The next day, Gu Yingjie felt better. He called Qin Yufei, hoping she would come to visit him in the hospital.

“We haven’t seen each other for a long time. I miss you. Come over and let me have a look.” Gu Yingjie was coughing and talking, looking very pitiful.

Qin Yufei also misses him, but his sister scared her last night, so she asked, “Is your sister still here?”

“She went back last night.”

“Then who is taking care of you?”

“The housekeeper came over last night to change shifts, and there are nurses in the hospital, so I’m not afraid of not having anyone to take care of me.”


“So, when are you coming over? Are you busy today? Can you skip work?”

“Is your housekeeper always there?”

Gu Yingjie was suddenly a little upset. “So what? The butler is here and you’re not coming? It’s not only the housekeeper, I was hospitalized. There are many friends, relatives and colleagues who come to visit. There are always people, so you do not want to come?”

He was fierce. Qin Yufei did not dare to reply.

She said nothing, Gu Yingjie more angry. “Even ordinary friends know to be polite and bring gifts to see me. What kind of relationship do you have with me? You don’t even come, you refuse to even make a perfunctory call on the phone? Where is your conscience?” He had been on a two-day hangover. His fever was recurring, his body was very uncomfortable, and he was grumpy. After he finished his lecture, he didn’t hear any reply from her, so he simply played ruthless and said, “Forget it if you don’t come.” Then he hung up the phone.

Qin Yufei listened to the beeping sound of the phone hanging up, feeling a little aggrieved. She did not say no, why he lost his temper. She didn’t even say anything when he was out messing around with girls, and she held her breath for a while. Now it is on account of his illness, did not bother with him, he was good, picking on something to blame up.

Qin Yufei threw the phone aside. The more you think about Gu Yingjie’s words, the more uncomfortable she felt. He said he did not lack people to visit it, hum, of course he did not lack. The ex-girlfriend, the rumored girlfriend, plus the suitor lined up to stand from the hospital room at the hospital entrance.

Qin Yufei felt aggrieved, until the afternoon, but finally it was hard to defeat the hunger in her heart. Listening to his voice seems to be really sick, nowadays, the fever can be serious. She really wanted to see him. If she meets someone, she can use the same excuse she used last night, saying she was visiting on behalf of Yongkai, in the name of her partner, so she won’t be exposed, right?

Qin Yufei thought so, packed her bag and brazenly left early.

Qin Yufei drove to the hospital, the journey went smoothly, no traffic jams, even red lights were less, which made her mood a little better. She thought on the way. Do not ask Gu Yingjie about the Xue sister now. He is sick, and certainly not in a good mood, and her temper is difficult to control. If they quarrel over this matter, it is not worth it. Everything can wait for him to get well and then talk about it.

The car is almost to the hospital, she suddenly thought, did not bring him a gift. A second thought, forget it, she came to see him is very much to give him face. What a gift. When he sees her, he should be surprised, right? When she took the elevator upstairs, she thought, if she met someone else, she didn’t have a gift in her hand, but said she was visiting on behalf of the company. Is this credible?

Forget it. She stepped out of the elevator and looked for the ward. Believe it or not, forget it. She Qin Yufei does not have so much leisure to consider the feelings of others, others are not Gu Yingjie. She did not care so much about them.

Qin Yufei finally found the ward. The door was not closed, leaving a crack in the door. Qin Yufei was about to knock on the door when she heard the voice of a young woman in the ward. “I’ll peel apples for you, okay? These are freshly shipped from abroad and have an excellent taste.”

Qin Yufei’s hand to knock on the door froze. Such a gentle tone. It can’t be that Xue sister, right?

She heard Gu Yingjie reply, “Thank you, but I have a sore throat and can’t eat.”

The girl wasn’t angry and said, “Then I’ll put it here and eat it when you’re better.”


He actually answered “okay“, Qin Yufei heart sour, what okay? He should have said take your apples and get out. Is it great that they are freshly shipped from abroad? Who has not eaten them? Do you know domestic apples are sweet and crisp? Do you understand the reason for supporting national products?

But of course she only said it inside her heart. Qin Yufei stood still. She did not know what she was going to do. Just wait.

