The fact is, that woman Qin Yufei has no conscience. She didn’t give Gu Yingjie a call or message all night, the longer it was the more worried Gu Yingjie became, he finally couldn’t resist calling her cell phone, hoping her friend had sent the bag back to her. It turned out that the person who answered the phone was Yin Ting.

Gu Yingjie suddenly had nothing to say, so he had to make an excuse to inquire about the outcome of today’s events. Yin Ting said that finally Zhao Honghui’s friends sent him to the hospital, and their group of friends did not know exactly what happened, so they dispersed. She heard that it was Zhao Honghui who bad-mouthed Qin Yufei behind her back and was lectured by Qin Yufei, and asked Gu Yingjie if there was anything happened to Qin Yufei.

Gu Yingjie told her about the simple situation, skipped his entanglement with Qin Yufei, and said he pulled Qin Yufei away and took her away, and then Qin Yufei ran away. After that there is nothing to say, and hung up.

This night Gu Yingjie can not sleep at all, although he felt with Qin Yufei’s cleverness and strength, stop a cab to pay at home is certainly not a  problem, but he did not see with his own eyes, did not hear her arrived at home safely, he really can not rest assured. Also, he can’t call Qin Wenyi.

Later, Gu Yingjie harassed Xu Yanchang on the phone in the middle of the night and complained to him, saying that he was angry with Qin Yufei, but not saying anything specific. Xu Yanchang yawned and asked him, “So what exactly are you complaining about?”

Gu Yingjie choked and said, “Can I complain about my bad luck?”

“Yes.” Xu Yanchang was speechless.

Sleepless night, Gu Yingjie called Qin Yufei’s office early in the morning, but her secretary said she usually arrived after ten o’clock. Gu Yingjie got more angry and stayed up until 10:30 to call again, and this time finally reached the person.

“Qin Yufei.”


His bad attitude makes her even more rude.

He choked again, and for a long time said hatefully: “Nothing, know that you are not dead will do.” Then he hung up.

Qin Yufei froze, looking at the handset of the landline for a while before angrily slapping the phone back to the base with force. As if this could break the connection between them.

This day Qin Yufei wasn’t interested in working at all, and didn’t know what she was going to do when she looked at the computer. Luckily, the holiday had just ended and there wasn’t any urgent work waiting for her to handle. She spent the morning in a daze, and then found that it was already past lunchtime. Qin Yufei took her cup and went to the pantry, just in time to meet Qiu Zhengqing who was making instant noodles.

“Mr. Qiu.” She greeted, blinked, and suddenly said, “Do you want to eat this for lunch? I haven’t eaten either, why don’t we go to the restaurant downstairs for lunch together, my treat.”

Qiu Zhengqing stared at her with a frown, wondering what she was up to.

“Not willing?” Qin Yufei also frowned and stared back at him, how dare he be unwilling?

“I just made some noodles.” Qiu Zhengqing lifted the noodle bowl in his hand.

“This is nutritionless , less eat it, also we’re not in a hurry until we can not eat.”

Qiu Zhengqing looked down at the noodles, a bit reluctant, “How wasteful.”

Qin Yufei simply picked up his noodle bowl and threw it into the trash. “It’s done, go!” She took the lead and led the way out. Qiu Zhengqing hesitated for a moment and followed.

In the elevator, Qin Yufei looked at Qiu Zhengqing’s serious and frowning face: ” Where is Mr. Qiu not satisfied?”

“I don’t like others to make decisions for me.” Qiu Zhengqing said coolly.

“Oh.” Qin Yufei did not take it seriously. If you don’t like it, then don’t like it, who cares.

When she arrived at the restaurant, Qiu Zhengqing scanned the menu and ordered his meal quickly, then stared at Qin Yufei with a serious face, silently urging her to hurry up. Qin Yufei studied the menu slowly and took two minutes to decide what she wanted to eat. When she raised her eyes again after ordering, she saw Qiu Zhengqing impatiently tapping his finger on the table. Qin Yufei rolled her eyes in her heart.

The two of them were silent at first while waiting for their meal, then Qiu Zhengqing seemed to feel that time was being wasted, so he started asking Qin Yufei about her work and talking to her about the market. Qin Yufei held her chin and it was her turn to tap her fingers on the table.

“So why are you thinking of finding me for a meal?” Qiu Zhengqing wanted to discuss work but no avail, simply asked.

“I was trying to see if I could convince Mr. Qiu to stop being a work machine if I pursued him.” Qin Yufei let out a long sigh, “But after spending less than ten minutes with Mr. Qiu, I already knew I was too naive and too stupid. So let’s forget it, there is no happiness in forcing.”

Qiu Zhengqing said with no expression, “If you stop being so lazy and are willing to work hard and take life seriously, then you will probably have a chance to pursue me.”

