Yu Zhaohan drove back to the base of R.H, a duplex in the city center.

In general, the team’s base will be chosen in the city’s outskirts, where it will be relatively quiet and suitable for players to train. A full-scale club could have up to ten starting substitutes, as well as coaches, teaching assistants, data analysts, managers, operations teams, and aunties who cook and clean. Only a suburban villa could accommodate this many people.

R.H. has only four starters, one coach, and one manager, enough to fill a six-person dorm. The majority of the secondary league’s smaller clubs could easily overwhelm them.

There was an issue with the fund and the funding chain behind the RH Club at the start of the season. Following the strategic adjustment, they decided to withdraw from the e-sports field, citing the refusal of some star players in the club to transfer positions at standard prices.

Later, he didn’t know which wise person had given the boss a good idea. The boss decided to completely abandon R.H and only provide the bare minimum funds for the club’s operation.

Many people left R.H one after the other until only six people remained. The prize money from the “Destination” International Invitation Tournament was R.H’s last hope.

Unfortunately, they only got to the quarterfinals.

As soon as Yu Zhaohan stepped through the door, he noticed baby-faced boy with a mushroom head rushing over to him, saying, “Report—Captain, something has happened!”

This was their support, R.H. Cheese.

Yu Zhaohan casually asked: “Did domestic players start boycotting TCO?”

Cheese’s eyes widened: “Have you seen it?”

Of course, he saw it, he spent half an hour swiping on the forum in the car. But, sorry, we Bking just knew everything like a god.

“No, I guessed.”

Cheese couldn’t wait to hold the phone in front of Yu Zhaohan: “Then I’ll show you now!”

[TCO has not been suspended for even one day, and I have not logged into the game for a day; I have lost my words here]

[After all, the benefit comes from a price one has paid. The prize money is made up of money contributed by the players. Allow me to shout: fuck you, refund the money!]

[Officials can, of course, give TCO bonuses, but it is recommended here to give up the domestic market directly]

[I intend to protest at the headquarters of “Destination,” does anyone have any brothers and sisters in California?]

“This is the most violent one.” The manager, Old Tan joined their chat, “TCO is too disgusting. They have the audacity to do this on our home court. It’s humiliating for them. That is to say, the IPL won. If the IPL loses that game, domestic players are unlikely to let TCO return safely to Seoul.”

Yu Zhaohan raised his eyes: “You seem to be out of the dark.”

Cheese couldn’t stop himself from looking into Weibo and forums after losing the game. He was scolded and cried for two days to the point his eyes swelled.

Also, it was unproductive.

Cheese nodded with tears in his eyes: “I only know now that domestic players are not scolding us, and what they say is hate is not hate, it’s love concern.”

Yu Zhaohan smiled, the corners of his mouth rising in an arc carefully showing a “slight smile.” When he noticed that the coach was not present, he asked Old Tan, “Where is the coach?”

“He’s in the room, rushing to review the IPL and TCO matches.” Old Tan said, “By the way, when will the appearance fee for the guest seat be paid?”

Old Tan’s real name is Tan Shu, the pivot of Tianshu star, what a lofty name, but after the club was rotten, he was forced to become “Tan Kou/Stingy Tan”, he used tape to mend broken plastic bags and then used them as garbage bags, and any money-related matters have to be asked in person.

Yu Zhaohan said indifferently: “I didn’t ask, I don’t care about it. When the money arrives, it’s on me.”

“You can just add an extra chicken drumstick to each person. Last month’s salary and airfare to Busan are still delayed.” Old Tan said with a wry smile, “I order the cheapest takeout every day, and I even order six. The little brother who has been delivering takeaways wants to call the police.”

Yu Zhaohan asked, “Why.”

“Because that’s how MLM/pyramid scheme order takes out as well.”

Yu Zhaohan was not very happy: “Then did you tell him that we are not MLM/pyramid scheme.”

Cheese interjected: “It’s poverty.”

“Of course, I explained it.”

Yu Zhaohan was relieved: “It’s good that you explained, so we won’t be taken away by the police.”

“Of course not, we are a serious club!” 

