The drama on Abby’s side was over. Gu Yingjie did not care about Abby, did not say a word to her, only to go downstairs in a depressed mood. Qin Yufei was already missing, and he did not dare to chase and call her.

The few buddies in the scene saw the situation was not good to say anything, greeted each of them and dispersed. Xu Yanchang was previously entrusted by Gu Yingjie to help deal with Abby’s matter, but now see the situation is like this, so told Gu Yingjie let him rest assured, he will monitor this side, and also advise Abby a few words.

Gu Yingjie nodded. Now he does not want to care about Abby. He knows he did wrong. He should not hide it from Qin Yufei. He assumed this was to avoid making her unhappy. In fact, what Qin Yufei did today he could also do, such as finding someone to teach a lesson to the scum, get lawyers to set things right, or even some small action to dig out the scum’s black history to use as a bargaining chip. He can do it too, but he doesn’t want to. Because once he did, he would get close to Abby, and Abby would haunt him even more. So he asked Xu Yanchang to handle the matter and wanted to let someone else handle it.

It’s just that Abby caused a scene again today and took advantage of the situation, and before he could handle it properly, Qin Yufei discovered him.

Being found out like this is a hundred times worse than if he had told her.

Gu Yingjie’s heart is in turmoil. He does not dare to think how sad Qin Yufei must be now. He considers himself emotionally faithful and has had none improper thoughts about Abby or other women; he kept Abby’s matter from her because he was afraid she would think too much about it, and Abby really needed help. He couldn’t be heartless and not save her from death. Well, the word ‘not save’ is perhaps too exaggerated, the one who needs saving now is him.

He was wrong. He should have told Qin Yufei to get her support and understanding. He should have asked her to help together to figure out a solution, rather than fearing that she would be angry if he got her into trouble. He should have unveiled Qin Yufei and let Abby understand that helping her was only out of friendliness and morality. And that such things as getting back together, and the thought that she still had about him, were something that couldn’t exist anymore.

But he didn’t do any of these things.

In short, he was wrong. The method he used was the wrong one. He broke the heart of his beloved woman. He saw Qin Yufei’s angry face and experienced her inner pain. She was as proud and arrogant as a queen in front of everyone, yet he knew she was shedding tears. He was sure that she must cry secretly somewhere right now.

Gu Yingjie felt very heartbroken and extremely regretful. No, words like ‘very’ and ‘extremely’ can’t describe the extent of his regret. If time could be turned back, he would not be so stupid.

Mrs. Gu didn’t know how to comfort her son, but seeing the expression on Gu Yingjie’s face, she didn’t feel comfortable with him going home by himself, so she asked the driver to drive back to the mansion. Gu Yingjie sat frozen in the car, completely unresponsive to the conversation between Mrs. Gu and the driver.

After a while, Gu Yingjie suddenly asked, “Mom, what do you think Yufei meant by that last sentence?”

“Which sentence?”

“She said I can’t look for her until she’s willing to pay attention to me, or else we’ll break up.”

“Oh.” Mrs. Gu didn’t know how to react.

“What does it mean?”

“It means literally, I guess.” The son kept asking, and Mrs. Gu only found an answer.

“Literally, it means that if she keeps ignoring me and I can’t look for her, what’s the difference from breaking up?”

Mrs. Gu glanced at her son. Son, what are you trying to say?

Gu Yingjie asked again after a long time, “She didn’t mean to break up just for this matter, right?”

Mrs. Gu did not speak. She is not her girlfriend; she does not know her, how would she know?

Gu Yingjie said again, “She didn’t mean to break up. She was just angry and didn’t want to care about me for the time being.” Gu Yingjie muttered to himself, comforting himself.

Mrs. Gu still said nothing, but she remembered today she and Qin Yufei were sitting in the restaurant. Qin Yufei shyly said to her, “We are trying very hard to get a good ending.” That expression seems to be still imprinted in her mind, but in the blink of an eye is now this situation. She was not impressed with the last sentence, but remembered the other sentence Qin Yufei said.

