“What did he say?” Sun Yixue’s best friend was sitting across from her, and she was the one who encouraged Sun Yixue to call. Seeing Sun Yixue’s expression after the phone call, she guessed it wasn’t going well.

“He’s having dinner with Qin Yufei. I listened to him, he wanted to come, but he asked Qin Yufei. I didn’t hear how the answer, anyway, he finally said Qin Yufei was not available that day, they will not come.”

“What does it matter if Qin Yufei is not available? He can just come. And we didn’t invite Qin Yufei.”

“But he didn’t dare to say it in front of Qin Yufei. And I think ‘not available’ is a random excuse. Qin Yufei should not let him come.”

The best friend frowned: “How about you call again later, or tomorrow morning? At that time, Qin Yufei is not around. Let’s hear what Gu Yingjie says.”


Sun Yixue waited until later, but eventually felt it was too late to call, and it would be bad if Qin Yufei was still in or disturbed Gu Yingjie’s sleep. In order to get invite him, she invited a lot of friends this night, many of whom are common friends of her brother and Gu Yingjie. She contacted Gu Yingjie once again the next morning. This time she was saying who will come, and last night a certain someone also asked if James would go, haven’t seen him for a long time.

The underlying meaning is that for the sake of this group of friends, Gu Yingjie should appear.

Gu Yingjie smiled and sighed. “I really want to go.”

Sun Yixue’s heart was happy, but Gu Yingjie said again, “Maybe next time, next time I’ll be the host and invite everyone over to have fun together.”

This means that you can’t come this time? Sun Yixue’s heart was broken, and she simply asked, “Is your girlfriend not allowing you to come?”

“How can it be?” Gu Yingjie lost his smile. “There is nothing for her to allow or not. She can not go. I shall keep her company. You guys have a good time, congratulations on your new job, work hard. I’ll treat you all later.”

Sun Yixue bit her lip and could not give up. But inviting him out was not her purpose, it was just an excuse. What she wanted was to meet with him and have more encounters in order to have a chance. “Then I’ll come and ask you if I have questions at work in the future.”

“There are several big businessmen in your family. It is not my turn to guide you.” Gu Yingjie realized that something was wrong with Sun Yixue. He becomes sensitive because of Qin Yufei’s influence. So he said, “By the way, Shirley, do me a favor. Help me tell that group of gentlemen who eat, drink and have fun with no integrity to prepare their wallets to buy gifts, and when I invite them to hang out later, that’s when they will give gifts to my girlfriend.”

Sun Yixue did not speak for a moment.

Gu Yingjie’s voice was gentle: “My girlfriend’s name is Qin Yufei. Your brother has told you about this, right?”

Sun Yixue gritted her teeth: “Yes, I know.” Her heart was deeply uncomfortable, and she had to say, “Then I’ll not disturb you for now. I’ll contact you later.”

“Okay, bye.” Gu Yingjie politely hung up the phone, feeling that he had handled the situation well, without making the girl lose face, but also made things very clear. His girlfriend’s name is Qin Yufei, haha, he really likes that.

Sun Yixue was in a bad mood all day. She asked her best friend out and told her what happened. As she talked about it, she felt sad. “I have said nothing yet, and he said this. What does he mean? Is he trying to make me give up?”

The best friend said nothing, and for a moment did not know how to persuade.

Sun Yixue’s heart is indignant. The box simply can not be closed. “If it were someone else, forget it. Qin Yufei! What’s so great about Qin Yufei? How beautiful is she? She is so bad-tempered, selfish and domineering, everyone hates her. I can’t believe she stole James. Even that Yin Ting, I think we need to compare, but Qin Yufei, I don’t think we need to compare at all. What makes her better than me? Her education is just like that, it’s just that she paid to go abroad to get a diploma, which sounds better. Now in Yongkai, she is only a small marketing manager. Even her father does not support her, proving that she is completely rotten. I don’t even need to have a career in my dad’s company, and my job qualification are higher than hers. Look at her comments in her circle of friends, which sentence is good? I heard that she also had an abortion in the United States or something, and after she came back, she could not find boyfriend. People don’t like her. It turns out that she stole James. You say how can I be satisfied?”

“Okay, okay, you calm down.” Her best friend soothed her. “Those America matters are not necessarily true. There are so many versions of the rumor. Who knows what is really going on? But it’s true that she hasn’t had many boyfriends since she came back, and I don’t know if it’s true that her reputation is terrible. By the way, do you know about Zhao Honghui? I heard he dated Qin Yufei for a while and then dumped her.” She lowered her voice and whispered, “I heard that Qin Yufei is sexually frigid.”

Sun Yixue is angry: “Of course I heard. I also know that James fought for her and had a fight with Zhao Honghui.” She paused, “You say, is it because of this, so Qin Yufei thinks James is nice to her, anyway, she can not catch other men, and James is gentle, so he fell for her trick.”

“But it’s useless to talk about this now.” Best friend said: “You have tried but Gu Yingjie’s attitude is like this, you can not continue to proceed.”