After a while, the girl finally spoke again: “James, I… I don’t know what to say. I’ve been having a hard time lately. I wanted to break up with this boyfriend of mine. He didn’t agree, and he even beat me up. I now realize how good you were to me. I really regret breaking up with you. Why was I so stupid, now that I look back, I really don’t know what I thought at the time? Why did I mention breaking up with you?”

Holy shit! Qin Yufei swears in the heart. You are fucking beaten by the boyfriend. Why find ex-boyfriend to complain? Call the police! Ex-boyfriend is no use! The former boyfriend has nothing to do with it. What’s the point of regretting the breakup? Regret and coming back to bother him? Have you considered the feelings of the current girlfriend?

Qin Yufei pricked her ears and didn’t hear Gu Yingjie’s reply. The girl said again: “I think I proposed to break up but also some betting, want you to pay more attention to me, want you to hold on to me, but I did not expect you to agree so quickly.” The girl’s tone has a grievance, listening to it make Qin Yufei’s stomach full of fire.

This is when Gu Yingjie finally spoke up: “Things have been going on for so long, so why do you have to hold on to it? We all have our own lives. You have also made a new boyfriend. He is not good for you, is right to break up as soon as possible. If he has any violent behavior, you still need to call the police. Remember to examine the injuries, to find witnesses, so that the police can work. To learn how to protect yourself, you can live with your family, find more friends to accompany you. It is best not to fall alone. If you can talk about a proper breakup, then it will be the best, if not, besides call the police, you also have to find the man’s weaknesses, he is not a good type of person, you do not have to be polite with him. In short, the most important thing is to protect yourself.”

Gu Yingjie’s voice was so gentle that the girl cried, “James, I still love you. The person I love the most is still you.”

‘Tell her to get lost! Gu Yingjie, tell her to get lost!’ Qin Yufei shouted in her heart.

But Gu Yingjie sighed and all he said was, “Don’t cry.”

His tone was gentle.

Qin Yufei turned her head and walked away.

There is no way to listen further, and no courage to go in. She is no longer the former Qin Yufei. Qin Yufei flew away from the hospital building, and the moment she got into the car, tears came out of her eyes.

“Crazy. Qin Yufei, you’re a crazy person, there is nothing. What are you crying about?” She scolded herself while putting her head on the steering wheel and crying. She didn’t want to cry, she didn’t cry, but the tears fell down on their own.

That girl was not Xue Sister, not her, but worse. How many ladies surround him? His soft voice, graceful. But she was not Snow White in armor with a sword, maybe once, but no longer. She is not even strong and optimistic Cinderella; she is even worse than Cinderella.

She is just an ordinary superficial rich white girl.

She doesn’t want to fight, she can’t even win herself.

In the hospital ward, Gu Yingjie said to the ex-girlfriend: “Abby, stop crying, either for me or for your current boyfriend. Tissues are over there. Take them yourself and wipe your face well. It’s better for a girl to look pretty. It’s ugly to cry.”

The girl broke into tears and went to get a tissue to wipe her face.

Gu Yingjie said again: “Actually, you are not still in love with me, you are just not as good as you want to be, compared to the old days, creating an illusion. If we had loved each other so much in the past, we would not have come to this point of breaking up.”

The girl hurriedly argued, “No, I really love you. I was confused. I think I understand now. I really love you.”

“Abby,” Gu Yingjie interrupted her, “if you really still have feelings for me, then I can only say sorry to you. It’s impossible for us to get back together. I don’t have the same feelings for you as before, and I have someone I like now.”

“Who is it?”

“I can’t tell you right now.”

“You lied to me, didn’t you? I know you, you don’t want to get involved in someone else’s relationship. You know I have a boyfriend, so you won’t accept me now. But I will break up with him. We were happy when we’re together, you certainly didn’t forget it. If you have a girlfriend, how is it possible that people don’t know? I’ve asked around, and my friends say you haven’t been in a relationship and have had a long gap.”