“I treat you well, not because I should, but because I am willing. When I’m not willing, you can go to hell.”

Mrs. Gu sighed in her heart, and all the comments people had made about Qin Yufei came flooding back to her mind. This child is indeed a powerful personality, a bit too fierce, can not tolerate a grain of sand in her eyes. But the words she said, she felt that there was truth in them.

In this world, apart from parents and children, no one should be nice to anyone. There is no love that is due, it just depends on whether people are willing. Mrs. Gu still doesn’t know what kind of opinion she has of Qin Yufei. When she thought she was a spoiled, domineering and impolite young lady, she acted generously, sincerely and lovingly, and when she thought she could be sweet and accommodating, she was tough, arrogant and fearless.

Mrs. Gu felt she couldn’t understand Qin Yufei. But when she saw her son’s sad and frustrated look, she felt this girl had two brilliance. Not only did she handle the incident properly today, she also held down the entire scene. Obviously, it was all her son’s friends, but he didn’t even dare to let out a fart. She really controlled him. She has never seen her son so defeated.

Gu Yingjie went back to the mansion with his mother and went back to his room like a wandering soul. He didn’t know what he was doing all night, wandering around in his room, distracted. Then he couldn’t resist calling Qin Yufei, but she turned her phone off. Gu Yingjie let out a long breath and fell on the bed to play dead. There was only one thought in his head: he did not want to break up, definitely did not want to break up. He loves her very much, let him apologize however she wants, he promised not to make such a mistake again. He loves her very much.

This night Gu Yingjie also does not know if he fell asleep, someone seemed to look for him, it was actually Abby; he was very unhappy, told her not to come to him again, she gave him enough trouble; it is better to be a stranger, and do not contact each other in the future. Because his girlfriend didn’t like it, he would not have any more ordinary friend relationships with any of his ex-girlfriends. As a result, Abby’s eyes widened with surprise and said to him, “Who is your girlfriend? Qin Yufei called me to inform that she doesn’t want you anymore and I can just come to you. She is also already your ex-girlfriend.”

Gu Yingjie woke up with a jolt of fright. It was a dream or his own random thoughts. He was a little unclear. Confused, and could not remember what the dream was all about, only clearly remembering Abby’s words to him.

Qin Yufei didn’t want him. How can this be?

If it was another girl, Gu Yingjie thought it would be impossible to break up just for this matter. But now it is Qin Yufei, Gu Yingjie is completely unsure. He knows how sensitive she is to this kind of thing, when chasing her she was torn for so long over this, she predicted she was petty and suspicious and he was womanizing, so the two of them must have not lasted, she said because of this so she could not fall in love with him.

He thought it was a bunch of nonsense. But now this prediction is accurate somehow. Although he did not cheat, but the entanglement with his ex-girlfriend in Qin Yufei’s view is a kind of cheating, right? She would think the worst of everything, so she caught him twice talking to Abby for a long time on the phone, then in her mind must have speculated about more possibilities.

With this in mind, Gu Yingjie could not sleep again, he sent a text message to Qin Yufei, one is to apologize, two is to explain, three is to promise not to make such mistakes in the future, four is to ask her for forgiveness. He wrote a very long monologue. Each sentence is carefully weighed, afraid to make her overthink again.

The text message was sent out. He was uneasy, copied those words, clicked on Qin Yufei’s chat application, and sent it over. He also opened the email, glued those words into the email, and clicked send.

After doing all this, he was still very uneasy. He desperately thought of what else he could do to make her happy. Well, he will order a gigantic bouquet for her first thing in the morning, and buy a gift. By the way, the last time she read a fashion magazine said there was a bracelet she really liked, he will buy it for her tomorrow.

No, that’s not good enough. If she was still angry, she would probably have smashed the gift and asked him to call his accountant to fight with her accountant. To her, it’s not sincere for him to buy a gift like this, and he doesn’t have to sell his blood to make money. But if he was really poor and needed to sell his blood to make money to buy this gift for her, she would be furious and call him a fool, right?