“That’s why I’m angry! It’s all because of Qin Yufei. Why? If it’s her, I really can’t be satisfied! And she’s not nice to James at all! She’s not nice to him at all! She made James look bad in front of everyone, and she said he couldn’t look for her to break up with her. Now what? She’s a good one! So why is she not leaving?”

The best friend thought: “So actually, it’s not Gu Yingjie you have to deal with, it’s Qin Yufei.”

Sun Yixue froze: “How to deal with? I can not find her and scold her. This kind of shrewish thing, I can not do it. Besides, it’s useless to scold her. She’s so small-minded, she’ll find trouble with James to get back at me, making it difficult for everyone.”

“Of course, it’s useless to fight. Qin Yufei is powerful. However, all you have to do is to make them break up. Either Gu Yingjie proposed it or Qin Yufei proposed it. Qin Yufei is very jealous. Do you remember about Abby’s case? She said she wanted to break up with Gu Yingjie. However, they are not separated now, and I don’t know what’s going on.”

Sun Yixue was inspired by a flash of light. “Yes, last time she was so angry. That Abby is really poor and needs help, and she can not tolerate. That matter is a trigger. She still has a thorn in her heart. If she continues to find James not obey her words, will she really break up in a fit of rage?”

Best friend nodded and said, “What kind of mindset do you think this is? What do you take your boyfriend for? In fact, I think it’s only a matter of time before the two of them break up, normal people can’t stand their wives with this personality, even if Gu Yingjie is warm and gentle, and pity her, he will break down after a long time.”

“So I’m not doing a bad thing by helping him out now.” Sun Yixue made excuses for herself and felt much more comfortable in her heart.

“You have an idea?”

Sun Yixue nodded. “Qin Yufei didn’t allow James to come to the party. If James came without her knowledge and she found out, she would definitely be furious, right?”

“That’s for sure. But even if there’s a fight, it won’t be a problem, right?”

“What if he not only came but also got close to other girls and she saw him?”

“Then, of course, she’ll be even more angry. But what makes you think that this will make them break up?”

“Because all of James’ friends don’t like Qin Yufei. If Qin Yufei was so angry and had to hear that everyone hated her and disapproved of her being with James, how thick-skinned do you think she would have to be to continue to haunt James? Even if she really has the face, what does James think? How long can the two of them stay together?”

The best friend praised: “That’s good, this way it has nothing to do with you. No one can blame you for this.”

Sun Yixue nodded her head.

The best friend also said, “But how to execute? Didn’t James refuse to come?”

“I called him and he refused to come, so let others call him. If someone else can’t do it, then more people will call him. I got acquainted with my brother’s friends, also James’s friends. I’m going to tell them that Qin Yufei won’t let James come to the party, and they’ll definitely be as upset as I am.”

“Ha, those boys are also very crazy when they play.”

“That’s right, I know their style too well. When the time comes, and James came, everyone play it up. Qin Yufei must be furious when she sees it and then let her hear what everyone has to say about her. They all despise her, they all feel bad for James. I tell you, there is absolutely no need to instigate these, they are usually like this. I’ve heard it so often, I can memorize it all. When the time comes, let’s see how Qin Yufei cries with her face.”

Best friend laughed: “Sounds exciting.”

“Even if they don’t break up, I’m still letting out my anger!”

The next day, Gu Yingjie received calls from some friends one after another.

“You dead man. Are you not coming on Saturday? You dare not to come. You have been out of the organization for a long time.”

“Holy shit, you are not a man. How great is your girlfriend, Qin Yufei? I’ve heard of her. You don’t come to see your buddy because of her?”

“Qin Yufei doesn’t have to come. She’s not my friend, but you can come. You can’t be tied together 24 hours a day. How long has it been since you’ve taken part in a group activity?”

Even Xu Yanchang also called: “Damn it, what has it got to do with me if you’re playing the lovey-dovey game! Let them scold you. Why should they scold me? They also said that if you don’t come, they will give me a good time, and they will kill me on the field. Don’t they know that I, Young Master Xu, am untouchable? Damn, I’ll organize some people too, who’s afraid of who!” Not waiting for Gu Yingjie to speak, he scolded again: “You should also be more useful, talk to your family fierce woman, and give you a night of freedom. Damn, a man like you is a disgrace. I’m telling you, they hate Qin Yufei even more when you’re like this. It’s not a joke.”

The last sentence was right in Gu Yingjie’s heart. He certainly hoped that his close friends would like Qin Yufei and could bless him. Previously, everyone’s impression of Qin Yufei was wrong and biased, including himself, so he could well understand what everyone was thinking. He hopes to change these impressions. It was better to avoid adding fuel to the fire.

Gu Yingjie mentioned once more to Qin Yufei about going to a party together on Saturday, and he said his friends had called to ask him out.

“Then you go.” Qin Yufei thinks. “A celebration party for a girl is not appropriate for me to go to appease your brother. It would be more appropriate for us to have our own party and invite them some other day.”

Gu Yingjie thought about it. The heroine of the day is Sun Yixue, and it is not good if Qin Yufei went to steal her limelight. And if Sun Yixue still has that meaning to himself, it would be bad for Qin Yufei to hear anything unpleasant. She was right. It would be better if they had their own party.

“Then I’ll be going.”

“Go on, I am not stopping you.”