acquired two raw material companies and now had just finished integrating them, setting up a new company called Mingde and adjusting its product line. Mingde received an insider message that this year Yongkai wanted to conduct a new tender for raw material suppliers, which meant that there was an opportunity to replace Ming Rui, with whom they had been collaborating. This was an opportunity for Mingde.

The general manager of Mingde, Wang Cheng, was the original general manager of one of the two companies that were acquired, and he is an old man in the industry. He was also the one who received the internal news from Yongkai, saying that Qin Wenyi had put forward a request for bidding, but because the cooperation with Ming Rui has been very stable, and the quality of Ming Rui’s products and the prices given to Yongkai have been very good, and nothing has ever gone wrong, and it is a big deal to replace Ming Rui, so Yongkai is still under internal discussion.

Wang Cheng reported to Gu Yinghui that he had met with Yongkai’s middle management and had a preliminary understanding of their needs. He had made a detailed calculation of Mingde’s production capacity and product quality, and felt that with overtime efforts, they could also meet Yongkai’s demand. It was just that they did not have an advantage in price, and the profit would be small. But Wang Cheng also said that the two newly integrated companies are not the leading companies in the industry, and they took the risk to purchase large high-end production lines in order to transform, which caused serious losses and could not operate, and now it is very difficult to open the market for the reorganized products, which also needs a lot of financial support.

Wang Cheng made a chart with all the details and demonstrated it carefully in the meeting, and tried to persuade Gu Yinghui to make a decision to capture Yongkai.

After the meeting, Gu Yinghui called Gu Yingjie to the office for a single chat. As soon as the two brothers sat down, Gu Yinghui laughed at Gu Yingjie: “Look, you don’t have to be a hero, someone’s father will naturally stand up for his daughter.”

The last time Gu Yingjie was injured, the elders of the family were alarmed, and he only said it was a verbal argument with someone in a bar, without saying why. But at that time, there were many people present in the fight, and eventually word got to Gu Yinghui’s ears, he called his brother to ask, Gu Yingjie did not involve Qin Yufei, only that he was not comfortable with Zhao Honghui that person, and drink too much, and do something impulsive. Gu Yinghui cared for his brother, did not say anything at the time, but the matter was recorded in the heart.

Today, listening to Wang Cheng’s report, Gu Yinghui is not interested in other things, but is pleased to dig sharp corner for Ming Rui. When the initial acquisition of these two companies restructuring, in reality, Huade is not interested in their business, manufacturing is not Huade’s strength, blind investment to revitalize the business is not what Huade wants to do. The industry is booming, the development momentum is very good, though the two companies have serious losses, but the value is still there, Huade started to acquire first, is to consolidate it and sell it to make money. Wang Cheng has feelings for the business, naturally, he wants the business to have good development, so that the company runs benignly. But in Gu Yinghui heart, there are other considerations for this company.

Now popped up to rob Ming Rui business, teaching Zhao Honghui a lesson, he has to discuss with his brother properly again.

“What do you think?”

“If the real fight strength, of course, Mingde is unable to fight Ming Rui, the other side leading in the industry for many years, all aspects are too strong than Mingde. Wang Cheng is thought that with Huade financial strength, want to rely on increased investment to force performance to take orders, it is not impossible to do, just not much benefit to us, the same money invested in other business, will earn more.” Gu Yingjie looked at his brother’s expression and laughed: “Besides, if Yongkai’s list is so good to grab, other families would have grabbed it, and it’s not Mingde’s turn. We can’t say to Qin Wenyi that I beat Zhao Honghui that time, to help your family vent anger so you should give us the orders.”

Gu Yinghui laughed out loud, “It’s okay to say so, you’ll make a trip tomorrow.” He joked about his brother.

Gu Yingjie waved his hand, “Stop it.”

Gu Yinghui laughed again, and after laughing enough, asked, “Then what do you think?” Can’t be beaten by Zhao Honghui for nothing. Mr. Gu Yinghui had somewhat forgotten that it was actually his brother who had moved first.