The gift won’t work too well, he must still try to explain, but the gift must also be bought, so the scene is bigger, and she will easily be soft, right?

Tomorrow. Tomorrow he will look for her, apologize to her and beg her forgiveness.

The next morning, Gu Yingjie ordered a gigantic bouquet of roses to be sent to Qin Yufei’s home. Then he himself ran to the brand store, went to buy the limited edition bracelet, packaged beautifully, and went to Qin’s house.

Because he was worried that Qin Yufei was not yet up, so he waited for a while, and waited until ten o’clock before he dialed her phone, but even though the phone was on, and got through, she quickly cut it off. Gu Yingjie did not care about losing face, took the gift and went to knock on the door of the Qin family, secretly thankful for those impulsive moments to meet the parents, and now it is justified.

When he entered the house, Mrs. Qin was surprised: “Yufei didn’t come back yesterday, didn’t she say she was with you for the weekend? I was surprised when someone delivered the flowers you ordered in the front.”

“She didn’t come back?” Gu Yingjie was a little worried and wanted to make up a lie, but felt it was inappropriate. Finally, he had to be brazen and tell the truth: “I made her angry yesterday, and I thought she had gone home. Today I came here on purpose to beg her for forgiveness.”

Mrs. Qin had a sympathetic look on her face. “But she’s not here. Maybe she’s angry and gone to stay with other friends. I’ll call her phone and ask.”

Mrs. Qin dialed Qin Yufei’s phone, and it went through at once, and the other side picked up. Gu Yingjie watched and was envious. Mrs. Qin asked on the phone where Qin Yufei was, and told her that Gu Yingjie had come and wanted to apologize to her, and advised her daughter not to be too childish, and to talk properly about anything. However, Qin Yufei didn’t listen to her mother and told her to tell Gu Yingjie to get lost, and then said she didn’t want to talk any more and hang up.

Mrs. Qin could not do anything, put down the phone and looked at Gu Yingjie’s expectant expression, shook her head, “She is furious, you can coax her later.”

Gu Yingjie nodded and called out, “Auntie.” He wanted to explain the situation to her, but thought that if the explanation was not clear enough, and make Mrs. Qin as a mother think he really entangled with his ex-girlfriend, was irresponsible, and cheating, that would not be good. Not only he did not gain support, but it also increased the obstacle. He panicked when he thought about it. He swallowed his words and changed the content: “Then I will go back first and visit Uncle and Auntie later.”

Mrs. Qin replied with a smile and sent him to the door, and told him, “Yufei is a bit more temperamental, so you should be more tolerant. I’ll talk to her later.”

Gu Yingjie didn’t even dare to nod his head in agreement, only to say that it was his fault, he had responsibility and not to blame Yufei.

Mrs. Qin smiled, did not argue with him about this, and sent him out the door.

Gu Yingjie drove the car in the street for two rounds, suddenly wondered whether Qin Yufei was back to his place. He hurried to drive back. The house turned out to be exactly the same as yesterday. Even the unpalatable dishes were still on the table.

Gu Yingjie looked at the dishes and thought about how excited Qin Yufei was when she called him yesterday, she said that ‘Auntie agreed to us, Gu Yingjie I must behave well, let me cook a meal for her, let her know I am also very capable. It would be nice if she could like me a bit more.’

Gu Yingjie’s eyes were burning, and he felt like a real jerk, a super jerk.

He called Qin Yufei, eager to hear her voice, eager to apologize to her. But she rejects it. He re-wrote the text message, once again admitting his mistake, once again reviewing his bad, once again assuring her he would not commit it again in the future, that he would not have this kind of contact that made her uncomfortable with any other woman, and that he would stay away from all the other women. He wrote he loved her, really loved her.

He sent the text message and then, as he did last night, sent it in all the places where he could communicate with her, hoping she would see it.

But Qin Yufei didn’t reply.

Gu Yingjie sat at the table, cold dishes and dirty bowls accompanying him, and he sat for a long time unable to resist calling Qin Yufei again, and this time he was also rejected. So he got more and more frustrated and wrote another long monologue to her. This time, after two minutes, the text message notification on his phone rang.