“I’m not lying to you. I don’t have to lie to you. I have a crush on someone, not the crush kind of crush. We’re in love. It’s just that she’s shy, so we haven’t gone public yet. She has a sensitive personality and is jealous, but I really like her a lot. You know me, if I’m in love, it must be wholeheartedly. So whatever feelings you still have for me, it’s best to let them go. We really can’t. I remember the past. I don’t have memory loss, so of course I won’t forget. The past is the past. People have a past. How can it be a blank? But having experienced the past, you can understand the present better and look forward to the future, right?”

Abby said nothing.

“Your current boyfriend will also become history, and you will find someone more suitable to live happily. You need to think of it that way. It’s not wise for you to look for comfort in the past.”

“That’s a nasty thing to say.” Abby said, “And it’s even more annoying when you say it in such a soft tone. Although what you said makes sense.”

Gu Yingjie laughed, “As long as you can understand, Abby, I mean it, we are impossible. You should not have such thoughts. I love my current girlfriend very much.”

“I really want to take the apple away.”

Gu Yingjie laughed.

Abby left, and the apple stayed. Later in the evening, Xu Yanchang came to visit, not only empty-handed but also gobbled up two apples in one gulp. He came to complain to Gu Yingjie. He was recently chasing a girl; the result is that the girl is difficult. Did not say yes, also did not say no, has been hanging on his appetite. Xu Yanchang is furious.

Gu Yingjie sighs. It is rare for him to be sick for once, but everyone thinks he is a garbage can to spit bitterness. He also has a stomach full of depression without a place to vent it, not to mention the body is very uncomfortable. That fierce woman also refused to come to see him, simply heartless to the extreme.

Just thinking about it, Xu Yanchang asked: “Where is that fierce woman? How come I don’t see her? Is she here? Did your family know?”

Gu Yingjie seized the opportunity. It was finally his turn to complain. “She doesn’t want to be disclosed. I have people coming and going here. My family is always around. She doesn’t want to come.”

“Holy shit.” Xu Yanchang was originally angry with the woman, this time even more unhappy. “She is really, the attitude is big enough, ah. Do not want to disclose, did she take you as a male pet? You have been hospitalized. She did not even visit. How can it be? Your relationships like this better split up.”

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

“Why are you angry for her?”

“I’m not. She’s nice to me.”

“I can’t see it.”

“I don’t need you to see it, it’s not like I’m in love with you. All I know is that she’s good.”

“That’s disgusting.” Xu Yanchang had a disgusted look at Gu Yingjie. “No wonder you are bullied. Look at your virtue. Anyway, I tell you, women can not be spoiled, once spoiled, they do not know who they are, especially that fierce woman, she already arrogant enough when not spoiled and now you are spoiling her, wouldn’t you have to go to heaven. At least come up with some strength. She is not caring enough for you, not good for you, then you tell her, break up and no discussion.”

Gu Yingjie completely does not want to have a conversation. His best friend must have been stimulated. “You go home first to calm down. The girl you are chasing, consider that she did not say yes, so there is nothing to look forward to in your heart, and you will be in a better mood.”

“Why should I take it as no?” Xu Yanchang was unhappy. “I’m in a good mood.”

“But it’s true that she didn’t say yes.”

“That’s because she play-hard-to-get.”

“All right. Then you go home quickly and wait for the news from her. Don’t go too far when she tries to catch you.” Gu Yingjie nonchalantly drove people away.

Xu Yanchang left, but the more he thought about it, the more angry he was. Why are those creatures called “women” so insensitive? In a fit of anger, he called Qin Yufei.

Qin Yufei is in her room, dazed. She is quite broken-hearted after crying today. Anyway, it’s not a big deal, just one more breakup. Would she feel better if she treated it as a breakup now?

As it turns out, it doesn’t.

But the sense of crisis is becoming more and more strong. The situations she imagined before have now come true. She is mentally unhealthy and abnormal, thinking the worst of everything, and he is passionate and gentle, attracting girls everywhere, even if he does not have the heart, but his attitude, coupled with his own conditions, those girls still come forward. If it was the former Qin Yufei, she wouldn’t be afraid at all, but she is the current Qin Yufei. She doesn’t have that fighting power, and she gets upset and cranky when she thinks about these things. She was really worried that she would turn into a perverted witch in front of him.