“Well, I think ……” Gu Yingjie was really considering seriously, “To kick out Ming Rui, relying on Mingde is not possible, but relying on Yongkai, there is a chance.”

“How so?” Gu Yinghui raised his eyebrows.

“Mingde for us is like a repackaging of goods for sale, this commodity has the technology and productivity, but the scale is limited, to be honest, even if we can take Yongkai’s orders, we can only do Yongkai’s orders, once Yongkai no longer cooperate, then Mingde has to start all over again. Yongkai has long relied on suppliers to support, they need long-term stable and controllable good sources of goods, good sources are in the hands of large enterprises, they can only rely on the buy. We sold Mingde to Yongkai, joint stock with them, we contribute people, machines and products, they pay. The raw material products are only supplied to Yongkai, so that Yongkai has absolute control over the source of goods and the cost is reduced, which is beneficial to them. And we sell Mingde, sit on the profits, reduce the risk, and not against the initial intention.”

Gu Yingjie paused and added: “If we talk in this way, the chances of winning are much better than digging the corner of Ming Rui. Both Yongkai and our Huade have long-term interests.”

Gu Yinghui laughed again after hearing this, “Ah Jie, it seems that all your previous work was too easy, I should have delegated more responsibilities to you.”

Gu Yingjie waved his hand again, “Stop it. What do you think?” In fact, in his heart, he also wanted to kick out Ming Rui and give Zhao Honghui a little taste, not for the sake of his own business to make money, they have very enough money, he just wanted very much to get out this anger for Qin Yufei. He does not take the initiative to provoke things, but now the opportunity to send to the door, there is no reason to let go.

“I think it’s good, very good. It’s negotiable. Ah Jie, then you are in charge of this project.”

Qin Yufei’s face flashed through Gu Yingjie’s mind and he responded, ” Sure.”

The matter was quickly moved forward, and after a week of preparation, Gu Yingjie and Gu Yinghui went to Yongkai to visit Qin Wenyi. As expected by Gu Yingjie, Qin Wenyi was very interested in such a cooperation model, and Xu Wenzheng even asked a lot of questions. He was in charge of the product business and was familiar with the supply of raw materials and semi-finished products, but fortunately Gu Yingjie had done his homework this week and could barely cope with it. Finally, Qin Wenyi said, make an appointment, Xu Wenzheng take people to see Mingde, if the production conditions are suitable, then talk about other.

When the Gu Yingjie and his brother finally said goodbye, Qin Wenyi suddenly said, “It’s Ah Jie’s first time to come to our Yongkai, right?”

“Yes.” Gu Yingjie responded carefully, not knowing why, he was really a little nervous about coming this time.

“Ah Jie and my family Yufei are friends?”

“Uh, yes.” Gu Yingjie was even more nervous. He had promised Qin Yufei to say that they were not familiar with each other, but now it was Qin Wenyi who was asking, how inappropriate it was for him to say that they were not familiar.

“Yufei’s office is downstairs, do you want to go say hello?”

Gu Yingjie’s forehead was sweating, was it impolite not to go? Wouldn’t Qin Yufei be angry if he go?

” Better let’s do it some other time.” Gu Yingjie replied with difficulty.

Qin Wenyi smiled and personally sent the Gu brothers to the office door.

Xu Wenzheng sent the Gu brothers to take the elevator and briefly introduced the distribution of office functions on these floors of Yongkai, and also invited the Gu brothers to take a look at their factory. Gu Yinghui and Gu Yingjie agreed immediately. The elevator stopped when it passed Qin Yufei’s office floor, the elevator door opened, Gu Yingjie’s heart beat faster, but unfortunately, it was a middle-aged man who came in, looking out from the elevator door with a glass compartment, nothing could be seen.

The elevator door closed and the elevator continued to go down. Gu Yingjie did not know whether he was relieved or disappointed. The elevator took him downward, farther and farther away from Qin Yufei.