” Is that why Mr. Qiu has never shown any interest in me although has some interest in me?” Qin Yufei didn’t feel the slightest bit self-centered.

“Right.” Qiu Zhengqing simply also generously admitted, he found that Qin Yufei speak straightforwardly, no need to beat around the bush with her.  “You’re condition are excellent. But I’m really uncomfortable seeing your way of doing things, if we really becomes a couple, and you don’t change, it’ s going to make people very cranky.”

“It’s so sad to be your girlfriend and have to be checked for work every day.” Qin Yufei knew that her hope of catching a glimmer of fantasy that was just born in the pantry had been shattered. She sighed, how come the men she met were either cheating men or workaholics, or else they were extreme slags or passionate species.

Alas, how come there is no suitable one? Actually, she really doesn’t ask for much!

“But I admit you were right before, I was looking at you with prejudice, always think you rely on family background and lazy and wild, then after you expose me, I seriously thought, you have this nature, actually can not say good or bad, it is just your personality. The work given to you has actually been completed, and it’s done well. You treat people very warmly and reasonably, and do things in a fair manner, so I did have a prejudice against you earlier, and I apologize.”

“Oh.” Qin Yufei played with the fork and suddenly said, ” Mr. Qiu, actually I was wrong last time, your prejudice is right, the so-called environment creates character, I just dare to be like this because of my family background. Otherwise, if you can’t eat, I’m sure I have to pat you on the back every day and pretend to be busy and hardworking to please you and beg you to give me more money. You hate the rich also because the previous life is too hard and feel that we rich children do not have to work hard to get something that you are very hard to get, actually it’s very normal, your perspective is right.”

Qiu Zhengqing had a black face, “So you’re teasing me?”

“I am reviewing myself.”

“After the review you’re going to change?”


Qiu Zhengqing was annoyed, “Then you continue to review.” The meal came up, and he started to eat.

“In fact, you should also review, Mr. Qiu.”

“I have reviewed, thanks for your concern.”

” Mr. Qiu later when you have a girlfriend you must let us meet, I want to send her a bouquet of flowers.”

“My girlfriend’s flowers I will send myself.”

“Then I will send her something else, she is very heroic, I want to express my admiration for her.”

” I won’t send anything for your boyfriend, I have little money and I’m stingy.”

” Hmm, I can understand.” Thinking about the boyfriend, Qin Yufei sighed, well, can officially draw a cross on Qiu Zhengqing’s name, in fact, originally there was a cross, now a little more formal, add another one.

The two of them ate the meal smoothly, and the second half of the meal even managed to chat about things outside of work. When returning to the company Qin Yufei mood slightly better, although with Qiu Zhengqing didn’t develop the possibility, but this meal also let the relationship between the two people close a lot, it is not a waste to eat.

In the afternoon Qin Wenyi came back from outside and called Qin Yufei to his office. He went to Ming Rui today, looking for Zhao Honghui’s father and uncle to negotiate. He has only one daughter, although he dislikes her lack of business ambition and anxious about the family business succession, but he truly loves his daughter.

Last night when his daughter returned from a night out with nothing on her hands, she was wearing a pair of men’s house slippers, and her cab fare was paid for her by someone from the house, which really startled him. After hearing the reason, he was furious. So today no business was done, directly going to Ming Rui , if the Zhao family can not discipline their son, let him slander and humiliate his daughter in the outside, then he does not mind to discipline for a little, give the Zhao family’s son more lessons.

Zhao family, although the son was beaten into the hospital, but also had to be polite, and said that young people do not understand, drink too much wine, and instigated by friends, and now have been taught a lesson, and they will be properly disciplined him again. The two families have been friends for many years, really should not break up over this matter. In short, while giving in to the soft side of the interest, this matter is considered to be settled, passed.

However, Qin Wenyi is still concerned about his daughter. When he returned, he called Qin Yufei over. The first thing to do is to reprimand her, a girl should not be so impulsive. Zhao Honghui tall and strong, and drunk, he is also surrounded by a group of foxes and friends, all usually used to bossy, she rushed to fight without saying a word, in case those people are anxious to fight back, she is a girl, she will certainly suffer.

This time it was luck that one strike knocked the man down and didn’t let him jump up to counterattack. But next time may not have this luck. Qin Wenyi admonished his daughter, must not be so reckless in the future. After suffering a loss, come back and tell dad, he Qin Wenyi still alive, will not let outsiders bully his daughter.

Qin Yufei bit her lip in displeasure, when she heard those disgusting words last night how can she still bear to go home to complain. Moreover, at that time Gu Yingjie was around, he would not ignore her.

Qin Yufei’s heart suddenly shocked, she actually think like that? Relying on the presence of Gu Yingjie?