So how long can she and Gu Yingjie survive? She shouldn’t have left today, she should have rushed in and shown this ugliest side of her, she should have driven that girl away and scolded Gu Yingjie. If he can’t stand her, then break up. The pain would be less and she is not as sad as she is now.

Qin Yufei keep thinking and decided to find the opportunity to speak clearly with Gu Yingjie. To tell him frankly that she simply can not stand his current situation, she has stalked him, when she heard his gossip will be cranky, when she heard his ex-girlfriend wanted to get back together, she wanted to punch someone. In short, he has no way to change his popularity, and she has no way to let her mind at ease. Reality is such an irreconcilable contradiction, that’s all.

The phone rang. Qin Yufei looked, and it was Xu Yanchang.

Xu Yanchang was vulgar when he opened his mouth, he questioned Qin Yufei why he didn’t go to visit Gu Yingjie, and after a lot of reprimands, he said, “You should review yourself, you are an example of a failed girlfriend.”

Qin Yufei was furious. Her failure is none of his business! She knew she was bad, but being scolded was another thing. She was petty and would not listen to criticism at all. “Young Master Xu, you save it. Who are you to call and talk to me about this? My relationship with Gu Yingjie is none of your business. “

‘the example of a failed girlfriend’ this is really poked her.

“It’s none of my business. I just want to tell you, don’t be too arrogant, don’t be too self-righteous. James is good-tempered and patient, but he is also a man. Being a man can’t stand women like this. You don’t want to drain him of his tolerance.”

This is another heavy punch in her pain, Qin Yufei annoyed: “You are the self-righteous thing. Is it great to be a man? Take your so-called tolerance and patience and go away! I will not see him! “ She finished speaking and hung up the phone.

She was so angry this night that she couldn’t sleep at all, not only angry but also uncomfortable. Xu Yanchang is Gu Yingjie’s best friend. He would not say this for no reason. Did Gu Yingjie complain to him about something?

Qin Yufei tossed and turned, got up the next day with a haggard face and had to wear a heavy makeup.

This day at work, of course, was again inefficient. Qin Yufei spent the whole day wondering when it was the time to visit Gu Yingjie. Now that he is ill, it is not good to talk about these unhappy things. But others have already scolded her, and she did not want to delay.

She didn’t decide until the end of the working day. Then Yin Ting came running.

Qin Yufei was surprised. “Why are you here?”

“I’m here to find your ‘please be serious’.”

Qin Yufei was even more surprised. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. The last time we met on the street, my vehicle broke down, he helped me to repair it. I’m here to pay him back for the repair. Just now I gave him the money, and then I stopped by to see you.”

Qin Yufei was surprised. “You know how to drive?”

“Bicycle.” Yin Ting heated smile.

Qin Yufei’s face blackened. Wait, how much is the repair cost of the bike? She can’t afford it?

“I forgot to bring money that day, and my bike broke down, my phone ran out of battery. Fortunately, I met ‘please be serious’. What a blessing.” Yin Ting was in a good mood and gossiped with her, “I’m telling you, ‘please be serious’ have a girlfriend, when he helped me pull the bike to repair, there was a girl sitting in the car, I was a light bulb for a while.”

Qin Yufei thinks Yin Ting is really the “ambassador of surprise”. Just a few minutes after coming, every topic is unexpected. Yin Ting began to gossip about Qiu Zhengqing’s girlfriend, something like their temperament is the same, very ‘husband and wife’. She was a light bulb when she had dinner with them both. Two people talk about things she does not understand at all, so she desperately eat, but unfortunately that restaurant is only expensive not delicious, if it wasn’t for the inability to talk to them, she really wanted to introduce an excellent restaurant to them. The restaurant that is good for dating. She has chased so many boys and studied them seriously. But she felt they would not be interested in her research, so she was very sensible and said nothing.

“Xiao Ting ah.” Qin Yufei interrupted her. “You broke up so many times. How did you get over it?”

If someone else had said this, it would have been sarcastic, but Yin Ting knew that Qin Yufei would not, so she also seriously replied, “I just thought, ‘there will always be grass everywhere in the world’, if this root is gone, the next one will come along. There will always be a suitable one. If I’m unlucky enough to meet no one, I’m still living a fulfilling life. Better than hiding a crush and not doing anything.”