Gu Yingjie’s spirit lifted, and he hurriedly clicked on it. The text message was indeed from Qin Yufei, only the content was: Third Young Master Gu, if I receive any more phone calls or text messages from you to harass me, I will blocked you. From all my communication applications and my life.

It was just a text, but the fierce tone and serious expression of Qin Yufei when she said this already surfaced in his mind.

He did not dare to send anymore, really afraid that she will block him.

But what exactly does this mean? Does it mean that if he does what he’s told and waits for her to calm down, then they won’t break up? Or will she decide to leave him after she calms down?

Gu Yingjie is suffering inside, he really can’t stand it and must find someone to talk to. He called Xu Yanchang, who said: “Tsk, as if you’ve never been dumped by a woman. You’re too experienced with breakups, okay? You will get over it.”

Gu Yingjie was not in the mood for jokes at all. Silent for some time, sullenly said: “I will not break up with her.” Then he hung up the phone.

Xu Yanchang was shocked and realized that he had really misjudged the situation and said the wrong thing. He thought he was not good enough for his best friend, so he took two bottles of wine and rushed to Gu Yingjie’s home, intending to comfort him.

Once he got there, he saw Gu Yingjie walked back to the table and stared at a few plates of leftovers after opening the door.

He is really crazy.

Xu Yanchang is really glad that he came, otherwise the leftover man died with the leftover dishes and no one knows.

He hurriedly pulled Gu Yingjie away from those leftovers and went to the living room to drink. While drinking and comforting, said Qin Yufei will certainly not break up with him. “The reason is not enough. Other than that, she is so mad at Abby. How can she break up with you? It’s too good for Abby. Even if she doesn’t want you anymore, she has to hold the anger.”

Gu Yingjie glanced at him. “You are quite good at comforting people.”

“What I said is true. I don’t know how deep your feelings are, but with Qin Yufei’s temper, how can she let you have a good time? Break up? You’re really thinking too big. She has to take advantage of you and torture you.”

Gu Yingjie thought about it and actually felt that there was a lot of truth in it. “You’re right.” He was in a better mood for a few moments.

Xu Yanchang really wants to kick him hard. Damn, is this masochism? He was happy that the woman did not want to break up to torture him?

“Then do you want me to call her for you and propose to her several methods of abusing you?” Xu Yanchang joked.

“Sure.” Gu Yingjie responded positively, “You call her and let’s hear what she says?”

Xu Yanchang really kicked him out this time. “Damn, where is your backbone?”

“Dead.” Gu Yingjie is completely shameless. “Call her quickly. I want to know how she is now. I want to hear even if she is angry and scolded for a few sentences.”

Xu Yanchang had no choice but to call. In order to satisfy Gu Yingjie’s wish to listening to the scolding, he also turned on the phone speaker.

Qin Yufei, as they expected, scolded. But the scolding was not for Gu Yingjie, but for Xu Yanchang.

The phone just connected. Xu Yanchang was scolded to death before he could say two words.

“Young Master Xu, are you a bastard? Is your skin itchy? What’s your sexual orientation? Are you in love with Gu Yingjie? Do you do whatever Gu Yingjie tells you to do? I didn’t even settle the score with you when you tricked me into going to the yacht. What do you want? Do you think I’m easy to bully? What does it matter to you what Gu Yingjie does with me? He asked you to take care of his ex-girlfriend’s problems and you did. He asked you to call his current girlfriend, and you did. You do what people asked you to do. Where are your self-respect, personality, and your character? You are not ashamed of it. I am embarrassed for you. Did your parents raise you to run errands for others? Please tell Gu Yingjie that he didn’t listen to the warning and got someone to harass me. I have blocked him. That’s it!”

Then she hung up the phone.

Gu Yingjie was speechless.

Xu Yanchang was dumbfounded.

For a long time Xu Yanchang jumped up and shouted: “Damn, why do I think that her scold so reasonable!”