The next morning at six o’clock, the R.H foundation was silent, a time when even the internet addicts were sleeping. Yu Zhaohan, who was immersed in sleep, was woken up by a knock on the door: “Shine, get up, let’s review yesterday’s game.”

R.H’s head coach, Lu Youshan, was the sole coach at the time. A hard-core slave and a hot-blooded young man, he did everything in he could to win the game, including, but not limited to, not treating the team members as human beings.

Yu Zhaohan opened his eyes with resentment all over. During the off-season, he called his team members up early in the morning to review other teams’ games. Did Lu Youshan get water in his head when he was taking a shower yesterday?

It shouldn’t be, Lu Youshan must have stayed all night yesterday without taking a bath.

Yu Zhaohan broke the silence, took a deep breath, resisted getting up, and took out of pajamas from the closet to replace the ones on his body. He wanted to wash his face at first, but then realized he was handsome even without it, so he opened the door directly.

He was wearing light blue simple striped pajamas, his face was glowing white and clean, and his lips were slightly red.

The beauty was in front of him, but Lu Youshan, the game demon, was not moved at all: “Hurry up, hurry up! I’ve got a big discovery!”

Yu Zhaohan said concisely: “Go downstairs.”

After several people gathered downstairs, the manager, Old Tan, was also called up. Cheese with a bird’s nest on his head leaned on Old Tan’s shoulder and yawned like a refugee who had returned from a runaway. Yu Zhaohan made a cup of sugar-free Americano to help him get rid of his sleepiness.

Sugar-free Americano was really not for everyone to drink.  He doesn’t understand why the high-cold male protagonists in the novel love to drink it.

“Let’s just watch the third game.” Lu Youshan’s eyes lit up with an abnormal frenzy after the whole night, “10 minutes and 50 seconds, TCO requested a timeout, let’s look at what happened in the five seconds before the timeout- this is the eight people on the field. The location.” Lu Youshan circled eight points on the map in red, “Timeless is on the deck, and TCO’s long/gun is hidden in the bushes on the island. By observing their first view separately it can be found that the long/gun found Timeless’ position at 10 minutes 45 seconds, took 0.3 seconds to put the center of aim on the headshot, and after that for more than three seconds the center of aim followed Timeless’ movement…”

Old Tan handed Lu Youshan a glass of warm water: “Don’t rush, speak slowly.”

“Assuming the TCO’s network delay is x, the reticle moves s distance, the time t, and then count his reaction time… Is this logical?! I can confirm that the TCO is a malicious pause, interfering with the game on purpose.” Lu Youshan scribbled down a long series of complicated formulas, then drank a full glass of water and slammed the glass on the table, exclaiming, “This is fucking evidence!”

Old Tan felt distressed and said: “Take it easy, don’t smash the cup, it’s nine yuan and nine.”

Lu Youshan shouted: “That’s not the point! The last time TCO claimed there was a problem with the headset, they just get away with it, but this time I caught them. Come on. They think it’s a traditional sports competition, and just if you want to pause the game, you can pause it?”

Yu Zhaohan corrected him: “Traditional sports are not paused whenever you want either.”

Cheese made a vomiting gesture into the air, “No, no, I’m really going to vomit.”

Yu Zhaohan stayed away from Cheese and said with disgust, “Don’t vomit on me.”

Old Tan pondered: “I wonder if the IPL coach has found evidence that the TCO maliciously suspended the game.”

“For IPL, the most important thing now is to prepare for the finals, their coach doesn’t have much time.” Yu Zhaohan thought for a while, “Send me this video and formula.”

Old Tan asked: “Do you want to send the video to IPL?”

“No, I’ll just post on Weibo.”

There was something in Lu Youshan’s review that ordinary players might not understand. Yu Zhaohan simplified it before posting it on Weibo, with only a short caption.

Yu Zhaohan was one of the most popular players in the Eastern Division. Not long after it was posted on Weibo, it became popular and was forwarded and commented on by major game bloggers.