Qin Yufei’s heart moved, about to speak, but out of the corner of her eye saw a person standing at the office door. Turn her head to see. It is Qiu Zhengqing, his hand holding a cup, as if to pour water. Qin Yufei skimmed her eyebrows. Lord Qiu has not made use of pouring water to inspect the work situation for a long time. What are you playing today?

Yin Ting followed her gaze and was startled. Qiu Zhengqing saw they found him, cleared his throat and said, “First, to correct one thing, that girl is my college classmate, not my girlfriend yet.”

“Oh.” Yin Ting nodded, “Not yet means later will be, right?”

Qiu Zhengqing pondered for a moment, thinking about how to answer. Yin Ting spluttered to Qin Yufei: “Then my information is not considered wrong, just a time difference.”

Qiu Zhengqing frowned and thought about it. There is no need to explain this. But he still had questions. “What do you mean by ‘please be serious’?”

Qin Yufei did not speak, Yin Ting blinked: “It’s, um, that, your nickname.”

“……” Qiu Zhengqing’s expression had a little excitement, but Qin Yufei did not care to appreciate it. She had already decided she was going to see Gu Yingjie right now. Even if they will quarrel and break up, it is better than hiding and thinking about nothing. And she misses him a lot.

“Mr. Qiu, Xiao Ting is looking for me for something. I’ll leave work first and leave a little early.” Qin Yufei passed a wink to Yin Ting, who understood. “Yes, yes.”

Qiu Zhengqing’s face was unpleasant: “So Miss Yin skipped work to come to us, but also abducted my staff to leave early?”

Yin Ting was stunned, opened her mouth, it is indeed so ah.

Qin Yufei did not care, packed her bag and pulled Yin Ting away. Yin Ting ran a few steps and then turned back and made a face at Qiu Zhengqing: “‘Please be serious’. Fortunately, you are not my boss.” What a blessing.

Qin Yufei parted with Yin Ting downstairs, and then she drove to the hospital. This time on the way, she thought nothing of it and went straight to Gu Yingjie’s ward.

The door of the ward was open, Qin Yufei just arrived at the door, and heard Xu Yanchang’s voice inside: “Sorry, I was in a bad mood yesterday, I called your fierce woman, it seems to have made her angry, she said she would not come to see you.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he looked up and saw Qin Yufei standing at the door.

Xu Yanchang was furious: “Do you have a grudge against me?” Do they have to fight against each other? She appeared right after he apologized. Where could he save face?

“Yes.” Yes, she still holds a grudge for what he said yesterday.

Gu Yingjie saw Qin Yufei and smiled, not caring about Xu Yanchang. He stretched out his hand, Qin Yufei subconsciously went over to grasp. He looks as if he has lost a weight, his face is pale, very ugly. The back of the hand has an IV needle hole, and Qin Yufei felt a burst of heartache, completely forgetting what she came to do.

Gu Yingjie wanted to talk, but ended up coughing. Qin Yufei moved closer to him and rubbed his back. He finished coughing and smiled happily. “You sit here.” He pointed to the chair next to the bed and added, “Jason will leave soon.”

“Who said that? I’m not leaving.” Xu Yanchang was deliberate.

Gu Yingjie held Qin Yufei’s hand and said to Xu Yanchang, “Stop it, get lost.”

Qin Yufei pouted, slandering how he didn’t talk to his ex-girlfriend like this yesterday. Gu Yingjie looked at her expression, intimately scraped her cheek with his index finger: “Not happy? He annoyed you, right? I’ll scold him later.”

Qin Yufei glared at him. It was obvious that he had annoyed her; it had nothing to do with others. Gu Yingjie was glared at, smiling from ear to ear, looking straight at her, really wanting to drag her over for a good kiss.

Xu Yanchang rolled his eyes and lifted his legs to walk out: “Okay, okay, don’t be disgusting, I’ll go. Really going blind.” Walked to the door to look back. The two of them ‘you look at me, I look at you’. No one saw him off. Xu Yanchang secretly “hum”, deliberately not close the door, go away.