[The formula is not clear, but the beautiful captain has spoken, so TCO is dead]

[@Official, the hammer you want is coming, come out and express your position]

[I’ve never been this angry when my boyfriend cheated on me, but I ended up so angry at TCO, my breast/gland grew overnight [Smiles]]

[The match between IPL and TCO, why is Shine posted it on his Weibo early in the morning on the second day of the match. What about IPL’s own people? ]

[There’s nothing strange, the five domestic teams were originally brother teams, and R.H was also cheated by TCO, and this wave also avenged himself]

[Pass it on, R.H and IPL are brothers! ]

[Pass it on, R.H and IPL brothers have become lovers! 】

[Pass it on, R.H and IPL are married! ]

[Pass it on, R.H give birth! ]

Following that, the IPL club’s official Weibo and IPL players all forwarded this Weibo. Then, one by one, the other three domestic brother teams voiced their opinions, and even some European and American clubs in the Western Division who were dissatisfied with TCO launched an Internet protest, asking TCO to explain and respond.

Things got bigger and bigger, and TCO finally came with their small essay:

[We don’t know how the organizer did it, but our players’ operations were indeed affected by network fluctuations. Maybe there’s something wrong with Shanghai’s e-sports venues Undisclosed special technology. In addition, the @IPL.Timeless player had made insulting gestures to our players during the game, causing him to suffer serious psychological trauma. The player is currently undergoing psychotherapy in Seoul.]

Shi Du took time out of his heavy training to respond to TCO, and his response was only one word- pfft.

[Simple word “pfft”, vividly shows TCO’s shamelessness, my brother is so bold, I love it]

[I have already edited the scene of Timeless whipping the corpse, click to see it, no need to thank me]

[I’m a domestic player, I also think the Timeless scene is really overwhelming. This time he whipped someone else, next time it was someone else’s turn to whip him. What you do not wish upon yourself, don’t do it to others]

[Notre Dame de Paris lacks a bell ringer, upstairs you can go there.]

The “Destination” official has suffered from pressure from all directions. Seeing that the player’s boycott was getting more and more fierce, they finally announced the results of the suspension of the semi-final match.

TCO cancels the ranking of this International Invitational Tournament and does not participate in the distribution of the bonus pool. The bonus for the original fourth place will be distributed to other top eight clubs. At the same time, TCO was fined $200,000 and issued a public apology on social media. If the TCO refuses to do so, it will be suspended for one year.

Cheese holding the mobile phone and filled with righteous indignation: “Captain, have you read netizens’ comments? I can’t believe there are still people speaking for TCO, what a big injustice.”

Yu Zhaohan also held his phone and said calmly: “What did it say…”

Cheese typed, and said angrily while chatting with netizens passionately: “Although TCO is wrong, Timeless whips the corpse too much. I asked the commenter to go to Notre Dame Cathedral to ring the bell, and he said that my mother might not be better.”

Yu Zhaohan asked: “Are you angry?”

“Of course, he’s scolding my mother!”

Yu Zhaohan said solemnly: “Don’t be angry. Anger will only make you lose your mind.”

Cheese said excitedly: “But he scolds my mom!”

Yu Zhaohan paused, trying to come up with a compelling and philosophical sentence in his knowledgeable mind, but was disappointed to discover that how to console his scolded teammates was still a blind spot in his knowledge. In any case, his final obstinacy was rhyming: “Remember: virtual network virtual mother, virtual ancestral graves are not afraid to dig.”

Cheese stared, and opened his mouth into an O shape.

Yu Zhaohan was a little disturbed, and said calmly: “What’s wrong.”

“Captain woo woo woo,” Cheese sniffed, “You are really good at it, I want to set this sentence as my mobile wallpaper.”

Yu Zhaohan was relieved: “It’s up to you.” He stared at the screen of the phone again, wondering in his heart- Wasn’t it three days, how come it hasn’t come yet, there won’t be any accident, right?

Ding, an incoming text message popped up on the phone, lighting up Yu Zhaohan’s cold face.

At this time, Old Tan happened to come down from the second floor and said, “Shine, I asked the tournament officials, and they said that the appearance fee for the guest seats will be paid in three working days. Did you get it?”

Yu Zhaohan calmly said: “I didn’t notice it. I’ll check it later.”